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1、考点跟踪突破12八年级下册Units 34 一、单项选择。1Sally took a photo of her friends while they _ computer games.(2013,杭州)Aplay Bare playingChave played Dwere playing2If I am wanted in the telephone,ask him to leave a _.(2013,扬州)Amessage Bletter Cdiary Dsentence3Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature last year._ exce

2、llent he is!(2013,广东) w W w .x K b 1.c o MAHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an4What _ you _ when the captain came in?(2013,齐齐哈尔)Aare;doing Bdid;doCwere;doing Ddo;do5A true friend can see the pain in your eyes _ everyone else believes the smile on your face.(2012,包头)Awhile Bbecause Cbefore Duntil6You were _ t

3、o close the windows.Why were you so careless?(2012,绵阳)Aallowed BbelievedCsupposed Dcaused7Tony _ football every weekend when he was young.(2013,宁波)Aplays BplayedCis playing Dhas played8The official said they _ a new law to protect the tourists the next year.(2013,上海)Amakes Bwould makeCmade Dhave mad

4、e9I dont think its good to talk in class.Jim,you should _ it.Aget up Bget backCget on Dget over10My sister looked for her pet dog _ yesterday,but she didnt find it _.Aeverywhere;anywhereBanywhere;somewhereCsomewhere;nowhereDnowhere;everywhere二、单词拼写。http:/www.xkb1.co m根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写。11Jiang Lil

5、u made a d_ (决定) to teach in a poor mountain village.12Dont c_(抄袭) your books during the test.13Who is the greatest h_(英雄) in your mind?14This is a big and m_(现代化的) school.The students come from all over the world.15She is too n_(紧张的) to remember what she should say.16My mother is cooking in the k_(

6、厨房) now.17You can call 110 when you are in d_(危险)18Please believe me.What I said is t_(真实的)19The plane had to l_ (着陆)this morning because of the bad weather.20Please keep in s_(沉默)The teacher is giving the speech.三、补全对话。从下面方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。其中有两项多余。Bill:I got my report card today,Mom.Mother:Oh,21._Bill

7、:I did OK in most subjects.22._Mother:What did he say?Bill:23._Mother:Thats nice.24._Bill:Im still weak in science.25._Mother:I agree with him.You should work harder at science.Bill:Ill try.AHow did it start?BMy science teacher said I was lazy.CHe said I was a good student.DYoure lucky.EHow about sc

8、ience?FHow did you do?GAnd the best news is from my English teacher.四、完形填空。(2013,湘西)I had a very unusual experience(经历)on Sunday. At ten in the morning, I was _26_ down the street when a UFO landed right _27_ of me. You can imagine(想象) _28_ strange it was! An alien _29_ and walked down Center Street

9、. I followed it to see _30_ it was going, and I was very surprised when it went _31_ a souvenir shop. While it was _32_ at the souvenirs(纪念品), the shop assistant called the _33_Before the police arrived, the alien left the _34_ and then visited the Museum of Flight._35_ the alien was in the museum,

10、I called the TV station. Isnt that amazing!26A.arriving Bwalking Clooking27A.in front Bbefore C. at28A.what Bwhen Chow29A.got in Bgot on Cgot out30A.where Bwhen Cwhich31A.onto Bon Cinto32A.walking Blooking Cgiving33A.police Bteacher Cdriver34A.school Bshop Cstreet35A.While BWhat CWhich五、阅读理解。(2013,呼

11、和浩特) 新|课 |标| 第 |一| 网Indonesia is my mothers homeland and one of my favorite countries.Since I was young,I had learned a lot about the country and become interested in it.For a long time I had wanted to do something for the country and people there,and I thought volunteering (做志愿者) would be a good an

12、d fun way to do so.I received the greatest pleasure from being with the children.Teaching my first English class in Aceh was exciting but I was rather nervous.As time passed by,I learned how to be a better teacher.Teaching was actually the most enjoyable of my many responsibilities (责任)Many children

13、 were shy at first.But when they relaxed,they would start talking and telling you a lot of funny things.I believed we were helping them build up their confidence.For the children who are more in need,The Education Program (TEP) will collect donations (募捐) to help them.As a volunteer,I had to visit t

14、he TEP children at home once a month and help them write a thankyou letter to their sponsorsThis was a way for the children to communicate with their sponsors.Sometimes the sponsors would write back to the children.Seeing the childrens happy faces,I had a great sense of pleasure.36The writer believed volunteering would be a good way to _Aplay outdoorsBget the greatest pleasureClearn more about IndonesiaDdo something for Indonesia37The writer felt _ when he gave his first class.Arelaxed Bner


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