2015年外研版高中英语必修五module-2作业题解析(6份)module2 period four

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1、Period FourCultural Corner.语境填词1Im not a permanent employee;Im working here on a contract.2I think our resource is not renewable.3I am heartily grateful for your help.4The traditional breakfast in this area includes bread and eggs.5Its bad manners to ask others salary(月工资) if you are not very famili

2、ar.6These developments have created a great demand(需求) for home computers.7Her most essential(绝对重要的) quality is kindness.8In this way they can better apply(把应用) theory to practice.同义词辨析1用demand,request,require的适当形式填空(1)The workers are demanding better pay.(2)You are requested not to smoke in the res

3、taurant.(3)All passengers are required to show their tickets.(4)His bike requires repairing.解析demand语气最强,常含有“强求,不达目的不罢休”之意,后面可接不定式,但不能接动名词。request通常指有权得到要求的东西。require指按规定、命令的要求,正式用语,后面可接不定式或动名词。2用salary,wage,pay填空(1)His wages are $3 a week.(2)Why not join us?You wont have to worry about rank or pay.

4、(3)Charlese is going to get a salary of 120,000 a year.(4)He finally got a job in a company paying good salaries.解析salary多指机关单位的官员、职员和管理人员的“薪金”,一般按年计算,分月或半月发给。wage一般指工人或服务人员等体力劳动者的“工资、工钱”,通常按时计算,分周发给,常用复数形式。pay既可指wage,也可指salary,译为“工资、薪饷”,但更多的是指军队的薪饷或津贴。.完成句子1Oil is in_great_need (急需) these days,so i

5、ts price is always increasing.2I said hello to him,but he took_no_notice_of (没有注意) me.3Never take_it_for_granted (想当然) that your parents should send you to school.4Mr. Guo,I want to have_a_day_off (请一天假)Ive got a cold.5Who do_you_think (你认为) is most suitable for this hard job?6He came back to his ho

6、metown in_response_to (作为对的回应) an urgent telegram.单项填空1The artist was born poor,_poor he remained all his life.Aand Bor Cbut Dso答案A解析句意:这位艺术家生来贫困,且一生如此。前后两个分句间为顺承关系,故选并列连词and。2Mary was employed by the company that she_.Awas applied for Bhad applied to Cwas applied to Dapplied for答案B解析句意:玛丽受聘于她申请的公司。

7、was为过去时,apply动作发生在was之前,因此用过去完成时;另外,apply to sb.for sth.向某人申请某物,that she applied to为定语从句。3The old lady_great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident.Atook Bsuffered Csuffered from Dstood答案B解析suffer pain遭受痛苦;stand“忍受”,后面一般不接情感类名词。suffer from后常接具体的疾病名称。4I visited France last year.That_

8、interesting.Awas Bcan be Cmust be Dmust have been答案D解析句意:去年我去法国旅游了。那一定非常有趣。visited和last year说明是对过去情况的肯定推测,因此用must have been。5Students_take three papers in English literature.Aare required to Bwas required to Crequired to Drequire to答案A解析本题考查require sb.to do sth.要求某人干某事,其中sb.即students,作主语,所以用被动,且谓语应用

9、复数,故选A项。6I think it _that he have a knowledge of computer for a highpaid job.Auseful Bvaluable Cessential Deffective答案C解析此题考查形容词辨析。句意:我认为他为了找一份高薪工作有必要掌握电脑知识。四个备用选项中只有essential要求主语从句中的谓语用should动词原形,should可以省略。7On AIDS Day,the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems _ paid special att

10、ention to.Areferred to being Breferred to be Crefer to being Drefer to be答案B解析句意:在艾滋病日,卫生部长要求要特别注意涉及的问题。referred to在句中作定语,修饰problems;demand后接从句,谓语动词要用(should)be paid attention to,主语是problems,用被动语态。8One day I saw a homeless person with a _“will work for food”I just passed by.Amark Bsymbol Csign Dcard

11、答案C解析with a sign “will work for food”意思是“拿着一块招牌,上面写着愿意以工作换食物”。9The government has _the tax on wine from 10% to 20%.Areduced Bdecreased Cdoubled Ddoubted答案C解析句意:政府把酒税已经从10%翻倍提高到了20%。double加倍,符合题意。reduce减少;decrease减少;doubt怀疑。10The teacher is trying to apply the theory _ his teaching.Afor Bto Cwith Dat

12、答案B解析句意:那位老师试着把这个理论应用于他的教学中。apply sth.to把施于;把运用于。.阅读理解Managing others is always a tough task,but in the past that stress was balanced by hopes for career mobility and financial rewards.Along with a sizable pay raise,people chosen as managers would begin a nearly automatic climb up the career ladder

13、to lucrative executive private benefits:company cars,club memberships,plus the key to the executive washroom.But in todays global,more competitive showground,a manager sits in an insecure chair.Restructuring has removed layer after layer of management as companies came to view their organizations as

14、 collections of talents rather than hierarchies(等级)There are far fewer steps for managers to climb.Also,managerial jobs demand more hours and headaches than ever before but offer slim,if any,financial paybacks and perks.Now managers must manage many people who are spread over different locations,even over different continents.They must manage across functions with say,design,finance and marketing.In an age of entrepreneurship,when the most praised people in business are those launching something new,management seems li


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