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1、resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached . .%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only . .%, below the city-wide average . . A percentage point, and . . Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises gro

2、w, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all . . Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic dev

3、elopment. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement three is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the qualit

4、y of peoples lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting three, we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for

5、the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of three is the top priority of every town, street, Department. Three as the Countys first project, core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully

6、take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of2013.年6月4日、6月6日第一届“辅导站NEEDU”工管系二级心理辅导站第一届“辅导站NEEDU”活动策划书一、 活动目的:为了提前发现,挑选并且储备好12级干部人选,同时减少干事们对于竞选干部的心理压力以及人际关系的担忧,利用举办类似职位招聘节目的比赛活动,一方面使得辅导站能够甄选出适合辅导站干部岗位的干事,能够留下人才。另一方面,减少干部换届竞选给干事带来的紧张的影响,同时也可以激发大家参

7、与竞争的积极性。二、 活动名称:辅导站NEED U!三、 活动对象:工管系辅导站大一干事四、 活动时间:2013年6月6日(周四),18:0021:302013年6月8日(周六),18:0021:30五、 活动地点:1、 综合实验楼C402教室。(活动按面试岗位不同分组分场次进行,无特殊情况下皆申请本教室作为活动地点。)2、 若出现特殊原因申请C402教室失败,则转至其他符合场地要求的多媒体教室进行。六、 活动主题:用行动诠释“心若在,梦就在“七、 活动形式:参考职来职往节目形式,依照不同职位分组分场次进行面试比赛。八、 活动策划原则:u 面试主题原则:本活动以干部面试为核心,着重甄选合适辅导

8、站干部岗位的接班人。u 创新性原则:在首次举办本活动的前提下,参考职来职往节目的形式,融入辅导站特色并结合辅导站本次预换届的实际情况,对比赛过程,规则等都进行特色创新。u 可操作性原则:本次活动的各个环节务求贴合实际,根据实际情况进行操作。u 公平公开原则:本次活动的选手选拔,以及评委评选都要坚持公平、公正、公开的原则。九、 活动组委会:主办单位:工商管理学系二级心理辅导站承办部门:二级心理辅导站建心部评委小组:二级心理辅导站指导老师、顾问、主席团以及各部门现任部长。十、 活动流程概述:(详情参见【附件1】)十一、 人员安排:1. 健心部副部长黄晓婷负责统筹此次活动。2. 培心部司仪队负责人欧

9、雪如担任主持人。3. 部门除部长外干部全部担任工作人员,由黄晓婷统一调度。十二、 工作安排:黄晓婷与李捷商量修改,太乱了1. 宣心部负责布置现场,拍照等工作。2. 主持人负责主持本次活动,引导选手上下场。3. 财务部根据活动需要准备好物资(布置现场的物资等)4. 健心部负责报名表的收回以及统计,以及安排比赛相关事宜。5. 评委组负责本次活动评委工作,为辅导站进行严格的面试甄选。6. 站内活动宣传,由健心部发布宣传稿进行传阅,在微博以及群里宣传。十三、 比赛要求:(详见【附件2】)十四、 竞选岗位描述:(详见【附件3】)十五、 活动奖项设置:设置“最佳职位达人”三名,“活力四射魅力奖”,“前途无

10、限潜力奖”,“明日之星种子奖”各两名,颁发荣誉证书。工商管理学系二级心理辅导站健心部2013年6月1日运营保障部分行政管理、物业管理、党群工作和IT信息四个职能方向。行政管理下设综合主管、综合管理(内勤)、后勤保障、固定资产管理resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached . .%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only . .%, below the city-wide averag

11、e . . A percentage point, and . . Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all . . Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy

12、saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement three is the main driving force for accelerating urbaniz

13、ation. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of peoples lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic developme

14、nt throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting three, we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of three is the top priority of every town, street, Department. Three as the Countys f

15、irst project, core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of心若在,梦就在,二级心理辅导站给你一个舞台【附件1】第一届“辅导站 NEED U”比赛流程本次比赛共三个环节,第一环节为梦从心开始,选手面对评委进行3分钟自我介绍。第二环节

16、为站上梦舞台,选手依评委要求进行实际案例分析模拟。第三环节为梦想面对面,选手与评委正面交锋,评委进行深度提问,深刻了解选手的能力与潜能。每个环节评委均可就各自职位感兴趣的内容进一步提问,比赛过程中,评委可依据选手表现竖起“I NEED YOU”的牌子表示认可,放下“I NEED YOU”的牌子表示待定。第一部分:梦从心开始(时间:3分钟)选手进行3分钟自我介绍。介绍内容必须包括以下四部分内容: 1、个人基本信息;2、当初加入辅导站的初衷,如今初衷是否有所改变,有怎样的变化?3、请描述自己最为突出的三个性格特点,并举例简单说明一下。4、请说出一件进入辅导站以来让你印象最为深刻的事情,为什么?第二部分:站上梦舞台(时间:5分钟)详情参见



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