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1、考点跟踪突破26动词和动词短语1Lisa,hurry up!The bus is coming.(2014,福州)Oh,no.We_A_ cross the street until the traffic lights turn green.Amustnt Bneednt Cshould2Who was the first to_A_ school yesterday?Tom was.(2014,合肥模拟)Areach Bget Carrive Dgo3The book of poems written by Indian poet,Tiger,is so amazing that I ca

2、nt_A_(2014,安庆模拟)Aput it down Bput it offCput it out Dput it on4Lily_A_ 30 yuan for the album.It was not expensive.(2014,六盘水)Apaid Bcost Ctook Dspend5Good manners can make people_A_ each other.(2014,兰州)Aget on well with Bget offCget over Dget away6Coffee is ready.How nice it_A_!(2014,阜阳模拟)Asmells Bso

3、unds Cfeels Dbecomes7It only_ me half an hour_D_ to school every day last term.(2014,临沂)Atakes;riding Bspent;to rideCcost;walk Dtook;to walk8Must I hand in my homework now,Mr.Smith?No,you_D_(2014,北京)Acant Bshouldnt Cwouldnt Dneednt9The girl is greatly interested in the song.The lyrics of it_A_ her t

4、houghts and feelings.(2014,平凉)Aexpress Bdiscuss Cexpect Dimagine10As time_A_,youll come to think of English as your friend and love it.(2014,安徽)Agoes by Bruns out Ctakes off Dturns up11The shoes are very nice.Ill take them.Youd better_D_ first.Im afraid the size is a bit small for you.(2014,呼和浩特)Apa

5、y for them Btake them offCput them on Dtry them on12Are you interested in shopping online?Not so much.We_B_ see real products but pictures.(2014,台州)Ashouldnt Bcant Cmustnt Dneednt13Look at the “No Parking” sign.You_D_ park your car here.(2014,淮北模拟)Ashould Bmust Cneednt Dmustnt14Lets go climbing,shal

6、l we?You_C_ be joking!Dont you know Im afraid of high places.(2014,绍兴)Amay Bcan Cmust Dshould15Li Yan is a helpful girl.She always_C_ my little sister while Im away.(2014,杭州)Alooks for Btakes afterClooks after Druns after16Choosing the right circle of the friends will_A_ us a lot of troubles,heartac

7、hes and possibly a life of deep regret.(2014,河南)Asave Bshare Ckeep Dbring17Do you like swimming in winter?(2014,荆州)Of course.The water_A_ a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy.Afeels Btastes Csmells Dlooks18As the road to the airport is under repair,we will have to_D_ early to ge

8、t there in time.(2014,宁波)Aturn off Btake off Cput off Dset off19The boats take different routes,but they all_C_ in the same place.(2014,杭州)Agive up Bclear up Cend up Dmake up20Could you please have a walk with me?Sorry,I_C_I have something important to do now.(2014,淮南模拟)Amustnt Bneednt Ccant Dmay no

9、t21I_A_ follow you.Would you please repeat it?(2014,河北)Acant BmustntCneednt Dshouldnt22_ I know by what time you want the project to be done?By the day after tomorrow,_A_ you finish it on time?(2014,连云港)AMay;can BMust;needCCould;must DNeed;would23We_D_ use mobile phones when the plane takes off.(201

10、4,云南)Amay not Bshouldnt Cneednt Dmustnt24This bus doesnt go to the train station.Im afraid youll have to_C_ at the library and take the A52.(2014,河南)Atake off Bput off Cget off Dturn off25Hi,guy!You_B_ not park your car here.Its for our customers only.(2014,黔南)Aneed Bcan Cwill Dmay26The radio is too

11、 loud.Please_A_(2014,绵阳)Aturn it down Bturn it upCturn it on Dturn in over27Excuse me,can I_ your pen?Sorry,I have_A_ it to Bob.(2014,绵阳)Aborrow;lent Bborrow;borrowedClend;borrowed Dlend;lent28What are you packing so many books for,Grandma?Ill_B_ to the kids in West China.(2013,威海)Agive them up Bgiv

12、e them awayCgive them off Dgive them in29Lets plan a surprise party for our class.Whats your idea?Why not_D_ a short play?(2014,阜康)Aget on Bkeep on Chave on Dput on30Whos singing in the garden?It_A_ be Mr.Brown.He always practices singing at this time.(2014,长沙)Amust Bcant Cneed31We are planning to g

13、o for a picnic this weekend,but it_C_ the weather.(2012,遂宁)Akeeps on Bputs on Cdepends on32During the World Cup,a large number of soccer fans fly to Brazil.It has_C_ a great place for fans to have fun.(2014,山西)Amade Bkept Cbecome33Many successful people have the same qualitythey never_A_ no matter w

14、hat difficulties theyve had.(2014,山西)Agive up Bstay up Ccheer up34Smart phones are more and more popular now.So they are.But they still_B_ too much.(2014,十堰)Apay Bcost Ctake Dspend35The song Where Did the Time Go_B_ the old days and the love of family.Sure.Its my favorite song.(2014,十堰)Ahelps us out Breminds us ofClets us down Dregards us as36_D_ you come with me to Lang Langs piano concert this evening?(2014,广东)Id love to,but I have to study for my math test.A


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