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1、工商管理硕士毕业论文摘 要电信重组和3G牌照下发后,形成三家拥有全国性网络资源,实力与规模相对接近、具备全业务经营能力的市场竞争主体。三分天下后的通信市场竞争更加激烈,而市场竞争的焦点便是对客户的抢夺,在这种情况下,长沙电信分公司应该改变经营理念,适应电信市场竞争环境的变化,才能在竞争中处于不败之地。因此,客户关系管理(CRM)是公司面临的一个重要课题。电信企业实施客户关系管理对企业应对市场竞争、提高盈利能力、提高竞争壁垒、降低企业成本等方面有着重要的意义;国内电信企业已认识到CRM对企业的巨大作用,且为其应用和实施打下了良好的基础,但目前还没有一套适合我国电信运营商具体状况的实施方法和应用模


3、户服务管理方面进行革新和改造,才能真正实现培育企业竞争优势的目标。本文以长沙电信分公司为对象,通过层层深入分析,提出了一套较为实用的客户关系管理策略。本文的研究成果能给长沙电信分公司客户关系管理提供一定的参考。关键词:长沙电信分公司;客户关系管理;经营理念AbstractAfter telecommunication enterprise is recombined and License Plate 3G is issued,three market competitors have formed.They own the countrywide network resource, and

4、their strength and scale are close to each other. They can manage all the business. Because of the division of the communication market, the competition is more fierce. The focus of competition in the market is to attract more customers. In such situation,Hunan Telecom Changsha Branch should change

5、the management philosophy to fit the changes of competition in telecommunication market. So the company can be in an invincible position in competition. Therefore, Customer Relationship Management is an important subject the company must be faced with.Telecommunication enterprise puts Customer Relat

6、ionship Management into practice, which is important in some aspects, such as responsing market competition, improving a profitability, raising the competition barrier,reducing business cost.The domestic telecommunication enterprise has already known the great effect Customer Relationship Management

7、 brings about, and has laid down a good basis for applying and putting into effect. But now there is not a set of practical method and application module fitting for the state of telecom operators of our country at present. The application of Customer Relationship Management overseas is relatively m

8、ature. So we can use it as a source of reference. Nowadays the new scene of telecommunication market in China has been composed of the progress in IT, the improvement of network platform , the incessant innovation of the business, the ceaseless subdivision for the need of customers, the opening to t

9、he outside world gradually in market and more drastic competition at home and abroad. The new pattern of competition and the new environment of management would be austere challenge for the traditional running pattern of Hunan Telecom Changsha Branch .So the management philosophy of the company shou

10、ld change from business guiding into customer guiding, in order to lift the central competition. As for the market-oriented problem, the problem of service process, the problem in information system and the problem of marketing and communicating channels existing in the practice of Customer Relation

11、ship Management in Hunan Telecom Changsha Branch, this article suggests that Customer Relationship Management of Hunan Telecom Changsha Branch should be improved in the aspects of the strategy,the technological process, the system of Customer Relationship Management,Customer Contact Management. In o

12、rder to ensure to put the measures of Customer Relationship Management into effect,corporate culture, human resource,degree of satisfaction of customers and management of customers should be innovated and created. In this way, the target of cultivating the dominant enterprise competition can be real

13、ized authentically.The object of this article is Hunan Telecom Changsha Branch. By means of deepgoing analysis,a setof comparatively utility tactics of Customer Relationship Management is proposed. The research production of this book can provide some important reference for Customer Relationship Ma

14、nagement of Hunan Telecom Changsha Branch .Key Word: Hunan Telecom Changsha Branch;Customer Relationship Management; management philosophy目 录学位论文原创性声明和学位论文版权使用授权书I摘 要IIAbstractIII插图索引VIII附表索引IX第1章 绪 论11.1 研究背景及意义11.2 客户关系管理理论概述11.2.1 客户关系管理溯源11.2.2 客户关系管理31.2.3 电信客户关系管理41.2.4 客户关系管理的实质41.2.5 CRM系统介绍

15、51.3 研究内容和思路61.3.1 研究内容61.3.2 研究思路6第2章 客户关系管理在电信业的应用82.1 客户关系管理为电信业创造的竞争优势82.1.1 有利于企业面对日益激烈的市场竞争82.1.2 有利于提高企业的盈利能力92.1.3 有利于提高企业竞争壁垒92.1.4 有利于降低企业成本102.2 客户关系管理在国外电信业的应用102.2.1 国外CRM的应用状况102.2.2 国外电信企业CRM的实施经验112.3 客户关系管理在我国电信业的应用122.3.1 国内电信企业CRM的发展状况122.3.2 客户关系管理在我国电信业应用中的问题13第3章 长沙电信分公司客户关系管理现

16、状分析153.1 长沙电信分公司概况153.1.1 长沙电信分公司背景153.1.2 长沙电信分公司面临的环境分析153.1.3 长沙电信分公司实施客户关系管理的必要性163.2长沙电信分公司客户资源分析173.2.1 客户特点173.2.2 客户细分183.3 长沙电信分公司客户关系管理现状193.3.1 客户服务管理193.3.2 10000号客服中心203.3.3 客户信息系统203.3.4 客户满意度213.4 长沙电信分公司客户关系管理中存在的问题223.4.1 市场缺乏“以客户为导向”223.4.2 缺乏从客户角度建立的服务流程223.4.3 缺乏信息系统的统一规划233.4.4 沟通渠道的弊端23第4章 长沙电信分公司客户关系管理



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