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1、Unit 2,Magic needles: Chinese acupuncture,What do you know about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?,Free Talk,Do you know them?,Bian Que,Li Shizhen,Zhang Zhongjing,Hua Tuo,Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a natural healing system that has been in use for thousands of years. TCM is still used t

2、oday in clinics and hospitals throughout China and most of Asia as a primary medical modality.,Using acupuncture, herbs, and other treatment modalities, Chinese medicine works to restore harmony and energetic balance to the body which stimulates natural healing and promotes health.,acupuncture,herbs

3、,Moxabustion (艾炙),cupping (拔火罐),Do you know anything about Chinese acupuncture?,Fu Hsi invented the Chinese acupuncture.,Have you ever experienced an acupuncture treatment?,different kinds of needles used in the past,the magic needles,history of Chinese acupuncture (magic needles),beganthe Stone Age

4、,be developed2,000 years ago,Paragraph 1,bian,The development of Chinese acupuncture,stone or metal needles,Stainless needles,make holes on swollen areas of the body,put needles into the skin at certain points on the body,365 acupuncture points,about 2000 acupuncture points,Paragraphs 2-3,Paragraph

5、4,1. How does an acupuncturist examine a patient?,First ask the patients medical history and way of life. And then look at the colour of the patients skin and tongue, listen to his breathing and check his pulses.,2. How many pulses are there and what are they connected with?,Therere twelve different

6、 pulses, six on each wrist. Every one is connected with a major body organ or function of an organ.,3. Why will an acupuncturist check pulses?,Because checking pulses will help him / her find out which energy channel doesnt have enough energy.,Paragraphs 5-7,1. What medical problems can acupuncture

7、treat?,Severe pains, headaches, injuries, stomach problems, high blood pressure, smokers, alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs.,2. How does acupuncture reduce or relieve pain?,It is unclear now. One theory suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the brain. Another theo

8、ry relates acupuncture to the production of chemicals in the body which reduce pain.,What are your thoughts on acupuncture? What are the possible advantages or disadvantages of acupuncture?,Discussion,Which is better, Chinese medicine or Western medicine?,Language points,Lets learn,1. 中国的针灸 2.有证据表明

9、3.被取代 4.取代他们的位置 5. (使)出来,放出 6.肿胀 7. 根据这些症状 8. 检查你的脉搏 9. 与身体主要器官相连 10. 对上瘾 11.阻止做某事 12.将与联系起来 13. 赞同这些理论 14. 逐渐消失,1. Chinese acupuncture 2.There is evidence that 3.be replaced by 4. take their place 5. let out 6.swell up 7. according to the symptoms 8. check your pulses 9. be connected with a major b

10、ody organ 10. be addicted to 11、blockfrom doing 12.relateto 13. subscribe to these theories 14.fade away,Language points,1. let out的主要意思有: 1) 泄露(机密),透露 Ill never tell you another secret if you let this one out. Someone has let the news out. 2) 发出(叫声),The girl suddenly let out a scream,3) 出租 Boats ar

11、e let out for thirty Yuan per hour in the park. 4)使(火)熄灭 Dont let the fire out, will you? 5)放学 School lets out at 3 oclock.,swell vi. 1. 肿起,肿胀(+up),His ankles began to swell. 他的脚踝肿起来了。,vt. 1. 使膨胀, 使增长, 使壮大 She was swollen with satisfaction. 她感到十分满足。,常用搭配 swell up 肿胀 swell out 凸出 swell with 由于而肿胀;充满,

12、3. A needle with a round tip,used for pressing the tissue under the skin; a dull needle, used for tapping against pressure points. (L9-10) point of view 观点 on the point of 正要的时候 to the point 中肯,扼要;切中要害 off the point 离题 There is no point (in) doing sth. 表示做某事是没有用的或者是没有道理的。,1) 我们队获得了分。 Our team scored

13、 80 points. 2) 我不理解你的想法,这会儿这么做有什么意义? I dont understand your point. Whats the point of doing this at this point? 3) 同他争辩是没有什么用的。 There is very little point in arguing with him.,4. The main needle now used for acupuncture is fine and sharp. (L14) sharp adj. 锋利的,尖的;突然的,急转弯的,尖刻的,辛辣的;灵敏的,敏锐的. 1) 这把大剪刀不够快

14、,剪不动草。 The shears arent sharp enough to cut the grass.,We were surprised by the sharp tone of her comments. 她尖锐的评论令我们吃惊。 3) The cheese is a little too sharp for me. 我觉得这干酪味道太重了。 a sharp sense of humor 很强的幽默感,a sharp drop in price 价格的聚降 a sharp turn to the left 向左急转,be addicted to 沉溺于 ;醉心于对上瘾 有些孩子特别爱

15、吃巧克力 Some children are too addicted to chocolate 他沉醉于唱歌,希望一天自己可以成为一个歌手 He was addicted to singing, hoping to be a singer one day.,联想拓展 addict vt. 使成瘾 addict n. C 入迷的人;有瘾的人 addictive adj. 使成瘾的;上瘾的 addiction n. 沉溺;成瘾;上瘾;入迷,His head was _ in the book he was reading. A. devoted B. addicted C buried D. a

16、bsorbed 解析:bury oneself / ones head in“埋头于,专心于”。be addicted to be devoted to be absorbed in “专心于”,其主语皆为人。答案:C,常见带介词的to短语: due to 由于; 归因于 thanks to 多亏了; 由于 owing to 由于; 因的缘故 in / with regard to 关于 be related to 与相关 get down to 着手做 lead to 导致,object to / be opposed to 反对 put ones mind to 全神贯注于 be equal to 胜


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