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1、外研版初中英语中考重点词汇篇一:外研版英语初三总复习重点词组汇总英伦教育-初三总复习重点词组归纳(1-80)1 try to do sth :尽力做某事2 be against doing sth 反对做某事3 be suitable for sb to do sth 适合某人做某事 4 be surprised to do 惊奇地做某事 5 care for 关心 6 take care of 照顾7 urge sb to do sth 强烈要求某人做某事 8 endangered animals 频危动物9 stop doing sth 停止做某事(手头正在做的事情)10 turn off

2、 关掉 11 hear of 听说 12 pull down 摧毁13 be made from /of 由.制成14 in onespare time 在某人闲暇时间 15 be discovered 被发现16 in ones life 在某人的一生中17 provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物 18 wash ones hair 洗头发19 raise money for sb 为某人筹钱20 make sb sad 使某人伤心 (怎么样)21 make sb do sth 使某人做某事 22 keep sb doing 使某人一直做某事 23 keep out 抵挡 防御

3、 24 aim at 瞄准25 make money 赚钱26 for instance / example 比如 27 so that 以致 以便28 so that . 如此.以至于. 29 have sales 降价 30 learn from 向.学习 31 heavy traffic 交通拥挤 32 at times 有时 33 in time 及时 34 on time 准时35 lead sb to do sth 引导某人做某事 36 tell the truth 说实话 37 to start with 首先 38 clean out 清除39 chop wood 砍木头40

4、light a fire for breakfast 生火做早饭41 win an award 赢得奖赏 42 have concerts 举行音乐会 43 lead singer 主唱44 get back to sb 过一会再与某人通话 45 good luck to sb 祝某人好运 46 thanks to 幸亏 由于 多亏47 look forward to doing 期待做某事 48 in a minute 一会儿49 say goodbay to 向.告别50 on the music scene 在音乐领域 51 a hit CD 一张热销的CD52 go on a worl

5、d tour 继续世界之旅 53 in the top 10 在排行榜前十名 54 some day 有朝一日 55 so far 到目前为止 56 would rather 宁愿57 department store 百货商店 58 furniture store 家具店 59 water slide 水上滑道 60 hang out 闲荡61 make a telephone call 打电话 62 save money 存钱63 exchange money 兑换钱币64 take the escalator / elevator 乘扶梯/电梯65 turn left / right向左

6、/右 转 66 take a vacation 度假67 on the other hand 另一方面 68 in a way 在某种程度上 69 next to 在.附近 70 dress up 打扮成71 depend on 取决于;依赖于72 in order to为了(不). 73 shake hands 握手74 be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 75 drop by 顺便拜访76 be relaxed about 对.随意 77 after all毕竟;终究 78 wipe with. 用.擦. 79 make a noise 制造噪音 80 stick in

7、to 把.插入.篇二:新外研版初中英语教材考点分析外研版初中英语教材考点分析七年级上册第 1 页 共 1 页七年级下册第 3 页 共 3 页八年级上册第 4 页 共 4 页篇三:外研版中考英语词汇试题初中英语词汇练习1. He turned off the light and the room was in xxplete .2. My grandfather began to learn English in his3. The girl felt because she couldnt go swimming with her friends.4. Ben promised to keep

8、 the secret for his sister, Kitty.5. Mary tried her best to learn Physics well and she at last.6. You must judge a person by his not by what he says.7. We all think Helen is a secretary.8. Steve Jobs made the fans of Apple from all over the world very sad.9. Mr. White lives on the_ floor in that bui

9、lding.10. Walking in the space is one of the _ of our time.11. Tom will study still _ next term.12. He is very careless, so he is _ to be in charge of the experiment.13. The plane landed _ at last after flying in the storm for about one hour.14. Have you ever seen how to _ a cow15. Not everyone enjo

10、ys fast food. Jack is the one who _ hamburgers.16. At the end of every year, some people go back to their _ homes.there.18. The man was too tired to walk upstairs to the floor of the building.well last year.disasters on the earth.landed at the airport.25. Two bank _were reported in this area last mo

11、nth.26. China has bexxe the _country to build a space station.27. _is the most important thing for a people.28. If you want to _things better, youd better have a healthier diet.29. Some _people have traditional turkeys for Christmas dinner.30. President hujingtao made a _on TV last Wednesday to welx

12、xe the new year.31. Some kinds of xxputers are so tiny that people may be _of them.32. Many people like to keep pet dogs because dogs will love people _for many years.33. My father has worked as an _ in the factory for several years.34. The story tells us that the strange animal is the _ son of the

13、dragon.35. Do you know who will make a_ on the history of the USA this afternoon36. The newly-built bridge will _ the citizens to cross the river more conveniently.37. The kids were excited when they saw so many _ cartoons in the amusement park.38. The 70-year-old man was _ ill and died a few months

14、 later.39. Though they are really great, they have never thought of themselves as _.40. It is reported that the small island country may _ in the years to xxe. will be the _nation to build a space station in outer space._ while getting off the train. The ground is wet. the top of the _ you can have a birds eyes view of the whole city. guests were told to introduce _ before the opening ceremony. students in that school are _ from Asian countries like Japan. human beings are cl



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