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1、20132014学年度秋八年级英语第三次月考试卷(笔试部分 100分)(请同学们把所有答案填入答题卡中,保持卷面整洁,谢谢!).单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1Jack,didyoumeet_duringyourlastvacationtoMalaysia?A.someoneinteresting B.anyoneinterestingC.interestingsomeone D.interestinganyone2What does your brother want _ when he _? A. to be, grow B. be, grow up C. to be, grow up

2、D. to be, grows up.3The TV program was very_and we all got_.Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored4.Icantstand_theterribleTVshow.A.watch B.watching C.towatch D.watched5The old man is very healthy.I think he will live_.Ato be 100 years old B100 years old X Kb 1. Co mC at 100 years ol

3、d Din 100 years old6MyfriendLeiissofunnythatheoftenmakesme_.A.laugh B.tolaugh C.laughing D.laughed7I predict there will be _ trees and_ pollution in the future.Afew, little Bfewer, more Cless, more Dmore, fewer8What will the future _? No one can predict exactly.Abe like Bbe Clike Dlike as9I _think e

4、verything _ be free 20 years from now.A/;wont Bdont;wont Cdont;will Dwill;doesnt10Some old houses _in my hometown last summer.Afall down Bfell down Cwrite down Dwrote down11I want to go to the movie tonight. But my parents dont agree_ me.A. with B. on C. at D. in12I cant find my notebook.Could you h

5、elp me _ it?Alook for Blook at Clook like Dlook out13“There_a meeting next Monday.”means “They_a meeting next Monday.”Awill be;will beBwill have;will haveCwill be;will haveDwill have;will be http:/ www.xkb 14How many birds can you see in the sky? Its hard to say._birds,I think.AHundred of BHundreds

6、 ofCTwo hundred of DTwo hundreds of15It _ that everyone _ to laugh.Aseems;loves Bseem;love Cseems;love Dseem;loves16.There _ a match this afternoon. A. will have B. are going to have C. is going to have D. is going to be17 He keep on _ stories every day. A. writing B. writtting C. to write D. write1

7、8. My uncle is going _ Shanghai next year. A. move B. move to C. to move D. to move to19. 14. The old man and the sea_ Hemingway is popular. A. write B. with C. in D. by 20. Jennylistensinclass_thanMary.A.careful B.carefullyC.morecarefulD.morecarefully.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)What will our life be like in t

8、he future?Each family will have a _21_in the future.You can ask it to do everything_22_you.It will serve you_23_hours a day.The robot will_24_like a human.It can talk with you when you are _25_.You wont know whether it is a human_26_ a robot when you meet it on the street.People will have_27_time to

9、 work and more time to travel.The vehicles (交通工具)in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it.They will_28_ you to any place you want to visit.You can go to_29_during your travel when you feel tired.All vehicles will be_30_because theyre driven by robots.21A

10、.rocket Brobot Ccar Dcomputer22A.on Babout Caround Dfor23A.eight Btwenty Ctwentyfour Dfortyeight24A.sound Blive Clook Dtake25A.happy Balon Ccomfortable Dill26A.so Band Cor Dbut27.A.less Bfew Cmore Dmost28A.make Btake Clet Dturn29A.school Bwork Cparks Dsleep30A.safe Bdangerous Cunpleasant Dimpossible

11、.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) X|k |B| 1 . c| O |m( A )Young people have many dreams. Here are Lei Ping and her friends dreams. Lei Ping is going to be an actor. She likes acting. She thinks the actors are well-known and they can make lots of money. She is going to take acting lessons. Her friend Yong likes writ

12、ing. He is going to write articles for the magazines when he grows up. He thinks reading more is good for writing. So he often reads books in the library now. The other friend Li is going to be a teacher. She thinks children are lovely and in the long vacation she can do what she wants to do. 31. Le

13、i Pings dream is to be a(n) _. A. actor B. pilot C. bank clerk D. reader32. What does Lei Ping think of the job of actor? _.A. The actors are well-know. B. The actors can travel anywhere.C. She doesnt like actors. D. She thinks they are tired.33. How is Yong going to achieve(实现) his dream? _.A. He is doing more exercise every day.B. He is writing articles for the magazines.C. He is reading books in the library


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