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1、龙凤区第五小学教师教学设计编 写 者张亚红执 教 者张亚红执教时间2012年9月20,21日 版 本新标准学 科英语册 数第一册单 元Module4 Unit1课 题Its red.课 时教学目标: To be able to understand、say and recognize: green, black, blue,yellow,red,white: To be able to use the sentences: What colour is it? Its 教学重点Words:green, black, blue,yellow,red,white教学难点To be able to

2、use the sentences: What colour is it? Its 教学准备 CD-ROM,cadrds新-课-标-第-一-网教学板块教与学预设(师生活动)教学重构(修改意见)I: Warming-up and Revision1.Sing Good morning.Good morning, boys and girls. Today a lot of teachers visit our school. Can you introduce yourself to the teachers? Thank you. Lets sing another song. Im Pete

3、r.II. Leading-inDo you remember Bob?Say the chant together.What colour is the dog?Can you tell me? Whats your favorite colour? 1.Show the task.ww w.x k b1.co mT: Today lets talk about the colours. Yesterday I saw a lot of pictures you have drawn in Art Class. Can you show me the pictures?T: I hope t

4、hat you can describe your pictures in English, can you? At first, lets learn ore about the colours, OK?2.Learn to say the words.1) T: Look, whats this?T: Yes, its a chameleon. Why can it change its colour?T: Yes, lets watch the VCD and learn to say the sentences.III. Listening & reading Activities1.

5、1) Watch VCD and learn to say.2) Learn the words on Internet.3) Revision新课|标第|一|网 T: Now I have some cards. Please look and say quickly.4) Play a guessing game.T: (show a colour)2.Learn to say the sentences.1) Listen and learn to say the chant. What colour is it?2) Learn to say the sentences: What c

6、olour is it?3) Listen, show the color-pens and say.T: (Show a color-pen and ask) What colour is it?4)Practise in pairs.Step3: Learn on Internet.1.Help the Freda to colour the rainbow.2.Learn to say a story. Art Class.IV. Further Development1.Read the story. Blue wants to change its colour.1) Lead-in

7、T: Look, what colour is it?T: (Mix and ask) Look, now mix the blue and the yellow.What colour is it now?T: There is a beautiful fish. Its name is Blue. She wants to change its colour, do you want to know more bout it?2) Listen and guess the meaning.3) Review the words. mix, change, happy, flower4) Learn to say the story.板书设计 Module 4 Unit 1Its red .教后随记 备注:教学设计内容字体为仿宋,字号为小四,行间距为固定值20磅



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