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1、14-15学年牛津九年级上学期Unit1试题(安徽)Class: Name: Marks: (满分120分)一 . 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) ( )1. My little cousin is a (an) boy and he always asks me all kinds of strange questions.A. creativeB. curiousC. energeticD. organized( )2. Li Ming often helps his classmates and teachers and he often gets from them.A

2、. moneyB. prizesC. presentsD. praise( )3. Its dangerous to walk across the street carelessly. Youre right. We cant be careful while crossing the street.A. soB. veryC. tooD. more( )4. Would you like a cup of coffee or a bottle of juice? X|k |B| 1 . c |O |m . Id like some milk.A. EitherB. BothC. NoneD

3、. Neither( )5. It is I against the plan, because it sounds impossible to carry out.A. that isB. who amC. who areD. that are( )6. Picasso once said that all children are artists. The problem is to remain artists as they grow older.A. bornB. young C. generalD. modest ( )7. There were noises coming fro

4、m upstairs, but we didnt them.A. listen toB. pay attention toC. look forD. ask for( )8. Did you enjoy the outdoor training yesterday? No, not at all! I was dead after so much hard training.A. as good asB. as well asC. so good asD. so well as( )9. Our monitor Jack is good at all the subjects, but he

5、never . What a modest student!A. gets offB. takes offC. puts offD. shows off( )10. We may meet all kinds of difficulties in the future, but we should be confident enough to any challenge.A. put onB. get onC. take onD. try on( )11. Football is a popular sport. my father my mother is interested in wat

6、ching football matches.A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; norC. Both; andD. Either; orX k B 1 . c o m( )12. My father wants me to be a doctor an engineer, I want to be an actor.A. or; andB. and; butC. and; soD. or; but( )13. The railway Qinghai to Tibet is the longest plateau (高原) railway in the world

7、.A. connectedB. connectsC. connectingD. is connected ( )14. Mrs Black is an organized housewife. Thats right. Everything in her house is always .A. in orderB. out of orderC. in troubleD. in the way( )15. People born under the same animal sign always have similar hobbies and personalities. I think th

8、ats just a coincidence (巧合). A. Yes, I agree with you.B. Thats true.C. Im afraid I cant agree.D. You are right in some ways.( )16. Mike is good at many kinds of musical instruments. He is a musician. A. welcomeB. born C. hardD. tired ( )17. Mum, I dont want to learn the piano anymore. Its too diffic

9、ult. Dear, dont . Im sure you will succeed.A. wake upB. stay upC. give upD. end up( )18. Peter has good grades in all his subjects, but he never shows off. I agree. He is very .A. powerfulB. creativeC. modestD. generous( )19. Is there any food left? No, Sam has all of it. A. eaten upB. taken upC. lo

10、oked upD. got up( )20. Daniel is creative and thoughtful. He can often good ideas.A. pay attention to B. put up with C. catch up with D. come up with 二. 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)ANow more than 40 million foreigners around the world are learning Chinese, according to a report. The relationship (关系) b

11、etween the United States and China is becoming 21 . It has really 22 the growth of Chinese language learning in the US.I am Chris from the US. I am one of the many people learning 23 . I am studying at a Confucius institute (孔子学院) in New York. There are 10 24 in our class. Some are over 30 years old

12、. Some are middle school students. Our Chinese teacher 25 Beijing. He often tells us some interesting things in China.I think Chinese is 26 to learn. The biggest challenge for American learners is the writing. Chinese is 27 different from any other language in the world. http:/ww w.xkb1.co m It will

13、 28 me a lot of time to learn enough Chinese characters (汉字). But I think there are many advantages of spending time 29 the language. One big advantage is that it makes me see things from a different point of view, 30 Chinese is such a different language from English. I think for American students t

14、he most important advantage is that learning a different language can open up their mind. ( )21. A. worse B. poorer C. friendlier D. politer( )22. A. stopped B. practisedC. started D. influenced( )23. A. English B. ChineseC. FrenchD. Japanese( )24. A. students B. workersC. teachers D. farmers ( )25. A. comes to B. leaves for C. goes around D. comes from( )26. A. easyB. surprised C. difficultD. boring( )27. A. slowly B. quicklyC.


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