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1、2011-2012学年度第一学期高埗西联小学英语六年级期中自查卷听力材料一、 Listen and choose(听音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号写在题前的括号里。)1. I often go to school by subway.2. Do you go to Hong Kong by ship?3. I am going to take a trip on New Years Day.4. My mom is going to the shoe store tonight.5. Mike often go to Beijing by plane.6. I wil

2、l go to Amys twelfth birthday party.7. You must stop at the red light.8. I am going to the fruit stand after school.9. I often do homework after dinner.10. Get off at the north gate, you will see the pet shop.二、 Listen and judge. 你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容, 在每小题的大图中圈出相符的图片。别忘了先浏览选项!每小题读两遍。1. The bank is

3、 near the park.2. When are you going? At 6:20.3. The lake is east of the park.4. We often go to school by subway.5. Turn left at the store, you will see the zoo.6. I am going to read a magazine this evening.7. We are going to plant trees together.8. The science museum is west of the hospital.9. My d

4、ad is going to read a newspaper tonight.10. Are you going to the fruit stand? Yes, I am going with my mom.三 Listen and chose the best answer. (听录音,选择最合适的答语。)1. Is the cinema far from here?2. Can I go to the theme with you?3. How are you going to Shanghai?4. Excuse me. How can I get to the post offic

5、e, please?5. Are you going to do homework after school?四、Listen and fill(听录音,填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整,每空一词。)1. Excuse me, where is the bookstore? Its near the park. 2. Do you have a new comic book? Yes, I do. 3. Where is the hospital? Its east of the science museum. 4. How do you go to Guangzhou? I go by

6、train . 5. Go straight to the zoo, its on your left.五、Listen and judge. (听录音,判断句子的对错,对的写“T”, 错的写“F”) Today is Sunday. David is going to the zoo with his cousins. He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop. The bus stop is near his home. He is going to meet his cousins there. They will take the No.9 bus to the zoo. They are going to see many monkeys and elephants there. They are going to have a good time.


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