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1、新目标八年级(上)英语预习导学案课 题: Unit 4 How do you get to school? Section A课 型: 预习课执 笔 : 李欣 【温馨寄语】 No one can call back yesterday.(昨日不会重现。)【学习目标】 1.熟练掌握基数词1-100的表达方式。 2.能够描述怎样到达某地的方式、路程及所花费的时间。【重点和难点】 1.熟练掌握基数词1-100的表达方式。 2.能够描述怎样到达某地的方式、路程及所花费的时间。【学法指导】讨论法 归类法【语言目标】1.-How do you get to school? -I walk to schoo

2、l. -I get to school on foot.2.-How does he get to school? -He gets to school by bike. -He gets to school on his/a/the bike. -He rides his/a/the bike to school.3.-How far is it (from your/his/her home to school)? -Its three miles. -Its nine kilometers.4.-How long does it take (you/him/her to get from

3、 home to school)? -It takes (about) 25 minutes. -It takes (about) one and a half hours.【重点词汇】要求熟读记忆以下单词并写出中文。subway ( ) train ( ) bicycle( ) minute ( )seventy( ) eighty( ) thirty ( ) hundred( )ninety ( ) forty ( ) fifty ( ) sixty ( )take ( ) by ( ) mile ( ) kilometer( )far ( ) shower( ) quick ( ) ea

4、rly ( )【重点词组】背诵以下短语,你最棒! bus bus bus train train train subway subway subway1.take a/the plane =go by plane =goon a/the plane 乘 boat boat boat ship ship ship taxi taxi taxi car car =goin a/the car 2.ride a/the/ones bike =goby bike = goon a/the/ones bike 骑自行车3. walk to school =go to school on foot 走着上

5、学4. have a breakfast 吃早饭 have a quick breakfast=have breakfast quickly 迅速地吃早饭5. take him to school 带他去学校 take her home 带她回家6. shower=take a shower 淋浴7. the early bus 早班车8. at six thirty=at half past six 在6点半9. how far 多远10. leave for+地点 l 离开去【重点词汇探究与拓展】1. take 过去式_ v. 乘车短语: take +限定词+交通工具 e.g. take

6、the subway/bus拓展:take 用来表示具体采用某种交通方式时=by+交通工具不同点:1.take 为动词,因此take所构成的短语作谓语;by 为介词,因此该短语作方式状语。2.take短语中的交通工具名词前要有限定词(冠词,形容词性物主代词或指示代词)。 by短语中的交通工具名词前则不要任何限定词。e.g. take the bus to(go to)work=go to work by bus v.花费(时间) It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 做某事花了某人时间。e.g. It takes me 10 minutes _(go)to w

7、ork.拓展:花时间做某事=人 spend+时间on sth. =人 spend+时间(in)doing sth.e.g. It took me 20 minutes _(write) a letter last night. = I spent 20 minutes on the letter last night = I _ last night.趁热打铁:It _me three days _(完成)_( read)the book2.基数词默写1-12:默写13-19默写20、3090默写21,32,43,56,78,99,85百:_ num. 数字+hundred .百 e.g. f

8、ive hundred hundreds of 数百的 比较:There are about_(八百)students in our school. There are _(数百)children in the park.默写101,243,546,888,4943.表示路程长度的单位:meter,kilometer,mile 你知道它们的意思吗? _,_,_ 【学习过程】Step1:Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible.1. 按音标正确读,背单词和短语。P100,from subway to mile.2. 抄写单词的汉语一

9、遍,抄写后并默写单词和短语.(在练习本上完成,小组长检查)。3. 默写单词,核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出。对错误内容再次加以巩固。地铁_ 火车_ 四十_ 早的 公里五十_ 分钟_ 九十_ 淋浴_ 表交通等方式_ 花费_ 公里_ 英里_ 自行车_=_ 快的_ 远的_ 八十_ 六十_ 三十_ 一百_ 七十_Step2:词组欢乐碰1. 小组成员之间可以结对,也可以自己练习短语的读音.2. 试着默写短语,核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出。对错误内容再次加以巩固。(每种短语至少写出2种)乘公共汽车_乘地铁_乘火车_乘小汽车_乘出租车_骑自行车_走着上学_乘小船_3. 看课本19页,完成1a。小组长带领组员核

10、对答案,并进行带读。Step3:听力热身 1. 听录音并填空。A:How_Bob and Mary_?B: Bob_and Mary_.A: How_John_?B: He_.A: How_Paul and Yang Lan_?B: They_._.theyre_ _now!2. 对话练习。Step4:句型点中点1.How do you get to school? 你(你们)怎样到校?How+助动词( )+主语+go/get to+地?其答语为表达方式方法的短语。如:take the bus, ride a bike等或用by+交通工具表达.详细用法见前面短语。拓展:get,reach,arrive都可以表示到达,用法有区别:reach为及物动词 reach+地点名词get为不及物动词



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