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1、学校代码: 10036 课程论文开题报告傲慢与偏见中言语反讽的关联理论研究培养单位: 英语学院课程名称: 语言学研究方向: 经贸翻译作 者: 赵明玉日 期: 二一三年 九月十日1 Introduction Verbal irony is a interesting and significant phenomena in conversational interactions, Many scholars has engaged in researching it so as to make clear its cognitive-pragmatic mechanism. And the th

2、esis, based on the achievements made within the relevance-theoretic framework, applies the method of quantitative as well as qualitative analysis and studies the specific verbal irony cases in Pride and Prejudice. It takes verbal irony as a case and presents a comprehensive account of the generative

3、 and operative mechanisms underlying its use as well as the communicative effects it may produce or is intended to achieve in order to fully reveal its richness of meaning, diversity of function and complexity of use, especially in setting up a new viewpoint to comprehend the literary texts.1.1 Need

4、 for the StudyIt has been thousands of years for studying irony, which can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. After Plato, many scholars from various studying fields analyzed and explained this kind of language phenomenonirony. The study of irony first originated in the field of rhetoric. Later,

5、many analyses on irony appeared in the fields of semantics, psychology, pragmatics and especially cognitive pragmatics. With the development of pragmatics, many a scholar preceded deep and theoretical studies on its application, among which Grices interpretation of conversational implicature, Searle

6、s insincere speech act theory, and Leechs politeness theory were of great significance. In 1981, Sperber and Wilson opened the door into a new world of irony comprehension. They proposed treating irony as a kind of implicit echoic dissociative use within the framework of Relevance Theory, developing

7、 the study of ironic utterances into a cognitive field.According to Sperber and Wilson, one of the questions that should be kept in mind in assessing a new approach to human communication is whether it is relevant to more than one of the many disciplines involved in the study of human communication,

8、 such as linguistics, pragmatics, literary studies, and whether it could foster fruitful interactions among them. Since literature is deemed as verbal irony art (Halliday, 1983: viii), literary texts provide the scholar of language with a testing ground for the most advanced theoretical models, a ba

9、sis for the application of linguistic theories, to be verified, further improved and perfected. By placing the argument on the basis of the relevance-theoretic framework of verbal irony, and applying the framework to the study of ironic utterances in literary discourses, the thesis attempts to show

10、the feasibility of applying the relevance-theoretic approach to the study of verbal irony. Verbal irony may thus be treated as a test case: success or failure in this domain should have implications for our view of utterance interpretation as a whole and make further contributions to the wider range

11、 of application of relevance theory.In addition, no account of communication in general will be complete without an account of literature and its contextualization, and no account of literature will be complete without an account of its use of communication resource generally available. Although lit

12、erary texts are characterized by the multiplicity of communication sources (characters, authors, readers, etc. ), they do not fundamentally distinguish from any other type of communication in terms of the interpersonal interaction. The writing and reading of literary texts can be seen as interactive

13、 communicative processes. Given the integration of the literary work into a relevance-theoretic framework of verbal irony, the study will benefit the linguistic analysis of literature precisely because of the relevance-theoretic concepts of interpretive and echoic use. These terms allow us to examin

14、e the significance of authorial distance within an overall account of communicative processes, thus relieving at least this respect of literature of its special status and relating it to other forms of indirect communication such as verbal irony. Furthermore, the relevance-theoretic approach to cont

15、ext proposes rules for choosing the most approach to context for propositions. Therefore, it touches on crucial questions for literary theory. By applying the improved relevance-theoretic framework of verbal irony to the study of ironic utterances in literary texts, the thesis will make methodologic

16、al proposals for analyzing verbal irony in literary text, context and area that connects the two, these proposal will contribute to general pragmatic theory of literature.1.2 Structure of Thesis The thesis consists of seven chapters. The present chapter is intended as a general introduction to the whole research.Chapter 2 is a literature review. It has a survey of, and a re-speculation about the semantic, pragmatic a



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