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1、Module 2,The Human Development Report,North America,South America,Africa,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Antarctica,Arctic,Pacific,Atlantic,Indian Ocean,North America,South America,Canada the United States Mexico,Argentina, Panama, Cuba Colombia, Haiti, Chile, Brazil,Asia,China Russia Japan India North Korea So

2、uth Korea,Africa,Egypt Congo South Africa,Oceania,Australia New Zealand,INTRODUCTION,developed country developing country disease education hunger income poverty,Match the words with the definitions.,the knowledge that you get at school or college _ when people have very little money _ an illness _,

3、education,poverty,disease,INTRODUCTION,developed country developing country disease education hunger income poverty,Match the words with the definitions.,when you dont have food _ the money that you make _ a country that has a lot of industry _ a country that is poor and does not have much industry

4、_,hunger,income,developed country,developing country,Poverty,What are the problems that the developing countries face? How to solve them?,Less education,Bad environment,Diseases,Discussion,Hunger,1)Develop education (make sure everyone can receive education) 2)Reduce tax items; 3) Improve the enviro

5、nment; 4)Encourage developed countries to give more help to the developing countries; 5) The government should encourage people to improve the present condition to reduce poverty and hunger,A Short Discussion,What are the two biggest problems for developing countries? Why do you think so?,hunger, po

6、verty, education, disease,disease vs. illness,illness c/u n. 身体或精神上的疾病 disease c/u n. 疾病 (比较严重,通常持续时间久,常影响特定的身体部位) infection cn. 传染病 virus cn. 病毒,Reading,Generally speaking, in what kind of countries can we see these phenomena?,Developed countries,Generally, in what kind of countries can we see thes

7、e phenomena?,Developing countries,Which countries are developed /developing countries?,India, China, Russia,The US, England, Holland, Germany,Developing countries:,Developed countries:,Why do you think these countries are developed/developing countries?,low income, poor, illnesses very often, hungry

8、,higher average income, education easy to receive, ,Developing countries:,Developed countries:,Developed countries are most of the western countries. Mainly included:America, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Canada and Japan.,亚非拉国家,亚非拉国家,亚非拉国家,亚非拉国家,Developing countries are most of countries in Asia,

9、 Africa and Latin America.,Income: ( larger / smaller),What are the differences between developing and developed countries?,Industry and commerce: (flourishing繁荣的/laggard落后的),Education: (good / little),Life expectancy: (live long/short),Environment: good/bad(terrible),Discussion,世界各国根据其经济发展水平和贫富状况,通

10、常分为发达国家和发展中国家. 发达国家(Developed country / Industrialized country)一般指的是:美国、法国、英国、日本、德国、加拿大、意大利、瑞典、芬兰、丹麦、挪威、荷兰、比利时、瑞士、奥地利、土耳其、澳大利亚、新西兰、希腊、冰岛、爱尔兰、卢森堡、葡萄牙、西班牙。其中,美国、日本、德国、法国、英国、意大利、加拿大是7个最大的发达国家。 发展中国家(Developing country / less developed country) 指政治上已独立,经济上比较贫穷,工业基础比较薄弱,人均国民生产总值较低的国家,绝大多数是第二次世界大战以后新独立的亚非

11、拉国家,也包括一些国家。 中国属于发展中的社会主义国家。,How did the Human Development Report come? How does the Index measure a countrys achievement? What are the most important goals? What development has China achieved? What are the problems with developing countries? What should developed countries do?,Read and answer,Read

12、 the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words and phrases. One of the most important _ of the Human Development Report is the Human _. The Index _ a countrys achievements in three ways: life expectancy, education and _. The list has some _. Norway is _ the list, _ the US is at number 7. The

13、_ ten countries are all African countries.,sections,Index,measures,income,surprises,at the top of,while,bottom,China is _ the list. It is one of the examples of successful _. China increased life expectancy _ 13 years. In the last ten years in China, 150 million people _ poverty. However, a great ma

14、ny people in _ countries are hungry.,in the middle of,development,by,moved out of,developing,Over _ of these are in South Asia or Africa. In developing countries about 115 million children are not being _, and more than 1 billion people do not drink safe water, so the report suggests that we need to

15、 _ in the future.,half,educated,make greater efforts,1. 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015,agree to do sth,agree with agree to agree on,D.与一致; 气候、事物、口味适合某人,A.就达成一致意见 B.同意的意见/观点 C.同意计划/安排,你做的与你说的不一致。,What you did didnt agree with what you said.,这里的气候不适合我。,The climate here doesnt agree with me.,I think its a bad idea. _. 我再同意不过了。,I couldnt agree more,1. We _ _ making an early start. 2. The climate here doesnt _ _him


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