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1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。知能综合检测(四)七年级下册 Units 58(45分钟 100分)一、单项选择填空 (30分)1. Wheres Sam? He _ for a test in his room. A. study B. studies C. is studying2. _ is the weather in New York? Its very cold, because it just snowed yesterday. A. HowB. WhatC. Where3. What does Mary _? Sh

2、es tall and has long curly hair. She is of medium build. w w w .x k b 1.c o mA. look forB. look likeC. look up4. Would you like to help us with soccer after school? _, but my parents want me to help them. A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thanks C. Id love to新*课*标*第*一*网5. Nancy, remember _ the window before you

3、go to bed! OK, Mom! A. closeB. closingC. to close6. _? Pretty good! How about you? A. How do you doB. What are you doing C. How are you doing7. What a _ day it is! http:/www. xkb1.c omYes. It hasnt been so wet for long days. A. sunnyB. windyC. rainy8. _? Yes, please. Id like some noodles. A. Can I h

4、elp youB. What can I do for youC. What are you here for9. Many people are playing games on the beach. Some are playing volleyball; _ are playing soccer. A. otherB. the otherC. others10. When the teacher got into the classroom, all the students stopped _ at once. A. sayingB. talkingC. to say11. How _

5、 the medicine tastes! Yes. But the medicine will really work soon after you take it. A. terribleB. deliciousC. sweetxk|b|112. Ill have a picnic with some friends in Zhongshan Park if it is _ tomorrow. 13. The movie ended in a _ way, so everyone felt _ after watching it. A. surprising; surprisedB. su

6、rprised; surprisingC. surprising; surprising14. What would you like for a drink, tea or coffee? _ is OK. I dont mind at all. A. BothB. EitherC. Neither15. There was a _ rain last night, and its still raining _ now. A. heavy; heavyB. heavily; heavilyC. heavy; heavily二、完形填空(15分)When time comes to Dece

7、mber in England, there 1 usually lots of snowstorms. Though they can often 2 traffic accidents, 3 local people and drivers are 4 terrible weather. However, to everyones 5 , a special “apple rain”6 in Coventry 7 December 12, 2011. “Its 8 thing Ive met all my life! ” said Mr Turner, a 9 man who has li

8、ved in the city for more than 50 years. It was about the rush hour in the evening, and many people were just 10 in the street when the apples 11 fell down without warning. Some people thought the apples might fall from a plane, while 12 regarded it 13 a trick from naughty children. The UK Met Office

9、(英国气象局) said on 14th that it could be the result of cyclones(气旋) in the storm. It 14 that some storms can carry things like apples away as 15 as 100 miles (about 161 kilometers). 1. A. isB. areC. have2. A. causeB. keepC. leave3. A. butB. andC. /4. A. used toB. used forC. use to5. A. surprisedB. surp

10、risingC. surprise6. A. arrivedB. gotC. reached7. A. inB. atC. on8. A. strangeB. strangerC. the strangest9. A. 79 years oldB. 79-year-oldC. 79-years-old10. A. walkingB. cryingC. sleeping11. A. luckilyB. suddenlyC. happily12. A. otherB. othersC. the other13. A. forB. toC. as14. A. saysB. is sayingC. i

11、s said15. A. farB. fartherC. farthest三、口语交际(10分)情景七选五, 请阅读下面对话, 根据其情景, 从方框内七个选项中选出能填入下面对话的五个选项。A. How much is it? B. Id like a beef hamburger and salad. C. What drinks do you have? D. What drinks would you like? E. How much are they? F. What kind of salad would you like? G. And we have a new onehot

12、chocolate. A:Hello! What can I do for you? B: 1 A: 2 B:Fruit salad. And some drinks, please. 3 A:We have orange juice, apple juice and tea. 4 B:What is it? A:It is hot milk with sugar and chocolate. It tastes good. B:Well, Ill have a try. 5 A:They are 35 yuan. B:All right. Heres the money. 1. _2. _3

13、._ 4._ 5._ 四、阅读理解(10分)As we know, when the air warms up and rises, it has water vapor(水蒸气) in it. When the vapor hits particles of dust(尘埃粒子) in the air, it forms droplets(液滴). When these droplets become big and heavy, they fall to the earth as rain. Recently, Israeli scientists have discovered that

14、 air pollution may stop rain from falling. They found the smoke from cars and factories adds to the particles in the air. Because there are so many of these particles, more small droplets form, but they are not big enough to fall down as rain. These clouds are called dry clouds. The only way to get back rain is by cleaning up the environment. Or a time may come when clouds will form but no rain will fall. 根据文章内容完成句子。1. When the _ gets warm and rises, it has water vapor in it. 2. If the droplets in the sky fall down to the earth, theyre called _


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