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1、托福基础听力,Basic Listening for TOEFL test Edited by Jennifer Deng NOS,托福听力第二卷 先入为主,主动出击,场景分析 :长对话+长段子 长对话类:(生活英语) 讲座类: 学 自然科学:天文地理,化学,光学,电学,声学,海洋学,考古,物理,地质,计算机,数学 社会科学:心理,语言,历史,哲学,法律,农业,经济,传媒,教育 生命科学:动植物,医疗卫生,营养,生物,长对话场景,1. office hour 教授的面谈时间: 包括要求延期交作业,考试没考好问题,具体询问某个问题 2. service encounter 学校的各项学生服务:包

2、括租房服务,心理咨询,找工作, 安排学期旅游,学校功能介绍,医疗服务,生活咨询等,场景法,He got in and pushed the button for the forth floor. Question: What did he do? A. He took the elevator B. He sewed the buttons on C. He dropped something on the floor D. He made him go upstairs,register的词汇: 如registration,course enrollment form,signed by a

3、cademic advisor,get the departments approval,stamp your form,approved,pay for tuition,officially enrolled,pick up identification card,注册场景 Q1. When would this talk be given? A. At the beginning of a semester. B. During the mid-semester vacation. C. At final examination time. D. Just before a gymnast

4、ics event. Q2. Where are the students going tomorrow? A. To registration office. B. To a class reunion. C. To their classes. D. To a track meet.,真实生活写照 E.g. 课上教授不冷不热,课下与舍友性格兴趣不合 学生咨询理财 Bright side,长对话场景,1. 住宿租房咨询场景,常考对话:学生搬换宿舍,搬离学校,校外租房,宿舍电器不合规格 Pre-listening,Home-stay 家庭寄宿 House renting (off-campus

5、) 校外租房 School apartment 学校公寓 residence hall (集体)宿舍 suite 套间,套房 studio 独立套间 Private/single room单人房 Tower 一栋楼房 village 校内一栋栋的老房子,可以用做宿舍 Openings 空缺,空位 Waiting list 等候名单,Furniture Dresser 梳妆台 Couch 沙发 Bookcase 书柜 Stove 炉子 Microwave 微波炉 Refrigerator 冰箱 Closet 衣橱 Fixture (房屋)固定设备,住宅结构,Superintendent 监管人

6、Landlord 房东 renter/tenant 租客 Responsibility 责任 Deposit 押金,定金 Lease/rental agreement 租赁协议,租赁合同 Property 财产 Fee/charge 费用 Appliances 设备,用具,1. what is the purpose of the conversation? The man needs information for a research project. The man wants to change his housing situation The man wants to move t

7、o a house off campus The man wants to know why his rent was raised.,场景法解题,2. what are some features of the suites in the villages? Click on two answers a full refrigerator two study rooms a fireplace two to four bedrooms,3. listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Why does

8、 the woman say this: oh sorry. to show her concern for the mans situation to suggest that she is sad about leaving her suite to express regret at not being able to help the man to apologize for no t answering the mans question,4. what does the man think of the cost of rent in the villages The rent s

9、hould be lower for such old buildings. The rent is reasonable for the features included The rent is higher than he hoped it would be The rent is similar to that of a house off campus.,5. listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Number 27, oh, wow. Select the sentence that

10、best expresses how the man probably feels. I dont think Ill be able to get a room in the villages. Im surprised at the number of people who live there. I dont like the idea of living with 27 people. Im confused about why there is a waiting list.,Mess/mess up/messy 乱糟糟 Chaotic乱的 cramped拥挤 Spacious宽敞的

11、 tiny狭小的 At sixes and sevens 乱七八糟的 Maintain (in good repair, condition) 保持良好状态,维护 Repair/fix 修理, replace替换, damage破坏 Clog, block 堵塞,Maintenance man 维修工 Plumber 水管工 Carpenter 木工 Electrician 电工 Repairman/repairperson 维修工 Stuck (门或抽屉)卡住 Blocked (水槽等)堵住 Loose (窗户等)松掉 Leaking (水龙头)漏水 Broken (门窗)坏掉,Sign t

12、he lease 签订租约 move-in notice 入住通知 Pay a security deposit/ the rent Maximum/minimum rent 最高、最低租金 Utilities (水、电、煤气等)公共设施费 Water bill 水费 Telephone bill 电话费 Electric bill 电费 Laundry fee 洗衣费 special requirement特殊要求,An outlet,加试题,女生丢钱包(里面包括Students ID),无法回宿舍 1.去student service center 补办,遇到staff没有student

13、ID 不准进去,护照在宿舍,最后通过沟通如愿办了ID和meal card. 2.去重新办理,过了register 日期,护照在宿舍,不能进宿舍,最后把register的照片调出来,办了ID和meal card,考试课程场景,更换考试时间,考试成绩讨论,补考,延考 Pre-listening,考试场景,Grade/mark/score Perfect/low/passing/failing grade High marks Full/extra credit Straight As/plus/minus,Pass the exam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试 Gra

14、duate with honors 荣誉毕业 Attendance 出席,考勤 Absence 缺席 Bring down/up a letter Bring down/up ones grade,1. why does the man go to see his professor? to take a makeup test for a class that he missed to explain why he has been absent from class to turn in an extra credit project to the professor to ask the

15、 professor how to bring up his grade,2. why did Ernie get a low grade on the last test? he does not understand the material he is not a very good student he did not have time to finish it he was in a hurry to leave the class,3. what do we know about the test? there were 100 questions on it It was worth 25% of the final grade the test was an extra assignment the questions were very difficult,4. why does the professor say this? En, I dont know about that. because she doesnt understand what the man wants her to do because she has finished the discussion abo



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