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1、Paper Two试卷二Part 1 Dialogue Completion (15 points)1. W: Were supposed to meet John here at the train station. M: Thats like looking for a needle . W: But its out duty to do so. A. on the floor B. in the grass C. in a hay stack D. at sea2. M: Its eight oclock. Is the store still open? W: Theyre open

2、until nine oclock, except Sundays. M: Thats . A. too bad B. too worse C. my chance D. my day3. M: Is that all? W: No, theres more. We need to know your history with animals. M: I records about them ever since I was 5. A. kept B. have kept C. keep D. am keeping4. M: I have to phone my father before o

3、ur dinner. W: There is not much time, maybe youd better you. A. phone by yourself B. get Tom to phone for C. not do it D. have it done by yourself5. W: Im writing an article on the feelings about graduation. And how do you feel? M: Me? A little scared and excited, too. W: How about ? A. your elder b

4、rother B. your aunt C. your teacher D. your roommates6. W: Frank, did you hear about the car that Kent bought last month? M: Yes, his friend John said that he got on it. A. a good pay B. a good business C. a very good deal D. a good Aum7. W: Have you got a chance to talk to your landlord yet? M: No.

5、 I dont know what Im going to say to him. Dont you think he will let me go away? W: But I dont think its easy to ? A. get another seat B. get a new apartment C. find a house to let D. book one more ticket8. M: I cant seem to turn into the station I like. Strange, I did it the day before. W: Putting

6、up the antennae will help. I hope you find it soon. The is about to start. A. item B. performance C. theater D. program9. M: Im of employment, Mary. W: Yes, our kids need your support. A. badly in need B. very need C. very careful D. tied10. W: Say, David, can you fill in for me tonight at the resta

7、urant? Id like to go out of town. M: Sure, Jane, if its OK with your boss. When is your ? A. birthday B. working hour C. shift D. chance11. M: We have this, or you might be interested in these note cards. W: I think Id really rather have some pale yellow paper for my . A. document B. book C. envelop

8、 D. correspondence12. W: Hello, Charles. Did you have a good time? M: Yes, thanks, but I the train. John drove me to the station and do I got there in time. A. missed B. nearly missed C. have missed D. hardly missed 13. M: I live in a narrow room. Its rather dark and not so well-furnished. W: My liv

9、ing quarter is as good as yours. M: But Im . A. going to move away next month B. making some change now C. asking the landlady to make it bigger. D. paying more rent 14. W: This book Im reading says were ass descended from spacemen. M: What? That sounds a bit unlikely. W: I dont . A. approve it B. l

10、ike it C. believe it, either D. believe it, too15. M: My teaching assistant will collect the final exam and Ill grade them. W: Sorry, I have trouble hearing in the back of the room. What did you say? M: My teaching assistant will in the final exam. A. help me out B. give me a helping C. give me his

11、time D. do me a favorPart 2 Reading Comprehension (35 Minutes)Questions 16 to 20 are base on the following passage.Passage oneThe dog, Prince, was a friend to Williams. When Williams was at home, Prince never left his sight. The dog could perform several duties. Prince lived for the chance to demons

12、trate his abilities. When Williams wanted to put on his boots, he would murmur “Boot” and within seconds the dog would drop them at his feet. At nine every morning Prince ran off to the general store in the village, returning shortly not only with Williams daily papers but with a half-ounce packet o

13、f Williams favorite tobacco, John Rhineys Mixed. A gun-dog by breed, Prince possessed a large soft mouth specially evolved for the safe carrying of hunted creatures, so the papers and the tobacco came to no harm, never even showing a tooth mark.Williams was a railwayman, an engine driver, and he wor

14、e a blue uniform which smelled of oil and oil fuel. He had to work at odd times ”days,” “late days” or “nights.” Over the years Prince got to know these periods of work and rest, knew when his master would leave the house and return, and the dog did not waste this knowledge. If Williams overslept, as he often did, Prince barked at the bedroom door until he woke, much to the annoy



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