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1、The Reformation,The Corruption of Roman Catholic Church,in 15th 16th Century The Selling of the Indulgences,Christianity,Judaism-monotheism Greek and Roman CulturePolytheism &deism 1st century 4th Century Constantine the Great The Role of Church and priests,Sailing the Indulgences 出售赎罪券,In 1517, a p

2、reacher named Tetzel came to a nearby village , offering indulgences (赎罪券)to those who would contribute to the building of new Cathedral of St.Peter, at Roma. He said: “So soon as coin in coffer rings, the soul from Purgatory (炼狱) springs.”,Reformation宗教改革,Martin Luther(1483-1546) 【Luthers 95 theses

3、 (Oct.31,1517) 】 John Calvin (1509-1564) Henry ,Martin Luther(1483-1546) 马丁 路德,German leader of the Reformation. In 1507, being a priest, he began a career as a theological teacher,later a professor: attacked (1517) Tetzels sale of indulgence, by posting 95 theses on the church door at Wittenburg de

4、veloped (1512-13) the idea of justification by faith began his German translation of the Bible(1521-22) in Wartburg Castle Popularity weakened by his opposition to the Peasants War(1524-25).,Luthers 95 theses (Oct.31,1517) 路德张贴九十五条论纲,These were ninety-five short statements relating to indulgences, a

5、nd in posting them, Luther was simply inviting learned professors to discuss the statements pro and con in order to determine, if possible, whether the practices of such agents of church as Tetzel were or were not in accord with the true doctrine.,John Calvin (1509-1564) 加尔文,French lawyer and theolo

6、gian. Institutes of the Christian Religion Fed to Swizerland New leader of protestantism established a church government in Geneva. .,The Spread of Calvinism,Geneva, “the New Jerusalem” of Protestantism “The Most perfect school of Christ on earth” -John Knox, The Calvinist reformer in Scotland Missi

7、onaries trained in Geneva were sent to all parts of Europe spread to the Netherlands and Scotland, and influenced the Puritans in England and in New England,Reformation in House of Tudor,Henry , His Divorce & Roman Catholic Church Anglican Communion( the Church of England ) The King , as the leader

8、of the church Close to the Rome Catholic Church in doctrine, form of worship, and organization of authority。 王权的工具,是封建专制制度的支柱 (注:都铎王朝,以亨利八世与罗马教廷决裂1534和英格兰开始宗教改革著称),宗教改革运动主要内容,A justification by faith 2. Against the control of Roman Catholic Church 3. A denial of papal supremacy. 4. A proclamation th

9、at the Bible was the sole authority on religious questions. 5. An encouragement of people to read and understand the Bible without relying on clerics to do this for them. 6. Religious ceremonies held in different national languages instead of in Latin, Simplify religious ceremonies, Priests can marr

10、y.,After The Reformation,Lutheran Church 德国与北欧的路德宗,又称信义宗 Reformed Church 法国、瑞士和苏格兰的归正宗,又称加尔文宗 Anglican Communion 英国的安立甘宗,又称圣公会,Puritanism, a further religious reform in UK,Religious Corruption ,Persecution In UK,House of Tudor: Bloody Maria House of Stuart: James & Charles (注:Elizerberth & eat no fi

11、sh on Friday星期五不吃鱼,喻指某人忠实可靠或忠于政府),House of Stuart: 1603-1714 UK大不列颠及联合王国,1.James(James in Scotland) (1603-1625) 2.Charles(1625-1649) The English Civil War (1642-1646),Charles,James,Leyden in Holland The Mayflower in 1620 & Plymouth & Thanksgiving (1795, George Washington; 1941-the 4th Thursday of No

12、vember),Puritanism,As Idealists清教主义宗教改革主张:,1.They are against the tyranny of King and Church 2.They felt the Church of England/Anglican Communion was too close to the Rome Catholic Church in doctrine, form of worship, and organization of authority, such as The system of Church government by bishops

13、(Episcopalism) 3. Church should be restored to the “purity” of the first century Church as established by Jesus Christ Himself. 4.They wish to restore simplicity to church services and the authority of the Bible to theology and live a simple life. 5.advocate religious toleration and liberty,Influenc

14、es of Calvinism on Puritanism,American Puritanism,The Positive Aspects The Negative Sides,The Positive Aspects,Puritanism & Construction of American Continent (both materially and spiritually) Puritanism and American Collective Dispositions Puritanism and American Individualism Puritanism and Politi

15、cal System: Freedom, Democracy Puritanism and Emphasis on Education Puritanism and American Dream,Puritanism and American Collective Dispositions,Optimistic Practical Proud and a sense of calling Devoted to work Risk-taking,Puritanism and American Individualism,Justification by Faith & Direct Commun

16、ication: the role of the church and pope vs. the power of the individual self-discipline and self-improvement, Moral perfection : Piety(虔诚). a simple, hardworking life, Sobriety Frugality etc.,Puritanism &Political System: freedom , democracy,Against The system of Church government by bishops (Episcopalism) ,The separation of the State and Church American Constitution(1786):no religious test shall ever be required as a q


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