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1、2013 高考一轮复习 Actions speak louder than words.学案使课堂从“教”为中心转到“学”为中心 1Unit 4 Book 1 Earthquake(知识梳理)Huang XianghongTeaching aims:1. To review the reading passages and master the important words, phrases and sentences in this unit. 2. To learn to use them freely and correctly, especially in writing.Knowl

2、edge points:The basic usages of burst, injure, destory, bury, at an end, a number of and difficult sentences. Difficult points:Help students to form the ability to employ what they learn in life. Teaching aids: Blackboard, a computer and projectorTeaching procedures:课前延伸 品句填词:1. A water pipe b_and t

3、he entire apartment was flooded.2. While crossing the road, the old man was knocked down by a bike and badly i_3. The news that her sons car had knocked down an old woman to death s_her.4. Some miners were t_underground after the collapses.(坍塌)5. His house was completely d_in the earthquake ,which m

4、ade him very sad. 6. The _(足迹) ,which looked like a foxs, led into the woods.7. Youll _(毁坏)your future if you continue to be so foolish.8. He stayed three months beneath the ruins before the _(救援) team found him.9. When we were children, our parents used to _(埋葬)something in the yard for us to dig u

5、p.10.Id like to_(表达 ) my thanks to all those who have helped me today.经典句式1. _the world was at an end!(仿佛到了世界末日!)2. _hope was not lost.(并不是所有的希望都破灭了。)3. Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, _agreed that it was the best one this year.(评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲,他们一致认为那是今年最好的演讲。)课文再现忆海拾贝2013 高考一轮复习 Ac

6、tions speak louder than words.学案使课堂从“教”为中心转到“学”为中心 2The whole n_ was s_ by the Tangshan earthquake. It was really an e_frightening d_. Almost everything was d_ and people s_ a lot. They needed s_ and electricity .The army organized teamsto d_ out those _were trapped and to bury _dead.The native peop

7、le e_ their s_ thanks to the Party for immediate r_.课内探究Do you know the meanings of the following words concerning disasters?1)earthquake 2) flood 3) fire 4) volcano 5) tsunami 6) typhoon 7) hurricane8) mudslide 9)sandstorm 10) drought 1. burst vi / n.1) The police _(突然闯进来) and arrested the drug dea

8、ler.(毒贩) 2) When the balloon _, the little boy _crying /_ _ tears.(气球爆裂后,小男孩放声大哭了起来)【归纳】突然破门而入_突然迸发;爆发_突然起来 burst out +_=burst into +_【即时练】As soon as she finished singing a beautiful song, the audience burst out _(cheer ) to show their appreciation.2. injure vt.理解下列区别: injure 一般指由于意外或事故而造成的伤害;wound

9、一般指外伤,如枪伤,刀伤等,尤其指在战斗中受的伤;hurt 既可指肉体上的伤害,也可以指精神上的伤害,特别指伴有疼痛的肉体上的伤害;用作 vi.时,是指“身体某部位痛的意思” 。【即时练】选用 injure, wound,hurt 的适当形式填空:1) Several soldiers were_in the attack.2) What really_me was that he ignored me on purpose.3) A total of 271 people were_in Shanghais subway crash.(地铁追尾事故) 【直通高考】My chest_when

10、I make a deep breath, doctor.(2001 上海春)Brainstorming串起知识的珍珠2013 高考一轮复习 Actions speak louder than words.学案使课堂从“教”为中心转到“学”为中心 3A. harms B. wounds C. hurts D. injures【拓展】受伤的(adj .)_; 受伤的人(集合概念)_; 伤口;伤害_3. ruin vt ./ n. 用 destroy , damage and ruin 的适当形式填空:1) The whole city was completely_in the sudden f

11、lood, leaving nothing to the native people. 2) Thousands of houses were_by the storm, and the repair work would last half a month.3) Leaders may also be afraid that admission of a mistake will_(损害) or_(毁掉 ) the organization for which they are responsible.( 2011,江苏)4) Years of fighting has left the a

12、rea in_.(废墟 )【小结】Can you sum up the differences among destroy , damage and ruin?4. bury vt.1) He was buried alive by the enemy.(tr. )2) He walked slowly, his hands_(bury ) in his pockets.3) _in his research work, he didnt notice me.A. Burying B. Having buried C. Buried D. Being buried 【归纳】 表示专注于做某事的

13、动词短语有:_5. at an end补全下面的短语:_the end of 在尽头/末尾(时间或空间)_the end 最后;终于_the end of 到时为止(常与完成时态连用)come to an end_(tr.)bring an end=put an end to sth._make ends meet_end up with/in_【即时应用】The war was_(结束了)_(最终), I decided that I wouldnt go.【直通高考】Smell the flowers, before you go to sleep, and you may

14、just _sweet dreams.A. keep up with B. put up with C. end up with D. catch up with(2010 江西) 2013 高考一轮复习 Actions speak louder than words.学案使课堂从“教”为中心转到“学”为中心 46. a (great ) number of看看高考怎么考1) The information Highway is the road that links computer users to_(大量的) on-line services. (2011,安徽)2) Last year, the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200



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