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1、 学 以 致 用.用所给词的适当形式填空1After the work was finished,he divided the money _ among them.(equal)2The baby looks so _ when hes sleeping.(peace)3She described her husband as“a good man and a _ husband.”(devotion)4They succeeded in _ from the burning bus,which was a terrible experience.(escape)5My brother is

2、 _ with his money.(generosity)6Some of the films are full of_,which is not good for young kids.(violent)7Welcome to Beijing,Im your _ in this trip.(guide)8There is a newspaper article_the Prime Minister.(attack)答案1.equally2.peaceful3.devoted4.escaping5.generous6.violence7.guide8.attacking.完成或翻译下列句子1

3、I have reached a stage in my life _make decisions of my own.(suppose)我已经到了应该自己做出决定的人生阶段。2我认为他胜任不了那个职位。(equal)_3我不能确定她是否愿意见我们。(willing)_4他总是乐于帮助遇到麻烦的人。(in trouble)_5如果你遇到生词,可以查英文字典。(turn to)_答案1.where I am supposed to2I dont think he is equal to the position.3Im not sure whether/if she would be willi

4、ng to meet us.4He is always ready to help anyone who is in trouble.5If you meet new words,you may turn to the English dictionary.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Sophie:Have you ever watched the film ET.made by Steven Spielberg?It is one of the best moneymaking films in history.I think its _1_

5、 great film.Alan:I dont think _2_.But the story is good in some ways.The idea of a friendly alien living in our world and _3_(make) friends with a group of teenagers is OK.Sophie:The film is more than twenty years old now and people still love the _4_.Alan:I just think it is a good film but not a gr

6、eat one.I think that Steven Spielberg made the film _5_ he wanted to make everyone _6_(move) to cry.I also think the film is too long.Sophie:Its only one hour and fortyfive _7_ long!Alan:I mean that it feels too long.I admit its extremely exciting at the beginning.But at the end.Sophie:But can you remember the part _8_ ET. is dying and one of the children is so attached to ET. that he becomes _9_(serious) ill too?Alan:Yes,I think I fell _10_ at that point.答案1.a2.so3.making4.story5.because6.moved7.minutes8.where9.seriously10.sleep新课 标第 一 网


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