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1、 Module 7 Australia Unit 1预习导纲一 单词拓展1 hand 1) 手(n.)In those days, people made clothes by using their own hands. 2) 交出;传递(v.)Hand me the book, please. 3) give/lend sb a hand 帮某人的忙 4) hand in上交; hand out分发 2 imagine 1) 想象;设想(v.)I cant imagine life without you. 2) imagination 想象;想象力(n.)He is a writer o

2、f rich imagination. 3) imaginative 富于想象力的 (adj.) His father is an imaginative artist.3 amazing 1) 令人惊异的(adj.)He has got amazing success because of his hard work. 2) amazed惊奇的(adj.)I am amazed by what you have told me.4 once 1) 一次 (adv.) I go to the cinema once a week. 2) 曾经 (adv.) He once lived in S

3、hanghai. 3) 一旦 (conj.) If you once forget it, you wont come up with it.二 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗? 1 have a look at, 2 be called, 3 in the centre of, 4 be like, 5 on ones way to, 6 by the way, 7 take photos, 8 at once, 9 write to,三 你知道定语从句吗?看看语法书吧! 例句: Look at the photos that I took on my trip. 看看我在旅行时照的照片

4、。 定语从句:先行词+that+句子(修饰先行词) 试一试:Join the sentences with that. 1 This is a picture. We found the picture in an old shop. This is a picture _. 2 Have you seen the clothes? I bought the clothes last week. Have you seen the clothes _? 3 We saw a tree. It was thousands of years old. We saw a tree _. 4 My f

5、ather took photos. They were liked by everyone. My father took photos _. Unit 2 预习导纲一、 单词拓展1. 如此“惊讶”1) surprise 惊奇、惊讶 (n.) To my surprise, Class Two won the match. 2) surprise 使(某人)吃惊 (v)Shes over 80 years old? You surprise me!3) surprised 惊奇的、吃惊的 (adj.) 通常主语为“人” 如:Were surprised to see him here.4)

6、surprising 令人惊讶的 (adj.) 通常主语为“物” 如:Its really a piece of surprising news to us. 2. “创造”之种种1) create 创造、创作 (v)It is said that God created the world.2) creation 创造物 (n) The cook showed his special creationa whole roasted swan.3) creator 创造者 (n) Shakespeare is the creator of Hamlet.4) creative 创造的,创造性的

7、 (用来做定语)如:He teaches creative writing.3. “坚持”就是胜利1) keep doing 继续做某事 如:Keep listening to the radio in English, you can make a progress.2) keep on doing 重复做某事 如:How can I trust on you if you keep on lying to me?3) keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事如:He could hardly keep him from laughing in class.4. although

8、 (conj.) 虽然,尽管。 含有although引导的让步状语从句,主句不能用but连接。如:虽然下着雨,但是同学们都按时到校了。 Although it is raining hard, all of the students get to school on time.二、 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗?1. at the moment 2. take a helicopter tour over the rock 3. be surprised at 4. change from purple to red 5. be similar to 6. full of rocks a

9、nd sand 7. have some special expressions 8. go on a camel ride 9. have a bad temper 10. a centre of Aboriginal culture 三、你知道下列句型吗?能用他们造个句吗?1. meter(s) long/high/tall2. enjoy doing3. enjoy oneself4. love doing5. although 6. lots of7. worry about8. arrive at/in9. get + adj.10. keep doing第一课时:(听说课) Uni

10、t 1 Im looking for the photos that you took in Australia课堂学案Step 1课前预习检测 1 英汉词组互译。 1)看一看 _ 2)被称为 _ 3)在.的中心 _ 4)在去.的路上 _ 5) 顺便说 _ 6) 照相 _ 7) be like _ 8) at once _ 2请根据句意选词填空。(注意个别词的正确形式) hand, amaze, detail, imagine, once 1) This story is so _ that everybody likes it. 2) I am interested in it. Would

11、 you please tell me more _ about it?3) She wrote to her mother _ a week. 4) I cant _ what has happened.5) He is in trouble now. Lets give him a _.Step 2 听力训练听第一段对话,完成下列表格。(Activity 2)Which country has Tony chosen?Hes chosen 1._.When were the Olympic Games held in Sydney?In 2._.What animals would the

12、y like to see there?Theyd like to see 3._, 4._ and crocodiles.Where is Uluru?Its 5._ of the country.Is Australia the largest English speaking country in the southern part of the world?6._.听第二段对话,回答问题。(Activity 3) 1 Did Tonys Dad see crocodiles when he was on his way back from Uluru? 2 When does Tony

13、 want to take photos at their school dance?请再听第二段对话,选择最佳答案。(Activity 3) ( ) 1 Where did Tonys Dad take the photos? A. In Australia. B. In the USA. C. In Canada.( ) 2 What does Tonys Dad think of Uluru?A. Terrible. B. Interesting. C. Fantastic. ( ) 3 What is like a huge sailing boat?A. The Great Barrier Reef. B. Sydney Opera House. C. Uluru . Step 3语法讲练(Activity 3)1 请在对话中找到下列各句,你知道它们的意思吗? 1) I



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