unit-9-do-you-want-to-go-to-a-movie学教案period 1(12.14)

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《unit-9-do-you-want-to-go-to-a-movie学教案period 1(12.14)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit-9-do-you-want-to-go-to-a-movie学教案period 1(12.14)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 9 Period 1授课时间学习目标运用want制订计划和打算,并谈论喜好和偏爱及其理由;学会运用连词and和but谈论喜好学习重难点Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching:、Important Points:掌握以下词汇 movie action movie comedy thriller 、Difficult Points: 运用want制订计划和打算,并谈论喜好和偏爱及其理由学习过程设计(学案)教学过程设计(教案)【学习目标】:掌握本节课的单词运用want制订计划和打算,并谈论

2、喜好和偏爱及其理由;学会运用连词and和but谈论喜好【学习重点】:运用want制订计划和打算,并谈论喜好和偏爱及其理由【学习过程】:.英汉互译:1.action movie_edy_3.documentary_4.thriller_5.Beijing Opera_ 6.Chinese history_7.去看电影_ 8.想看一部喜剧片_9哪种电影_1 Teacher show some ads and posters, and introduce them to the students.Say: These are moviesThis is an action movie.Then te

3、ach the new words.2 Go on saying:I like moviesI like action moviesThen ask the students:Do you like moviesaction movies3 Go on saying: I want to go to a movieI want to see an action movie, Do you want to go to a movie? Do you want to see an action movie?4Ask the students look at 1a, then match the k

4、inds of movies with the posters. 5Listen and circle the kinds of movies in 1a you hear, finish 1b.6 Pairwork,Practice the conversation. Then make your own conversations. Finish 1c. 7Play the tape: Ask Ss listen to Ben and Sallys conversation. Then finish 2a.8Play the tape again: Ask the Ss fill in the blanks. Finish 2b.9Pairwork,ask the Ss to Finish 2c.Teach: What kind of movies do you like? I like.10.Homework:Copy the new words four timesHomework 2 P37 新课标第一网教后反思本节课的重点是让学生掌握住want 后接动词的基本用法。掌握的较好,话题学生也很感兴趣,谈论电影,有几个单词读的比较困难,thriller,documentary等。X


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