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1、四年级下期末英语测试题 姓名_ 得分_一、 单项选择。( )1.Lets say hello to _.A. she B. her C. his( ) 2.What_“bright”mean?A. is B. do C. does( )3.How about_ a picnic this Saturday?A. have B. having C. to have( )4._ a good idea.A. What B. How C. It( )5.What are_?A. this B. that C. those( )6.-_are they? -They are in front of t

2、he monkeys.A. How B. What C. Where( )7.There is _exam today.A. a B. an C. so many( )8.-_ are you?-Im nine.A. Where B. How C. How old( )9.my birthday is_ November.A. in B. on C. at( )10._you like hamburgers?A. Do B. Are C. Does二、判断下列句子与所给图片是()否()符合。( )1.This is our maths teacher.( ) 2.Were going to t

3、he park.( ) 3.I like fried chicken and coke.( ) 4.The hospital is next to the shop.( ) 5.I want a dictionary.二、 问答匹配。( )1.Whats his name? A. Yes, we are.( )2. Is he old or young? B. I like hamburgers.( )3. Are you ready? B. He is young.( )4. What do you like? D. His name is john.( )5. Can you say it

4、 in English? E. Yes, Id love to.( )6. What month is it? F. Yes, I can.( )7. What are these? G. Its February?( )8.Would you like to join us? H. They are roses.三、 情景交际。( )1.你想知道对方是否疲倦,应问:A. Are you tired? B. Are you hungry? C. Are you thirsty?( ) 2.想告诉别人你的生日在五月,应说:A. My birthday is at April. B. My bir

5、thday is in May. C. My birthday is on June. ( )3.你想告诉别人你的数学老师很英俊,应说: A. My Chinese teacher is beautiful. B. My English teacher is strong. C. My maths teacher is handsome.( )4.你想告诉别人你喜欢饼干,应说:A. I like biscuit. B. I like biscuits. C. I dont like biscuits.( )5你想告诉别人那只猫在狗和猪之间,应问:A. the cat is beside the

6、 dog and the pig.B. The cat is between the dog and the pig.C. The cat is in front of the dog and the pig.( )6.想告诉别人你们要去野餐,应说:A. We are having a picnic. B. How about having a picnit? C. We are going to have a picnic. ( )7.早晨见到朋友时,应该这样打招呼:A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.( )8.你想知道妈妈在哪里,应问:A. Where is my mom? B. How old is my mom? C. Whats my mom like?四、连词成句。1.to again how you see nice.(!)2.ne teacher we a English have(.)3.going Im cinema the to (.)4.many zoo are animals the there in (.)5.birday December my in is(.)


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