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1、拼音英语五年级下册期末试题一.从每组中选出不同类的一项。( )1.A. bus B. bicycle C. hotel( )2. A. wanted B. see C. helped( )3.A.our B.we C.they ( )4.A.show B.play . C.fun( )5.A.tail B.kite C.arm三、单项选择题 ( )1、Would you like _ to the park ?A、go B、going C、to go D、went ( )2、There _ a pen and two books on the desk .A、is B、are C、was D、

2、were ( )3、The students are _ games in the classroon .A、play B、playing C、to play D、dong ( )4、We _ to Tianan men square yesterday .A、go B、going C、went D、walk ( )5、Im _ good friend .A、you B、your C、yours D、yous ( )6、The car _ is than the bike .A、fast B、faster C、very faster D、too fast( )7、I like _ to wan

3、gfujing to buy gifts .A、go B、goes C、going D、went( )8.May I_with you?A.plays B.playing C. play D. to play ( )9.Everyone _tired.A. feels B. feel c.is feel D. feeling( )10.I want _buy some oranges.A.to B. for C./ D. at四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、Would you like _(some ) tea ?2、Look! There _ (be) a pen on the desk

4、 .3、This man is _(LiMing ) father .4、The girl is _ (sing) a song now .5、May I have some _( banana),please .6、_(I) pop is in my stomach!7,I _(walk) to school yesterday.8.Danny hurt his arm and Jenny _(help) him.9.We played with the baby! It was _(fun).10.Li Ming wants _( read) a book.五、选词填空1、I often

5、_( fly/fies ) on sunny day .2、I _(talking /talked ) to my father yesterday .3、She is _(crying /cried) now .4、I _ (will/ would ) like some tea ,please .六.按要求补全单词。1、p_ _tcard(明信片) 2、m _ n(男人们) 3、t _ p(顶部) 4、comp _ ter(电脑) 5、r_ _ht(右边) 6、shopp_ _(shop的过去式) 7、qu_ _ tly(安静地) 8、c_ _ ner(角落) 9、g_ _ t(礼物) 1

6、0、bo_ _ om(底部)七、按要求完成下列单词1、picture(同义词)_ 2、do (过去式)_3、see(过去式)_ 4、slowly(反义词)_5、quiet(副词)_ 6、child(复数)_7、I(同音词)_ 8、write(同音词)_9、stop(过去式)_ 10、teacher(动词)_八、连词成句,注意标点。1are what now doing you (?)_ _2can tea theirdrink Jenny andLiMing (!)_3、kites flying men some see I (!)_4、have I canada in a friend (.

7、)_5、Sundays on to go I library (.)_6、picture yesterday a at looked (.)_九阅读理解。( 1 ) 阅读短文 ,判断正( T)误( F)。Hello,my name is Danny.I am writing a letter to my father.I am in Beijing with Jenny and LiMing now.Iam happy here .Beijing is a big city.Its bigger than Shijiazhuang.There are many cars, buses, bic

8、ycles and big trucks in the street.I often go shopping with Jenny ,LiMing and LiMings mother.I shop slowly.I bought a big panda.Yesterday, I saw the Palace Museum.I saw chairs and tables in an old room. And I went to Tiananmen Square. I wanted to fly a kite, but its too hard for me. I feel and hurt

9、my arm. Jenny put a bandage on my arm. ( )1.Danny is in China now. ( )2.He likes Beijing. ( )3.Yesterday he went shopping. ( )4.He hurt his nose and Jenny helped him. ( )5.There are old chairs and old tables in Tiananmen Square.( 2)阅读短文。, 选择正确答案。一There was a grandfather , a father and a son .The fat

10、her didnt like the grandfather .because the grandfather was very old. One day the father and the son pput the grangfather in a basket(篮子)。They carried(抬) grandfather to a mountain.Then the father and the son went home. “ The basket is useless(没用的)now . You can throw it. ”said the father . “ When you

11、 are old ,how can I carry you to the mountain? ” asked the son . The father was very sad .He went to the mountain and carried the grangfatner home. The father liked the grandfather very much at last. ( )1.The father doesnt like the grandfather . Because _.A. the grandfather was very old.B. The grand

12、father ate too much.C. The grandfather was tall.( )2.Where did the father and the son carry the grangfather?A . To a farm. B. To a mountain. C. To a forest.( )3. The father was very _after he talked to his son.A. sad B. happy C. angry( )4.What did the father do at last?A. He went to a hotel.B. He beat his son.C. He carried the grandfather home and liked the grandfather very much.( .)5. How many people are there in the story?A. Five B.Four C.Three二Mr Green and Mrs. Green go shopping by car.They stop their car near a shop. They buy many things from the shop.They want to p


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