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1、PEP教材五年级下册话题及重点归纳B6 Unit 1 My Day话 题:中外日常生活、周末活动重点词汇:Part A: do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have_class, play sports, eat dinnerPart B: clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class核心句型:Part A: When do you finish class in the morning? We finish class at 1 oclock.w W w . x K b

2、1.c o MPart B: What do you do on the weekend? I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. 语 法:动词短语搭配语 音:cl: clean clock class clever /pl: plate eggplant please play其 它:1) Why are you shopping today? 为第六单元现在进行时的教学作铺垫。2) Im also hard-working. 复习五上第一单元所学描述人物性格的核心句型。3) 特殊疑问句为第二单元语法作铺垫。情感态度:合理地安排

3、日常学习和周末活动。http:/ww w.xkb 文化意识:1)中外儿童作息时间的不同。2)Read and write涉及到文学名著鲁滨逊漂流记的背景知识。 B6 Unit 2 My favourite season话 题:季节与天气、季节与活动 重点词汇:Part A: spring, summer, autumn, winter,seasonPart B: pick apples, make a snowman, go on a picnic, go swimming核心句型:Part A: Which season do you like best? Winter. Part B: W

4、hy? Because I like summer vacation!语 法:特殊疑问句的结构,尤其是疑问词运用语 音:br: brown library brother umbrella /gr: green grapes grandpa grow其 它: 1) Do you like the music? 复现了三年级上册第四单元出现的词汇like,为B部分核心句型作铺垫。 2) Part A与Part B的交际用语有连贯性,Part A问最喜欢的季节是什么,Part B说出喜欢的原因。情感态度:感受四季变化,观察发现四季中不同的美好事物。文化意识: C部分故事以澳大利亚的标志性动物考拉来

5、中国旅游为主线,介绍了南北半球季节差异的同时,也自然引出了澳大利亚人过圣诞的方式。同时,故事还反映了西方人对“白色圣诞节”的特殊情感。B6 Unit 3 My school calendar话 题:月份、节日、校园活动http:/ww w.xkb 重点词汇:Part A: January, February, March, April, May,JunePart B: July, August, September, October, November, December核心句型:Part A: When is Tree Planting? Its in March.Part B: When

6、is the school trip this year? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall.语 法:与时间有关的介词短语语 音: sh: sheep fish shirt shorts /ch: China chicken lunch teacher 其 它:本单元的学习重点和难点是:英文十二个月的音型义,节日的英文名称是为学习十二个月的表达方式服务的,能够知其意并正确表达出来即可。情感态度:了解季节与月份关系的常识,合理安排月份活动。 文化意识:1)在一年十二个月中中西方主要节日;2)Read and write西方复活节的文化知识;3)可

7、渗透其它国家学生放假时间安排与中国的不同(如新加坡和英国等国家)。B6 Unit 4 When is Easter话 题:日期、生日、节日、学校和个人活动 重点词汇:Part A: first, second, third, fourth, fifthPart B: twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first,twenty-third, thirtieth核心句型:Part A: When is April Fools Day? Its on April 1st.Part B: When is your birthday? My birthday is on April

8、4th.语 法:基数词与序数词http:/ww w.xkb 语 音:th: three thin thirteen maths / th: this that mother brother 其 它:What will you do for your mum? Ill cook noodles for her. 五年级上册第四单元出现过will表示将来时的用法。情感态度:根据自己的实际情况,合理安排月份活动。文化意识:1)关于复活节和中秋节的常识;2)中西方过生日方式的不同。B6 Unit 5 Whose dog is it?话 题:动物 重点词汇:Part A:mine, yours, his

9、, hers, theirs, oursPart B: climbing, eating, playing, jumping,drinking, sleeping核心句型:Part A: The yellow picture is mine. Are the seals ours? Whose is this? Its Zhang Pengs. Part B: Is he/she/the dog drinking water? No,he/she isnt. He/Shes eating. 语 法:形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词w W w .X k b 1.c O m语 音:ng: long

10、 sing ring young /nk: think ink trunk pink 其 它:1)四年级下册第五单元B部分出现过Whose.? 句型和单词mine,本单元学习更多的名词性物主代词。2)现在进行时分布在第五和第六两个单元里情感态度:爱护动物,知道动物的生活习性; 文化意识:涉及狗的相关文化知识。B6 Unit 6 Work Quietly话 题:校园、日常生活和公共场所应遵守的行为规则 重点词汇:Part A: doing morning exercises, having_class, eating lunch, reading a book, listen to musicw

11、 W w . x K b 1.c o MPart B: keep to the right, keep your desk clean, talk quietly, take turns 核心句型:Part A: What are they/we/you doing? They/we/youre eating lunch! Part B: Shh. Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. 语 法:一般现在时和现在进行时人称代词与系动词的搭配语 音:wh: what when where whose who 其 它:1) 本单元继续学习现在进行时,注意人称代词与系动词的搭配以及更多动词的变换。2) B部分学习祈使句。情感态度:知道公共场所的规则,自觉遵守公共规则的意识文化意识:可渗透西方国家的公共场所规则


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