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1、 STAR RECOVERY GUIDELINESRevised on: January 31, 2005AREAPROBLEM DESCRIPTIONSEVERITYAction PlanReservationandCheck-inCheck-in入住Check in process takes a long time入住过程时间过长Low低 Verbal apology by GSA/GRM. GSA/GRM口头致歉 Offer late check-out according to availability.根据住房率,提供延迟退房Delayed check-in due to room

2、 not ready or Fidelio system failure因为房间尚未清洁好或电脑系统故障延迟入住Medium中 Verbal apology by GSA/GRM. GSA/GRM口头致歉 Offer welcome drinks at Garden Lounge/Pagoda Lounge while guest waits. 等候期间在翠荫廊/塔影廊提供客人饮料 Inform guest immediately when room is ready. 房间一准备好立即通知客人 Grant only one out of the following: 可以采取以下其中一种处理

3、方式:a. Complimentary F3 sent to room after check-in.客人入住后提供客人免费标准F3水果盘b. Offer late check-out according to availability.根据住房率,提供延迟退房c. Offer room upgrade to next best category according to availability.根据住房率,将房间升级至下一级别最好的房间 Update guest profile background notes by GSA/GRM GSA/GRM更新客史资料Room Type房间类型In

4、correct room type房间类型错误Medium中 Verbal apology by GSA/GRM. GSA/GRM口头致歉 Reconfirm room type requested. 重新确认客人要求的房间类型 Grant only a or b: 采取a或b 处理方式a. Complimentary F3 with an apology card sent to room after check-in.客人入住后提供免费F3水果盘并附致歉卡b. Offer late check-out according to availability.根据住房率,提供延迟退房 Updat

5、e guest profile background notes. 更新客史资料Confirmed room type not available at check-in入住时不能提供为客人确认过的房间类型High高 Verbal apology by GRM/MOD. GRM/值班经理口头致歉 Grant a & b, last c: 可以采取以下a和b的处理方式,最后可用C:a. Complimentary F3 sent to room after check-in with apology card. 客人入住后提供客人F3水果盘并附致歉卡b. Offer late check-out

6、 according to availability根据住房率,提供延迟退房c. Offer room upgrade to next best category according to availability. 根据住房率,将房间升级至下一级别最好的房间 Update guest profile background notes. 更新客史资料No room available with guaranteed booking不能提供客人担保预订过的房间High高 Verbal apology by GRM/FOM/MOD and if necessary GM/EAM. GRM/FOM/

7、值班经理口头致歉如果有需要GM/EAM口头致歉 Pre-contact Neighbour Hotel and search for available room and book room 提前联系相邻的其他酒店寻找并且预订可住的房间 Contact Transportation department to send Limousine to Hotel lobby 同车队联系派车送到酒店大堂 GRM escorts guest to booked Hotel GRM 陪同客人到预订的酒店 SSH pay for Room/One telephone call/Limousine trans

8、fer 苏州喜来登支付房费/一次电话费/豪华轿车接送 Following day, guest returns to SSH by limousine. 第二天客人乘豪华轿车返回苏州吴宫喜来登大酒店 Guest is met by GRM/FOM and if necessary GM/EAM. GRM/FOM如有需要GM/EAM迎接 Offer room upgrade to next best category according to availability. 根据住房率,将房间升级至下一级别最好房间 Complimentary F2 with an apology card sent

9、 to room after check-in. 客人入住后F2水果盘并附致歉卡 Update guest profile background notes. 更新客史资料Staff员工Staff unable to provide information when requested员工不能提供客人需要的信息Low低 Verbal apology by complaint receiver and provides guest with information accordingly.接到投诉的员工口头致歉并且提供客人需求的信息Staff not courteous or unfriendl

10、y员工不礼貌或态度无理Medium中 Verbal apology by GRM. GRM口头致歉 Complimentary F3 with an apology card sent to room.客人入住后提供F3水果盘并附致歉卡Luggage行李Luggage delivered late to room after check-in入住后行李送至房间速度太慢Low低 Verbal apology by Chief Concierge/Shift Leader.礼宾部经理/主管口头致歉 A follow-up call to guest room after delivery.行李送至

11、房间后跟进致歉电话 Update guest profile background notes.更新客史资料Luggage lost/damaged (Hotel is responsible)行李丢失/损坏(由于酒店的责任)High高 Verbal apology by GRM/MOD.GRM/值班经理口头致歉 Send an apology letter from GRM/MOD.GRM/值班经理发出致歉信 Replace or reimburse for lost/damaged item as per Hotel policy. (guest should provide detail

12、 list, and invoice of all the items as well)根据酒店政策使用其他物品代替或者偿还丢失/损坏的物品(客人需提供 物品清单及发票) A follow-up call to guest room after appropriate action taken.在采取行动后通过电话跟进此事 Update guest profile background notes.更新客史资料 Incident Report. 事故报告Lobby大堂Dirty Hotel lobby area酒店大堂区域不清洁Low低 Verbal apology by GSA/GRMGSA

13、/GRM口头致歉 Contact HSKP immediately. 与管家部联系及时跟进Others其他Checked into an unmade room提供尚未清洁的房间供客人入住High高 Verbal apology by GRM/MODGRM/值班经理口头致歉 Offer welcome drinks at Garden Lounge/Pagoda Lounge在萃英廊/塔影廊提供客人欢迎饮料 Immediately assign a clean room with an upgrade to one category higher.立即分配一间清洁空房并升级至下一级别最好的房间

14、 Complimentary F2 with an apology card sent to room. 提供客人免费F2水果盘,并附致歉卡 Update guest profile background notes.更新客史资料Guest is given room occupied by another guest提供一间住客房供客人入住High高 Verbal apology by GRM/MOD.GRM/值班经理口头致歉 Immediately assign a clean room with an upgrade to one category higher.立即分配一间清洁空房并升级至下一级别最好的房间 Complimentary F2 with an apology card sent to room.提供客人免费F2水果盘并附致歉卡 Update guest profile background notes更新客史资料Guest RoomCleanliness卫生Room/Bathroom not clean房间浴室不清洁Low低 Verbal apology by complaint receiver.接到投诉的员工口头致歉 Inform Housekeeping for room at


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