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1、诸暨市实验小学电子教案(Book 2)编写者:陈余红执教者:执教时间:2012年 月 日 ( 周)课题Unit 3 How many?共课6课时教学目标1、 Able to use the sentences: How many can you see? I can see How many do you have? I have2、 Letters; Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn 3、 Able to understand : Its beautiful! How nice!. 教学重点教学难点1.How many can you see? I can see How many do you

2、 have? I have4、 2. Letters; Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn 教学准备Recorder ,tapes, cards , pictures , wall charts教学过程Period 1Step 1 Revision1. Lets do. (The content of Unit 6 in Book 1.)2. Singing: Ten little Candles Dance.Step 2 Presentation1. Teacher ask: How many candles can you see?Ss answer: Ten.Add one candle an

3、d ask: How many candles now? Count from one to eleven.2. Show the cards and select two cards. Compute as the following: 5+7=12: Five and seven is twelve.8+5=13: Eight and five is thirteen.10+4=14: Ten and four is fourteen.6+9=15: Six and nine is fifteen.3. Look at the cards and read the words. Compa

4、re three with thirteen, four with fourteen, five with fifteen.4. Listen to the tape and follow it.Step 3 Practice1. Lets play: Line up. Count from 1 to 15.Let the Ss speak loudly. Have a competition: Whos faster, quieter?2. A guessing game: Show the Ss the numbers(11-15)and guess whats the two numbe

5、rs on the opposite.修改意见教学过程3. Teacher say out “ six and seven” The Ss answer quickly. At the same time show the card.Step 4 Consolidation1. Count from 1 to 152. AB: p.13. 新课标第一网Period 2Step 1 Revision1. Everyday English.2. Lets do: Show me one and two. Show me three and fourStep 2 Presentation1. Tea

6、cher: Stretch the fingers and ask: Look , how many fingers can you see? Ss: Ten. (Go on to “ I can see ten fingers”.)T: Show the pictures of apples, animals, toys, stationeries and say: I have some apples. Look, how many apples? Lets count.One, two, threeoh, eleven apples. How many apples can you se

7、e?Ss: I can see eleven apples.Practise the patterns in turn.2. Show some new pictures. Let the Ss ask and answer in pairs.3. Show a kite to the Ss and ask: What can you see? Answer: I can see a kite. Ask: Is it beautiful? Wu Yifan and Amy will fly the kite today. Lets go and have a look.4. Look at t

8、he pictures and listen to the recorder.5. Ask questions about the picture:What color is the kite? How many kites can Amy see? How many kites can Wu Yi fan see?Is the kite beautiful?.Step 3 Practice教学过程1. Have a dialogue about the pictures.2. Look at the classroom. Ask and answer with the pattern “ H

9、ow many can you see? I can see”3. Act “ Lets talk” with the headwears. Step 4 Consolidation: 1. Listen and read “Lets talk”2. AB: P.14Period 3Step Warm-up1. Everyday English2. A game: Who can see clearly? Show some pictures to the Ss quickly and ask : How many . can you see?Step 2 Presentation1. Sho

10、w the letter cards and ask : How many letters can you see?After answering the questions, read the letters from Aa to Jj. As reading the letter Jj, say together: Jump like a rabbit.2 .Listen to the tape and read “Let say”3. Learn the song: One, two, three, four fiveStep 3 Practice1. Stick the letters

11、 Aa, Hh, Jj, Kk on the blackboard, then mix the order, let the Ss match the big letters and the small letters. Compare and conclude the pronunciation.2. According to “Lets do”, teacher read a letter. Such as “Jj”, Ss should say “Jj Jj jump jump “ Teacher also can invite Ss come to the board.3 A game

12、: Let Ss say letters from Aa to Nn one by one. If someone cant say the letter which he should say, teacher can give him some penalty.4 Do practiceStep 4 Consolidation1 Do “Listen, number and match2.Read from Aa to Nn 教学过程Period FourStep one Revision1. Sing a song.2. Show the numbers from 1 to 15.Let

13、 the Ss compute.3. Sum up some pairs of numbers.Step two Presentation1. Count from 1 to 15 and then from 1 to 20.2. Listen the radio and follow the radio read the new words.Step three: Practice1. Count numbers: Let Ss count1-20 one by one, and circle.2. A game: Before the class, teacher can get read

14、y for some balls and lines. In the class teacher can let some Ss come to the board and tell them Jump 16 times, Bounce 30 times.3. Do math calculate: such as “nine and three” “ten plus six” and so onStep four: consolidation1 AB P162 Renew some acknowledge by ask Ss some questions. Such as “T: What c

15、an you see on the farm? Ss: I can see the ducks, cats, pigs T: How many animals can you see? Listen carefully. “Period fiveStep one: Revision1. Do some oral exercise2. Let Ss come to the board to recite the dialogue which is in the book.Step two: Presentation 1. Show some pencils and then put them in a box, then ask Ss “how


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