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1、Pushing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District, subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and br

2、idge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to ecological lay based, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich connotation of thought, caught built beautifu

3、l village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and five modified three built, project near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry, and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmar

4、k. Four is equal benefits to promote sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the peoples livelihood, the masses have more access in the sharing. Cuoban something good and benefit. Adhere to the

5、affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical, developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national assessment,

6、 the County vocational education center was named top School of vocational education in China, the third batch of national reform and development model through provincial . Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dyna

7、mism, adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel, adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to R

8、egulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation, speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management

9、 laid the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social ca

10、pital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public services and other areas, easing development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. To support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as actively promoting financial intermedi

11、ation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created a大厅领班工作流程早会工作安排核查协调工作计划一、早会1、检查出勤情况(执行考勤制度)2、检查仪容、仪表(执行着装制度)3、宣讲前日菜肴反馈意见及工作情况,提出解决方案4、安排当日工作二、工作安排1、根据前厅卫生标准安排各自服务员的卫生工作。2、了解前厅订餐情况安排各服务员具体工作。3、协助厨房今日特色菜品的销售工作。4、餐具摆台或大厅各类餐具的准备工作安排三、核查1、抽查各班组的卫生打扫情况。2、各班组巡视员工的站岗情况。3、检查餐具是否排

12、放正确,餐具准备是否充分,避免在营业工程中缺少餐具现象。4、做好餐前的准备工作及各服务员的工作任务。5、检查大厅范围内的基础设施是否有损坏的现象,如有立即上报或处理。四、协调工作 1、协调厨房了解当日的成品菜品,便于前厅直接销售。 2、协调厨房师傅根据客人的要求制作相关口味的菜品。3、在工作中如有需要,主动衔接其他部门负责人做到事前沟通,事后汇报的原则。4、巡视各班组员工在席间服务时的服务质量,处理席间服务时客人所提意见或投诉等事件。五、工作计划1、检查午市收市工作及安排人员值班5、检查出勤情况,执行考勤制度并做晚市工作安排6、做好餐厅的环境卫生工作。7、检查各员工的节能意识工作质量和效率。8

13、、根据当日销售情况审核大厅原料使用明细表。9、检查晚市的收市工作及总结当日工作情况服务员工作流程一、 工作要求1、礼貌、保持良好的精神面貌。2、保持个人卫生,注意个人仪容、仪表。3、工作守时,有时间观念4、服从管理,绝对服从餐厅领导的工作安排5、按照营业的需要,提前做好餐具摆台或餐具准备工作6、做好餐具的保洁工作,做好餐厅卫生清理工作,并时常保持餐厅环境及用具的整洁,使其符合卫生管理标准。7、对餐厅菜品及各种酒水饮料应有很深的认识和了解,根据餐饮营业的要求对顾客提供更好的服务。8、积极、热情的招呼顾客,满足顾客的合理化需求及要求,热情主动为顾客点菜,并能准确无误的把客人需要的菜品及饮料送入桌上


15、区域定位,准备迎客。三、服务员工作流程 1、迎客(1)、当客人到门口时,服务员应微笑点头问好。(2)、拉椅让座,根据客人的人数添减餐具,并端上茶水。2、点菜(1)、翻开菜谱请顾客阅览,同时介绍本餐厅的特色菜新推荐菜品及酒水。(2)、在记录客人所点的菜品和酒水时,写上日期、桌号、人数和服务员的名字。(3)、顾客点完菜时,服务员应从复客人所点的菜品,在离开时提示客人菜品稍后上桌,并告知顾客注意随身物品防止丢失3、餐中服务(1)、将顾客所需的酒水送至相应的桌上,并征求顾客的意见启瓶倒入杯中。(2)、巡视自己所在区域的用餐情况,及时补充客人所需,整理台面,上菜报清菜名,划菜核单,征求顾客意见,随时撤下客人桌上的空餐具及更换餐具。(3)、服务员在工作中如有事离开岗位,一定要与邻区域的工作人员衔接,寻求帮助,不要长时间离岗,办完事应及时回岗。(4)、随时巡查地面及台面卫生,及时清理应保持清洁。(5)、顾客离席拉椅,提示客人随身物品,并说:“欢迎下次光临,请慢走。”礼貌用语。4、收台(1)、当客人离开时,应迅速清理碗筷,清扫卫生。(2)、清整台面垃圾,擦净桌椅,及时摆台并做好迎下一桌客人的准备。中华民族是崇尚英雄、成就英雄、英雄辈出的民族。近代以来,一代代英雄儿女为民族复兴、国家富强奋勇抗争、抛头颅洒热血。没有他们,就没有现在的我们;没有他们,我们就不可能坐在明亮的教室里学习。



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