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1、诸暨市实验小学电子教案(PEP B2)编写者:陈余红执教者:课题Unit 1 Welcome back to school共6课时教学目标1、 能听懂、会说本单元主要句型能够在实际情景中运用。2、 能听说认读本课主要单词。3、 能说出几个国家的名称。4、 能听认字母A-E,并能听懂、会说以这五个字母为首的单词。教学重点教学难点主要句型教学准备Pictures, cards and tape.教学过程第一课时Step 1 Warm-upSing Hello Song and Colour Song.Greetings . T:Good morning!Welcome back to school

2、 !Nice to see you again.S:Nice to see you,too!Step 2 Presentation (Teacher show the big wall picture.)Look,this is our school.This is the teacher , Miss White,and they are the students.Do you know them ?Whats his name ? Whats her name?This girl, you dont know ?Oh,shes new,her name is Amy,shes from A

3、merica.Practise: 1. Amy-America John-Canada Bai Ling-ChinaStep 3. Lets play Put on the mask,lets say .Im Amy . Im from America.Im John. Im from Canada.Im Bai Ling. Im from China.Im Shi Quan . Im from China,too.Step 4 ListeningListen to the tape . And then repeat after the tape.Step 5. Add-activities

4、 To cover the new English books.修改意见教学过程 第二课时Step 1. Warm-upI m Amy . I m form America.I m Mike . I m form Canada.I m Wu Yifan . I m form China. Step 2 Prensentation.Look . Amy is a girl .This is He is a boy . She is a girl .Boys stand up! Girls sit down !Watch out !Step 3 PracticeHello! I am a boy

5、/girl.Step 4 Game Boy or girl ? 新课标第一网Step 5 Activities Look at these animals.What are they ?Dog/ cat/ rabbit Step 6 Add activitiesListen to the tapeIntroduce themselves. 第三课时Step1. Warm upListen to the tape.Let s chant.2 . Where is Amy from ? Where are you from ?Step 2.PresentationLook . This is A

6、a/ B b/C cWords begin the letter A are apple,ant.Words begin the letter B are boy ,bag.Words begin the letter C are coke,coffee.Step 3.PracticeRead the letters and words.Step 4.Activity bookListen,number and match.Step 5.SongI am a boy and a girl.教学过程 第四课时Step 1.RevisionAmerica/Canada/ChinaWhere is

7、Amy from ?Amy is from America .GreetingsGood moring !Good afternoon!This is my friend ,Tom.Step 2.PresentationXMr BlackGood moring !I am Mr Black .I am from England .Step 3.Listening Listen to the tape and repeat .Step 4. Let s playWho can play Mr Black ?Step 5.Activity bookWhat is this?Panda/beaver

8、/eagle/kangrooStep 6.Add activityAsk your parents.Where are you from ?Copy book教学过程 第五课时Step 1 RevisionGreetings.Drill like this: A: Good morning afternoon, I m Miss.,What s your name?B: I m. A :Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you,too. A: I m from. Where are you from? B: I m from . A:OK,Goodbye.St

9、ep 2 Presentation1.Suppose one student is late.And get himher out of the door. T:Come in. S: I m sorry. T: It s OK.2.I m a teacher, he is a student. Teacher and student.Step 3 PracticeLet s play. Hello! I m a teacher student. I m from.Look! This is my friend,. HeShe is a teacherstudent.What is he sh

10、e ? A doctordriver.Step 4 Assessment Let s do the activity book.Step 5 Add activitiesSing the songs at home.教学过程 第六课时Step 1.Warm upSing the song “ Boy and GirlFree talkLet s chant in Part AStep 2.PresentationT:How many letters have we leared?Ss:A B CT: What is the next?Ss:D (Teacher shows the letter

11、 card.Teacher read the letter and the ss repeat)T:What letters begin with the letter H ?S:Hamburger,hotdog .(The same with the letter H)Step 3. Let s chantListen to the tape.Read after the tape.Chant and do the action together.Step 4.Assessmenttrace and sayListen,color and matchStep 5.Add activities1.Do “ Let s do after class教后反思


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