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1、When in Rome do as the Romans do,Preparation,If you received an invitation for a party which is to begin at 7 p.m., when will you arrive?,Have you experienced culture shock? If yes, Please describe it to us!,美国人最盛行在圣诞节互赠礼品。美国人认为单数是吉利的。有时只送三个梨也不感到菲薄,不同于中国人讲究成双成对。美国人收到礼物,一定要马上打开,当着送礼人的面欣赏或品尝礼物,并立即向送礼者


3、那样阿拉伯主人一定要你收下这件东西,否则心里将鄙视你。,在法国送礼,一般选在重逢时。礼品选择应表示出对法国主人的智慧的赞美,应邀去法国人家用餐时,应送几枝不捆扎的鲜花。,日本人有送礼的习俗。但一般送些对其本人没什么用途的物品,这样收礼人可以再转送。日本人喜欢中国的丝绸和名酒及中药。到普通百姓家作客,送菊花(chrysanthemum)只能十五片花瓣(petal),皇家徽章才有十六瓣的菊花 。,拉丁美洲不能送刀剪,否则认为友情的完结,手帕也不能作为礼品,因为它是和眼泪相联系的。拉丁美洲人喜欢美国生产的小型家用产品,比如厨房用具等。在拉美国家,征税很高的物品极受欢迎,最好不送奢侈品。,Textua

4、l Structure Part I: (Para. 1-2) People form different cultures may have different ways of doing things and that is important in cross-cultural communications. Part II: (Para. 3-6) By citing examples of dos and donts in a number of countries, the writer tells us how the cultures may differ in differe

5、nt parts of the world.,Part Two Section I (Para. 3): Customs in Japan. Section II (Para. 4): Customs in Sweden. Section III (Para.5): Customs in Mexico. Section IV (Para.6): Customs in Egypt.,Questions for Part I,How is tipping different in Japan and Egypt? Is it customary for people to inquire abou

6、t ones spouse and family in Saudi Arabia?,reward: N. & V A reward is a sum of money offered to anyone who give information about lost or stolen property or about someone who is wanted by the police. Several days ago, a reward of 600,000 was offered for the arrest of the merciless murderer who killed

7、 a guard. something given or received in return for work, merit or services One reward of being a teacher is the feeling of being respected and loved.,Reward sb (for sth/doing sth) Is this how you reward me for helping/ my help? His diligence and perseverance were rewarded when the offer from Harvar

8、d university finally arrived.,Inquire To ask about information Inquire about I called to inquire about railroad shuttle timetable. Inquire into: investigate something carefully We will inquire further into this matter. Inquire after sb: ask about sbs health or welfare Being thousands of miles far aw

9、ay from home, I usually call my parents up twice a week, inquiring after them. Inquire something of somebody She inquired of me most politely whether I would like to continue.,Intrude If you say that someone is intruding into a particular place or situation, you mean that they are not wanted or welc

10、ome there. The press has been blamed for intruding into peoples personal lives in an unacceptable way. Disturb or has an unwanted effect on something A translator shouldnt intrude his own opinions into what hes translating. Invade Well wipe out any enemy that dare to invade our territory.,Private no

11、t (to be) revealed to others; secret, belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group only; personal The public is fascinated by the private lives of public figures. The Queen is making a private visit to Canada. In the newly amended constitution, the protection for private ownership o

12、f property is enhanced. Private enterprise/ school/ detective,Questions for Part II How has greeting custom changed in Japan? Why dont Japanese people invite guests to their homes? Will Japanese people open the gift on receiving it?,Bowing Japanese,Clog and kimono,Extend become larger or longer in s

13、pace or time It is reported that the hot weather will extend into mid-April. stretch out (a part of) the body at full length She stretched her neck up, wishing to catch a glimpse of that famous actor. extend sth (to sb): offer or give sth On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to extend a warm wel

14、come to you, our distinguished visitors.,Human Body throat 咽喉 abdomen 腹部 shoulder 肩 back 背 waist 腰 hip 臀部 muscle 肌肉 joint 关节 blood vessel 血管 vein 静脉 artery 动脉 nerve 神经 forehead 额 temple 太阳穴 eyebrow 眉毛,Modest not large in amount, size, etc. Live in a modest little house May I make a modest suggestion

15、? having or showing a not too high opinion of ones abilities, qualities He has got a drawer of certificate of merit, but he is too modest to show off.,Frown N. & V. Draw ones eyebrows together, because they are annoyed, worried, or puzzled, or because they are concentrating on thinking She looked up

16、 from her exam paper with a worried frown. Peter frowns at the noise coming from the boys dormitory when they are supposed to go to bed. Frown upon: disapprove of sth Speaking ill of others behind their backs is always frown upon by us.,Wrap fold paper or cloth tightly round something to cover it completely Every Christmas even, Susan will be busing wrapping all the gifts up. Wrap somebody in cotton wool: protect sb too much from dangers or risks The children will get spoiled if t



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