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1、Book 3 Unit 2 Dialogue 课后练习一、请阅读第7、8页课文,分析哪些句子是售货员说的,哪些是顾客说的,用直线把相应的图和句子连接起来。What can I do for you? shop assistant(售货员)How much is it?I want to buy that blue shirt.How much are they. customer(顾客)Ill take it.二、请根据相关提示,把下列句子补充完整。1. Can I help you?= W_ c_ I d_ f_ you?2. Id like to buy that blue shirt.

2、= I w_ t_ b_ that blue shirt. 3. How much _ _? (单数) How much _ _? (复数)4. Its ninety _ (元). Its ninety _ (镑).5. Ill take it. Ill take t_ (复数).6. H_ y_ a_. (给你)7. All right. = T_ a_ r_.三、请把课文补充完整。X k b 1 . c o mShop assistant: Good afternoon. What c_ I d_ f_ you?Man: Id l_ to b_ that blue shirt. ?Shop

3、 assistant: Yes, sir. H_ you are.Man: How m_ is i_?Shop assistant: Forty-five y_.Man: All r_. Ill t_ it.Shop assistant: Here y_ a_.Man: Bye.Woman: Id l_ to b_ a black dress. Do you h_ any?Shop assistant: Yes, madam. H_ you are.Woman: H_ m_ is it?Shop assistant: Ninety-five p_.Woman: How much a_ the blue trousers?Shop assistant: T_ thirty p_.Woman: Thats a_ r_. Ill take t_.Shop assistant: H_ you a_.Woman: T_. Bye! w w w .x k b 1.c o m


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