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1、The filming of A bite of China在被食品安全问题困扰的中国,数千万中国人在一部纪录片舌尖上的中国中,重新找到了传统美食的可贵和食物中蕴含的人情味。中国中央电视台制作的舌尖上的中国自5月14日播出以来,不仅在夜晚10:30的时段掀起收视高潮,更是在网络上获得接近两千万的点击量。中国的“吃货”们守在银幕前,一边被诱人美食勾得直咽口水,一边为质朴的人情故事感动落泪。图为“屋顶上的菜园”拍摄现场。 While China is full of food security problems, thousands of Chinese recovered the value a

2、nd friendliness of traditional food through a documentary named A bite of China. Since it broadcat on 14th May on CCTV, it not only brings a peak of audience ratings during 10:30p.m., but also gains a click-through rate of nearly 20 million on the Internet. Those Chinese foodies wait in front of tel

3、evisions, swallowing saliva for the delicious food and tearing for the simple stories. The pitcure of the scene is roof garden.这部7集纪录片由最普通的中国人的故事交织而成。中国广袤的土地上,丰富的食材、多样的烹饪方式展示出当代中国人的真实生活。纪录片每集一个主题,透过原料、主食、贮藏、烹饪、生态等窗口展现食物给中国人生活带来的饮食、伦理等方面的文化。图为“垛田”拍摄现场。 This 7 part documentary is made up of the most o

4、rdinary Chineses stories. In the vast land of China, rich ingredients and various cuisines show the real life of local Chinese. Each theme of the documentary opens up the culture of diet and ethics that food brings through raw materials, main food, storage, cuisine and ecology. The picture is the sc

5、ene of duotian.面对镜头中唯美的美食,网友感叹现实中食品安全问题的揪心,不少网友疾呼,“镜头内外是,现实的舌尖上可能只剩下一张化学元素周期表”。图为拍摄现场。Faced with the perfect and delicious food in the scene, online friends are worried about the reality of food security. Many of them called stridently, There are two China inside and outside the scene, and maybe it

6、only left a periodic table of chemical element in the reality. The picture is the scene of filming.中国的美食上寄托着许多细腻的情感。”舌尖上的中国第四集导演张铭欢说,在纪录片拍摄过程中,整个摄制组20余位工作人员历时13个月走遍中国60多个地方。面对纷杂的食材,张铭欢和他的同事确立了一项选择标准:拍摄承载中国人精神的食物。图为摄影师闫大众。 Chinese food contains too much exquisite affection. Zhang Minghuan, the direct

7、or of Episode forth of A bite of China said, during the filming of the documentary, the whole personnel spent 13 months travelling over more than 60 places in China. Faced with various food materials, Zhang Minghuan, together with his collegues, established a selection criteria: filming the food tha

8、t carries Chinese spirit. The picture is the photographer-Yan Dadong.“我们要拍摄的不是名厨名菜,而是普通人的家常菜。”陈晓卿说,“正如纪录片文案中写的那样,当今的中国,每座城市外表都很接近。唯有饮食习惯,能成为区别于其他地方的标签。城市变得极为相似,唯一的不同就是楼宇森林之间烹饪的食物和空气中食物的香气。”图为“松茸采摘”拍摄现场。 We are filming home dishes of comman people rather than famious dishes. Chen Xianqing said, As is

9、 written in the documentary,Each citys appearance is alike in todays China. And eating habits is the label which can differ from others. Cities become similar, the only difference between them is the food and its smell in the air among skyscrapers. The picture is the scene of mushroom picking. 陈晓卿说,

10、中国之“变”是这部纪录片的重要主题。“我们在纪录片里展示了传统农耕的中国,但也告诉大家很多传统正在改变,有些片中出现的人可能是最后一代传承手艺的人。”图为“甜味的秘密”拍摄现场。 The main theme of the documentary is the changes of China. We show the traditional farming of China as well as displaying the changing traditions. Some people appear in the scene might be the last generation to

11、 transmit these craftsmanship. The picture is the scene of sweet secret.电视纪录片是一件充满遗憾的工作。如果再有半年时间和多一点经费,我相信我们能把片子打磨得更加完美。”陈晓卿说。图为“西藏青稞收获”拍摄现场。 Television documentary is something that will be full of pities. If there is another six months and more funds, I believe we will make it more perfect. Chen X

12、iaoqing said. The picture is the scene of the harvest of highland barley in Tibet.随着观众预期的提高和成功的市场营销,可以预见接下来会拍摄舌尖的续集。”陈晓卿说。他告诉记者,自己制片的下一部作品是讲述中国人完成巨型工程的纪录片超级工程,而另一部大型纪录片丝路也在后期制作中,即将搬上银幕。“这只是个开始,标志着我们在向国际影像叙事靠近,前面的路还有很长。”陈晓卿说。图为“香醋”拍摄现场。 With the enhance of audiences expectation and the success of mar

13、keting, we can anticipate the sequel of A bite of China. Chen Xiaoqing said. He told to the reporter that his next work-Super engineering, is a doumentary about gaint engineering that completed by Chinese. Another one-The Silk Road, is under the post production and will be on the screen. It is just

14、a beginning. All it reprsents is that we are approaching to the International image narration, but there is still a long way in front of us. The picture is the scene of aromatic vinegar.随着观众预期的提高和成功的市场营销,可以预见接下来会拍摄舌尖的续集。”陈晓卿说。他告诉记者,自己制片的下一部作品是讲述中国人完成巨型工程的纪录片超级工程,而另一部大型纪录片丝路也在后期制作中,即将搬上银幕。“这只是个开始,标志着

15、我们在向国际影像叙事靠近,前面的路还有很长。”陈晓卿说。图为“香醋”拍摄现场。 With the enhance of audiences expectation and the success of marketing, we can anticipate the sequel of A bite of China. Chen Xiaoqing said. He told to the reporter that his next work-Super engineering, is a doumentary about gaint engineering that completed by

16、 Chinese. Another one-The Silk Road, is under the post production and will be on the screen. It is just a beginning. All it reprsents is that we are approaching to the International image narration, but there is still a long way in front of us.The picture is the scene of aromatic vinegar.“新会陈皮”拍摄现场。 The picture is the scene of the new citrus兴化垛田”拍摄现场。 The picture is the sc



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