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1、Module 4,Music born in America,高二第七册,Module 4,All You Need to Know About Hip Hop,高二第七册,Objectives,学习目标 1、在识别了各种不同音乐的基础上,进一步了解Hip Hop的特点,起源,发展,成功。 2、进一步识记与 音乐有关的词汇,掌握本课重点词组和句型。 3、提高从文本中提取有效信息的阅读能力。 4、热爱音乐,陶冶情操。,Vocabulary,DJ (disk jockey) hip hop graffiti microphone percussion rap reggae turntable,音乐

2、唱片节目主持人 嬉蹦乐 n.涂鸦 n.麦克风,话筒 n.打击乐器 n.说唱乐 n.雷盖 n.转盘,唱盘,Vocabulary,movement MC-ing technique Jamaica side by side improvise vocal approach,n.运动 n.司仪,节目主持 n.技巧,手法 n.牙买加 并排,并肩 v.即兴演奏,即兴表演 adj.嗓音的 n.方法,步骤,be bored with disco decline take advantage of backing track rapper emerge,厌烦 n.迪斯科 n.衰退,下降 利用 伴奏曲 n.说唱

3、乐歌手 v.出现,Vocabulary,To get general ideas,Skimming,Main idea,The passage tells us the definition, the origin, the development of hip hop and the reason of its success.,While-reading Part 1,what,when,where,main aspects,American cultural movement,started in 1970s,at block parties in New York,breakdance

4、, graffiti art, DJ-ing, rapping (MC-ing),Part 1,breakdance,graffiti,DJ-ing,rapping (MC-ing),Part 2,Big breakthrough,Why did DJ Herc stop playing reggae music? Because he noticed that people didnt like it. 2. How did the DJs make the percussion breaks in the songs longer? By using two records on two

5、turntables, side by side.,Part 2,What were DJs who shouted during the songs called? MCs. 4. How long were the performances of the shouting DJs? For Hours. 5. Apart from the DJs, what else happened at block parties? Breakdancing.,Part 2,时间状语从句 一就,The moment, the minute, the instant, immediately, dire

6、ctly, instantly, as soon as, once, no sooner .than, hardly when The boy burst into tears immediately he saw his mother. 这个男孩一看到他妈妈就大哭起来。,Part 3,Successful !,Why was hip hop so successful? There are two main reasons. Firstly, its _ and _ - you just need two turntables and a _. Anyone can be an MC, us

7、ing songs which have already been_. Secondly, people were _ _ the pop music of the day- disco music and rock music were both in _ in the mid-1970s. However, disco music had a _ beat, and it was easy to _ _. Hip hop took _ of that and provided a kind of _ music for people who hated disco!,cheap,easy,

8、decline,with,bored,recorded,microphone,strong,dance,to,advantage,disco,1 Which one is NOT the reason of the success of hip hop? A. People were bored with the pop music of the day. B. Hip hop is cheap and easy. C. Disco music and rock music were both in decline D. Disco music had a strong beat.,2 In

9、the sentence “Hip hop took advantage of that and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco!”, what does that mean? A. disco music B. disco and rock music being in decline C. peoples being bored with the pop music of the day D. disco music having a strong beat,Part 4,T or F,1. How did

10、 rap singers record their songs? (1) At first, they recorded their music after the musicians recorded the backing tracks. ( ) (2) The new generation recorded their music at the same time as the musicians. ( ) 2. (3) The style of hip hop in New York is called West Coast rap. ( ) (4) Trip hop emerged

11、in America. ( ),T,T,F,F,Language points,1. dance to the music 跟着音乐跳舞 2. side by side (1)肩并肩地,一起地 3. experiment with 用方法进行试/实验 4. approach n. C 方法,步骤 (常与to 搭配)U 接近 5. be/get bored with 厌烦 6. decline n. 衰退,减少 v. 衰退,减少,谢绝 in decline 在衰退中,在减少中 7. take advantage of 利用take full advantage of sth. 充分利用某事物,本

12、课小测,Which music do you like?,二胡,琵琶,京剧,越剧,民族,美声,摇滚,说唱,R & B,抒情,Mozart,Beethoven,Oral English,What is your favorite musical style? Describe it. Why do you enjoy it? What is your feeling when you listening to the music? Who do you like most? Why?,喜欢就请大声说出来哦!,Thank You!,backing tracks, beat, disco music

13、, electronic music, percussion, rap, reggae, rock music, record,Vocabulary,Complete the sentences with the correct words.,1. The instrumental music behind a singers voice is called the _ . 2. Drums and similar instruments are called _. 3. _ is music that people dance to in clubs. 4. Songs that are s

14、poken rather than sung are called _.,backing tracks,percussion,Disco music,rap,5. _ is a kind of music that comes from the Caribbean. 6. The _ of a song makes you want to dance! 7. _ is produced on a computer. 8. _ can be very noisy. 9. Musicians _ their songs in a studio.,Electronic music,Rock music,record,Reggae,beat,Homework,Write a short passage about hip hop and show your opinions about it. Then share with your classmates tomorrow.,


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