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1、目 录Directory一、施工地点:Job location1二、参照标准: Basis of compiling1三、材料标准:Material streamlined specification1(一)钢管:Steel pipe1(二)扣件:Fastener1(三)脚手板:Scaffold board2(四)安全网:Protecting net2四、施工工艺:Construction technique2(一)施工准备:Preparations for construction2(二)脚手架搭设的要求:Requirement of scaffold3A、立杆构造要求:Vertical4B

2、、纵向水平杆的构造要求:Longitudinal horizontal bracing4C、横向水平杆的构造要求:Transverse horizontal bracing5D、脚手板的设置:Scaffold board laying5E、剪刀撑:X-bracing6F、扣件:Fastener6(三)脚手架的使用:Requirement of use the scaffold6(四)脚手架的拆除:Demolition the scaffold7五、注意事项:Notice proceeding7 一、施工地点:Job location*化工区工业气体二期管道设备保温工程* caojing HYC

3、O1 STEP-2 insulation project 二、参照标准: Basis of compilingJGJ130-2001 建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范Steel pipe scaffold safety code of building construction with the fastener三、材料标准:Material streamlined specification(一)钢管:Steel pipe1、脚手架钢管采用外径48mm,壁厚3.5mm,横向水平杆2200mm,其他杆6500mm,每根钢管不应大于25kg。2、钢管表面应平直光滑,不应有裂缝、结疤、分层、错

4、位、硬弯、毛刺、压痕和深的划道。3、钢管的外径、壁厚、端面等的偏差,应分别符合建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(JGJ130-2001)的有关规定。1.The external diameter of the steel pipe is 48mm, and thickness of pipe wall is 3.5mm. Transverse horizontal bracing shall be less than 2200mm,others less than 6500mm,and every steel pipe shall be less than 25kg.2.The surfa

5、ce of the steel pipe shall be smoothness, and has not the crack, dogs ear, delaminating, burr and deep nick etc.3.The deviation of the steel pipe, as the external diameter, thickness of pipe wall, port etc, shall be accord the code Steel pipe scaffold safety code of building construction with the fa

6、stener(二)扣件:Fastener1、扣件采用48型。扣件的类型包括:直角扣件、旋转扣件、对接扣件、防滑扣件。2、脚手架采用的扣件,其材质应符合国家现行标准。1.Fastener adopt the type of 48,and the types include the right-angle, circumgyrate, butt joint, and slip-resistance.2.The fastener of the scaffold shall be accord the GB code.(三)脚手板:Scaffold board1、脚手板采用木质,每块质量不宜大于30k

7、g。2、木脚手板应采用杉木或松木制作,其材质应符合国家现行标准。3、脚手板的宽度不宜小于200mm,厚度不应小于50mm,两端应各设直径4mm的镀锌铁丝绑扎两道。1.Every scaffolds quality shall be less than 30kg.2.Scaffold board shall be make of the fir or deal, and accord the GB code.3.The width of the scaffold board shall be over 200mm and thickness over 50mm. On the ends with

8、 the 4mm galvanized wire fixing the board.(四)安全网:Protecting net在脚手架施工操作面和护栏四周围上防护网。It shall be laying safety netting on the operating platform and protecting fence.四、施工工艺:Construction technique(一)施工准备:Preparations for construction1、工程负责人应按施工组织设计中有关脚手架的要求,向架设和使用人员进行技术交底。2、应对所有进场材料按规范进行验收,不合格产品不得使用。3、

9、经检验合格的构配件应按品种、规格分类、堆放整齐、平稳,堆放场地不得有积水。4、当脚手架基础下有设备基础、管沟时,必须采取加固措施。1.The project manager shall be show the regulations for technical operation on the operation worker, about scaffold in this scheme.2.All the material must be check and acceptance, and no qualification no use.3.The qualification materia

10、l shall be stack-up regularity and firmness. The place shall be no water.4.When it has equipment foundation, pipe duct under the base of scaffold, it must to be consolidation.(二)脚手架搭设的要求:Requirement of scaffold1、所搭设的脚手架要坚固、稳定,保证在施工期内及各种载荷和气候条件下不产生变形,不倾斜、不摇晃,安全可靠。2、根据搭设空间,选用适宜的脚手架钢管长度。必须有足够的空间,满足操作、材

11、料堆放及行人的要求。3、脚手架的搭设宽度根据构造要求不能小于1-1.3m,作业层大横杆间隔La/2m,小横杆间隔不能大于纵距的1/2,立杆横距不能大于1-1.3m,立杆纵距不能大于1.5-2.0m。4、K201-K202整体脚手架重大约16T,搭设面长10.3米宽4.6米高度30米,搭设时层面和作业平台连接.支撑以减少整体负荷, 施工人员上下可利用原有设施,作业平台和施工平面须使用梯子上下。1.The scaffold must be firmness, steadiness. During the useful time, it must be no deformation, no incl

12、ination, no sway and safety on the kind of load and climate.2.The pipe of the scaffold must be select the suitable length by the building space, and the space must be enough to suitable for operate, material stack-up and passage.3.The width of the scaffold shall be more than 1-1.3m. In the operating

13、 lay, the big traverse bar shall be distance La/2m, and the small traverse bar shall be less than 1/2 of longitudinal distance. The traverse distance of vertical shall be less than 1-1.3m, and longitudinal less than 1.5-2.0m.4.The scaffold weight of the equipment K201-K202 is about 16T,length about

14、10.3m, width 4.6m, and height about 30m. When its building, the operating lay join the platform to reduce the load. The worker may be use the device, when they up and down, but on operating lay must be use the ladder.A、立杆构造要求:Vertical1、脚手架必须调协纵、横向扫地杆。纵向扫地杆应用直角扣件固定在距底座上皮不大于200mm处的立杆上,横向扫地杆应用直角扣件固定在紧靠

15、纵向扫地杆下方的立杆上。2、当立杆基础不在同一高度上时,必须较高处的纵向杆向低处延长,与立杆固定,高低差不应大于1m。3、立杆接长除顶层顶步可采用搭接外,其余各层各步接头必须采用对接扣件连接。1.When the scaffold build, it shall be harmonize the vertically and horizontally pipe. The vertically pipe shall be fix the base with the right-angle fastener and less than 200mm. The horizontally pipe sh

16、all be fix under the vertically pipe tightly with the right-angle fastener.2.When the vertical base is not on the same plane, it shall be extend from highness to lowness, and the gap shall be less than 1m.3.When the vertical join each other, it must be use the butt joint fastener, but the top.B、纵向水平



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