冀教版三起六年级上册Lesson 5练习题及答案

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1、Lesson 5 In the Living Room1、 给图片选择正确的短语解释。A. watch TVB. read news papersC. on the floorD. in the living roomE. play cardsF. sit in a chair( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )6. him, you, me, We, them二、从方框中选择合适的词填空。1. Are_ready? 一Yes, I am.2. _are in the living room.3. Mum tells_a story.4. Lets help_wa

2、ter the flowers.5. Mr.and Mrs.Smith are reading newspapers. Lynn is in front of_.三、根据我们一家人的照片,照例子回答问题。例如:一What is my brother doing? He is eating ice cream.l. What is my mother doing? _2. What is my sister doing? _ 3. _? _答案一、1. F 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A二、1. you 2. We 3. me 4. you 5. them三、1. She is washing clothes(in the bathroom). 2. She is sitting in a chair. 3. What is my grandfather doing? He is reading news papers.


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