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1、高二人教新课标版选修七,Unit 3 Under the sea,Reading,Pre-reading,Do you know about whales?,killer whale (虎鲸),Killer whales are one of the top predators(食肉动物) in the sea. As a group, killer whales are known to eat fish, squid, seals, sea lions, penguins, even other whales.,虎鲸/ 杀手鲸,Orcas are highly social animals

2、 that travel in groups called pods. Pods usually consist of 5 to 30 whales, and are led by females. Orca pods often work together to catch a meal.,鲸群,Baleen whales have no teeth but instead have baleen plates with which the whales can filter the food out of the water.,须鲸,On the top of the head, toot

3、hed whales have a single blowhole(呼吸孔), the baleen whales have two blowholes, which open only when the whale takes a breath.,annual migration,Most baleen whales migrate over the entire globe, moving from the Antarctic(南极) where they feed on kill, to the sub-tropics (亚热带), where they breed and spend

4、the winter season.,feed in summer in cold waters and spend the winter in warmer waters without an abundance of food.,Killer whales are attacking a baleen whale with whalers waiting by in their boat, harpoon(鱼叉) at the ready.,What is happening in the picture?,Background,Clancy,a whaler,anecdotes (轶事;

5、 奇闻),at the beginning of the 20th century,Australia,Whalers, killer whales and baleen whales,The killer whale helped the whalers to kill a baleen whale,Reading,Read the text fast, and fill in the following blanks with the proper names:,1. _ was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling sta

6、tion. 2. _ ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay. 3. _ was swimming by the boat, showing the whalers the way.,Clancy,Old Tom,George,4. _ told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale. 5. _ was carried by the waves further and f

7、urther away from the whalers. 6. _ knew that Old Tom would protect James.,James,Red,Jack,True or False,1. There was no evidence that Old Tom was helping out the whalers. 2.The author compares the killer whales with a dog.,F,T,3. The killer whales worked as a team. 4. The killer whales dragged the wh

8、ale under the water to feed on its body. 5. The whalers returned home with the whales body. 6. Old Tom didnt help out James.,T,F,F,F,When he witnessed it with his own eyes many times.,When did Clancy begin to believe that the killer whales would help the whalers to catch the huge whales?,Answer thos

9、e questions.,2. Why did Old Tom throw itself out of the water and then crash down again? 3. Why did the whalers return home without the whales body?,Because he was telling us theres a whale out there for us.,Because the body would not float to the surface until about 24 hours later.,4. Whats the rel

10、ationship between Old Tom and the whalers?,Old Tom had a strong relationship with the whalers. Not only did Old Tom help them to catch the whales, but also saved a whalers life. There was obviously a great deal of understanding and cooperation between them.,Choose the best answers.,1. What is the ma

11、in idea of the first story? A. About a hunting experience of old Tom. B. About how the killer whales helps the whalers to hunt a whale. C. About how the whalers killed Old Tom. D. About how the killer whales killed the whales.,B,2. Whats the main idea of the second story? About how Old Tom protected

12、 and saved James. B. About how Old Tom killed a shark. C. About how a shark attacked James. D. About how a shark killed Old Tom.,A,3. Who killed the whale at last? A. Old Tom. B. The killer whales. C. The author. D. The whalers.,D,4. Which of the following might be true? A. The author was for bannin

13、g whaling. B. The author was against banning whaling. C. Whaling was not banned at the beginning of the 20th century. D. The author thought it was Old Toms duty to protect James.,C,5. From the text, we can conclude that _. The whalers neednt train the killer whales. B. The whalers may train the kill

14、er whales. C. The killer whales lived on other whales. D. The author worked in the whale station for a long time.,B,Comprehending,1 Put the events in the reading passage into this timeline. Write a sentence in each of the boxes. Three sentences have been given.,1. Clancy arrived at the whaling stati

15、on.,2. He heard a loud noise coming from the bay.,3. He saw a huge animal in the water, which was Old Tom, the killer whale.,4. The men went to the boat and headed out for a whale hunt.,5. The killer whale guided the team to the hunt.,6. Clancy and his men killed the baleen whale with help of the ki

16、llers.,7. The killers ate the lips and tongue of the baleen whale.,8. The men returned for the baleen whale the next day.,1. What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping the whalers out?,Old Tom let the whalers know that there was a baleen whale nearby; he showed them the way to whale.,2 In pairs answer the questions.,Evidence of helping the whalers,throw itself out of the water and crash down again,Telling the whalers theres a whale


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