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1、三年级英语期中试卷姓名: 成绩:_一、听音,选择正确的字母。(10分)( )1. A.O B.P C.R ( )2.A.D B.H C.I( )3.A.F B.V C.S ( )4.A.T B.Y C.W( )5.A.m B.n C.p ( )6.A.f B.d C.t( )7.A.u B.y C.e ( )8.A.t B.o C.q( )9.A.g B.d C.h ( )10.A.n B.u C.p二、听音,判断你听到的与所给的数字是否相符,在括号内打“V”或打“”。(10分)15 17 19 13 18 20 14 16 11 12( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )(

2、)三、听音,选出你听到的单词。(10分)( )1. A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper( )2. A.chicken B.fish C.meat( )3. A.dumplings B.fruit C.juice( )4. A.noodles B.rice C.soup( )5. A.drink B.eat C.tea( )6. A.morning B.afternoon C.evening( )7. A.eleven B.twelve C.fourteen( )8. A.apple B.banana C.melon( )9. A.donut B.milk c.pop( )

3、10. A.hamburger B.sixteen C.hot dog四、听音,选出你听到的句子。(10分)( )1. A. Im hungry. B. Im thirty! C. Im LiMing.( )2. A. I want to eat. B. I want go drink. C. Lets eat!( )3. A. Would you like some soup, Jenny? B. No, thanks! C. Yes,please.( )4. A. I like fish. B. I like chicken. C. I like fruit.( )5. A. I dont

4、 like fish. B. I dont like meat. C. Ill take two, please.( )6. A. I like dumplings. B. Rice is okey. C. Noodles are delicious.( )7. A. How many bottles of pop? B. How many bottles of mild?C. How many bottles of water?( )8. A. I dont like pepper. B. I like salt on French fries.C. Do you like pepper,t

5、oo?( )9. A. Thanks! B. Thank you! C. Youre welcome.( )10. A. How much is it? B. How many pens on the desk? C. Thank you!笔试部分占60%五、选择填空。(10分)( )1. Im hungry? I want to _.A. eat B.drink C.meat( )2. Im thirsty! I want to _.A.food B.drink C.eat( )3. Would you like some soup,Jenny?A. Yes,please! B. Thank

6、 you. C. Youre welcome.( )4. Whats your favourite food? _A. Meat B. Pen C. Pencil( )5. I get up in the _.A. afternoon B. evening C. morning( )6. I go to bed in the _.A. morning B. evening C. afternoon( )7. How many _ on the desk?A. pens B. pen C. pencil( )8. Thanks! _.A. Youre welcome. B.Thank you C

7、. Yes.( )9. How much for one donut? _.A. One yuan B. Ten C. Thanks.( )10. May I borrow your pencil, Jenny? _.A. Eleven B. Sure C. Thanks六、连线。(28分)1. fish 肉 2. 15 nineteenmeat 汤 19 twentyrice 鱼 20 fourteensoup 米饭 16 fifteen dumplings 面条 12 sixteennoodles 鸡肉 14 twelvechicken 饺子 13 thirteenjuice 果汁 18

8、eighteen3. Im hungry! 我想吃。I want to eat. 我饿了。Would you like some soup? 你想要些汤吗?Yes,please. 不要了,谢谢。No, thanks. 好的。Do you like pepper? 你喜欢胡椒粉吗?I like chicken. 我买两个。Youre welcome. 不用谢。How much is it? 我喜欢吃鸡肉。Ill take two, please. 多少钱?What would you like, please? 当然可以。Sure. 你想要点儿什么?七、单词归类,将序号填入横线上。(12分)1.

9、 rice 2. melon 3. fifteen 4. fish 5. apple 6. pop 7. fourteen 8. eleven 9. banana 10. hamburger 11. milk 12. water水果类:_ 吃的:_数字:_ 喝的:_八、根据情景,选择相应的句子。(10分)( )1.当你部别人,你最喜欢的食物是什么时,应该说_A Whats your favourite food? B. I dont like meat.C. I like noodles.( )2.当问别人你想要点儿什么时,应该说_A. How much is it?B. What would

10、 you like,please?C. How are you?三年级下学期期末英语试卷听力部分 一、 选出你所听到的单词(10%) ( ) 1 A. ball B. banana C. boy D. brother ( ) 2 A. cat B. cap C. chair D. cook ( ) 3 A.fork B.eye C. hair D. head ( ) 4 A .4567 B. 5467 C. 6547 D. 6457 ( ) 5 A.blackboard B. noticeboard C .cupboard D.football ( ) 6 A.see B. tea C. she D.he ( )9 A. go homeB. go to school C. go to bedD. go to the park ( )10 A. a cup of teaB. a bottle of mC. a bottle of water 二、 选出你所听到的句子。(10%)( )1.A. Hes Mike. B. Hes



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