unit 4 section a导学案

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《unit 4 section a导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 4 section a导学案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级(上)英语学科导学案主备人:李欣 课型:新授课审核人:史卫民 时间:2011.10.8Unit 4 How do you get to school?(Section A)教师寄语:No one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。一、学习目标:(learning aimis) 1.熟练掌握基数词1-100的表达方式。 2.能够描述怎样到达某地的方式、路程及所花费的时间。二、教学重点、难点 1.熟练掌握基数词1-100的表达方式。 2.能够描述怎样到达某地的方式、路程及所花费的时间。三、知识链接英国,日本,香港等地,驾驶员在右,(不象咱们国家是驾驶员在左边)车辆

2、靠左行驶,在会车时,如果发生意外,也是两车的副驾驶位置相撞,因为一个人开车时出事的情况比较多见,所以这样安排,驾驶员的位置会比较安全,有效地减少人员伤亡. 四、学法指导:讨论法 归类法五、导学过程一)重点词汇。熟读,记忆以下单词并写出中文。subway ( ) train ( ) bicycle( ) minute ( )seventy( ) eighty( ) thirty ( ) hundred( )ninety ( ) forty ( ) fifty ( ) sixty ( )take ( ) by ( ) mile ( ) kilometer( )far ( ) shower( ) q

3、uick ( ) early ( )二)预习课本Pages1921,找出下列词组和句子。(1)你怎么上学? (2)骑我的自行车 (3) 别的到校方式 (4)乘地铁 (5)开车上学 (6)步行 (7)步行上学 (8)骑车上学 (9)乘飞机上学 (10)乘小汽车 (11)到校 (12)花费某人一段时间做某事。 (13)花费多长时间? (14)步行大约花费25分钟,乘公共汽车10分钟。 (15)从他家到学校有多远? (16)离很远 (17)离学校大约10公里远 (18)迅速地吃早饭 (19)动身去学校 (20)大约在6:30 (21)骑他的自行车去公共汽车站 (22)早班车 (23)送他去学校 (2

4、4)乘公共汽车的路程 (25)从你家到学校 (26)从家到学校花费你多长时间? (27)另外两名学生 (28)其余的学生 三)掌握下列知识点1、交通方式表达: 1)take +限定词+交通工具(take为动词,因此take所构成的短语在句中作谓语) take the train/bus/car/taxi/subway/boat/ship/plane(特例ride the bike)2)by+交通工具(by为介词,因此该短语在句中作方式状语) by train/bus/car/taxi/subway/boat/ship/sea/plane/air/bike by water由水路, by lan

5、d由陆路, on foot步行3)on/in +限定词+交通工具(on/in为介词,因此该短语在句中作方式状语)on the train/bus/subway/ ship/plane/bikein the car/ taxi/ boat/ 4)v.+to+地点(在句中作谓语) walk/drive/ ride/fly to schoolExercises:1)我骑自行车到校。 I get to school_ _ I get to school_ my bike. I_ my bike to school. I_ to school.2)他走着到校。 He_ to school. He_ to

6、 school_ _ 3)她乘公共汽车到校。 She_ _ _ to school. She_ to school_ _. She_ to school_ the bus.4)Tony开小汽车上班。Tony_ his car to work. Tony_ to work_ the car.Tony goes to work_ car.Tony_ to work.5)他乘飞机去美国。He_ _ _to America.He goes to America _ _.He goes to America _ _ _.He_to America.2、get,reach,arrive都可以表示到达,用法

7、有区别:reach为及物动词 reach+地点名词get为不及物动词 get to+地点名词arrive为不及物动词 arrive in+大地点arrive at+小地点get和arrive后可接here,there,back,home等副词,此时它们省略介词。reach也可以和here或home连用,此时here和home被看成名词。【活学活用】1. Mary gets to school at nine.=Mary_ _ school at nine. =Mary_ school at nine .2. 用arrive,reach或get填空。They_ in the city on ti

8、me yesterday.When does the train_ London ?What time will the plane_ to New York.He_ at the airport at 8 last night.3、take用法: take过去式_ v. 乘车 take +限定词+交通工具 e.g. take the subway/bus v.花费(时间) It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人一段时间做某事。e.g. It took him 2 hours to finish doing his homework last night.

9、 How long did it take him to finish doing his homework last night?It takes me 10 minutes _(go) to work by bike.It _me three days _(完成)_( read) the book.从你家到校要花多长时间?_ _does it_ you_ _ from home to school?拓展:其它“花费”用法spend (spent)主语为人,spend+时间+on sth. =spend+时间+(in)doing sth 花费时间做某事e.g. It took me 20 m

10、inutes _(write) a letter last night. = I _20 minutes_ the letter last night = I _20 minutes in_ the letter last night.pay(paid) 主语为人,pay+钱+for sth. I paid five yuan for the book.=I spent 5 yuan on /buying the book.cost(cost) 主语为物,cost+钱, 某物值钱; cost sb.+钱,花费某人钱 The book cost me 5 yuan.= I paid five y

11、uan for the book.=I spent 5 yuan on /buying the book.4、 How far is it from your home to school?本句中it指代的是距离。how far多远,用于询问两地间的距离。 How far is it from A to B?或How far is A from B?e.g. How far is it from the moon to the earth?=How far is the moon from the earth?Its 380,000 kilometers away from the earth

12、.(具体距离)Its far. away from the earth. (不具体距离)Its ten minutes walk from my home to school.从你家到校有多远? _?5、have a quick breakfast=have breakfast quickly 迅速地吃早饭6、 at six thirty=at half past six 在6点半六、学习小结通过本节学习,你学会了哪些知识? 七、达标测试:一)单选1.Yesterday we went to a lonely village. It us about two hours to get there.A. spentB. tookC. costD. made2.“ ?” “It is wonderful.”A. Wha


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