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1、2015年中考英语复习二轮专项练习构词法练习1 Is there a bridge over the river? Yes, there is _ bridge over it.A. a 800-metres-long B. an 800-metres-long C. a 800-metre-long D. an 800-metre-long2 -Do you know the result of the _ race?-Yes. The winner is a boy _ Lin Feng from Class 4.A. 100-metres, called B. 100-metre; ca

2、llingC. 100-metre; called D.100-metres, calling3There are many shops on _ side of the busy street.A. every B. each C. both D. all 4The soft music sounds _. We are all listening _. A. happily; careful B. beautifully; carefully C. moving; careful D. beautiful; carefully5It has been sunny these days, s

3、o I _ it _ tomorrow.A. think , wont rain B. dont think, will rain C. think ,doesnt rain D. dont think , rains6 His failure made his father think him a _ boy.A. disappoint B. disappointedC. disappointingD. disappointment7I cant go _ because I have to go home at once. A. to somewhere else B. anywhere

4、else C. somewhere else D. to else anywhere8 should not be allowed to go out at night.A. Twelve-years-old B. Twelve-year-oldsC. Twelve year old C. Twelve year old9There was _ woman in the room, sitting and looking at me in the dark.A. a 80-year-old B. an 80-year-old C. a 80-years-old D. an 80-years-o

5、ld10Tom is a _ person. He thinks no one can be successful without _.A. hard-working, hard work B. hard-working, work hardC. working-hard, hard work D. working-hard, work hard11 -Our club has just finished an _ documentary. -Really? Can I have a quick look at it now?A.10-minutes long B. 8-minutes lon

6、g C. 10-minute-long D. 8-minute-long 12Jane is high school student in the United States.A.a 18-year-old B.a 18-years-old C. an 18-year-old D. 18-years-old根据短文内容和首字母提示,在空格处填入适当的词使文章完整。Everyone n_13_ friends. We all like to be close to someone. It is nice to h_14_ a friend to talk, laugh, and do thing

7、s with. Sometimes we need to be a_15_. We dont always want people around. But we feel lonely (寂寞) if we have n_16_ friends. No two people are just the s_17_. Sometimes friends make each other u 18 . That doesnt m_19_ that we no longer like each other. M_20_ of the time we will make up (和好). Sometime

8、s friends move away, then we feel very s_21_. We miss them very much. So we call them and w_22_ to them.根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。23Linda had a sore throat , she c a lot , her mother asked her to take an X-ray.24Tina tells of the importance of making a good d_, and of being in contr

9、ol of ones life.25-What happened to the shop? -Im not sure. Some policemen are waiting for the o of the shop now.26Last week, he v at an after-school study program. He helped the kids read some interesting books.27Sally wants to put o_ making a plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. S

10、hes too busy with her studies this year.28Tom lost the basketball match yesterday, so he is so sad now. Lets do something to c_ him up.29 We had a long j in the countryside. We took a lot of photos and had a picnic with the farmers. We felt very tired.30After the earthquake, thousands of people beca

11、me d . Some of them lost their arms or legs, they need our help.31If you dont u the meanings of the words, please look them up in your dictionary or ask the teacher for help.32A Malaysia airplane was missing on March 8th, can you i what happened to this plane? Was it exploded (爆炸)or being hijacked (

12、劫持了)?用其适当形式完成句子(共10空,计5分)33 We would feel_ if someone didnt respect(尊敬) us. Luckily I am respected by my students and it_ (comfort) me.34By the time we got there, we found that Jacky_up all food. Now Im sorry to say that theres nothing _(eat).35This kind of machine can _(use)for_(cut)paper.36Im plea

13、sed_(know) you have finished drawing the_(nine) picture.37-Can you tell me what the_between Jenny and Cathy are? -They are twin sisters, but Jenny is smarter and sometimes she thinks_(different) from others用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空,每次仅限一次。 destroy lovely allow nine French 38September is _ month of a year.39I can read _ but I cant speak it well.40My house _ by the heavy rain last week.41I will help my mother do some washing if she _ me .42My little sister is as _ as an angel (天使).参考答案1D【解析】试题分析:句意为:-河面上有一座桥吗?-有。河面上有一条800米长的桥。连字符号连接数词、名词,和形容词,用作形容词,这时名词不用复数形式。a用于辅音发音开头的词前, an用于元音发音开头的词前。e


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