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1、 中文1515字 本科毕业论文外文资料翻译系 别: 管理科学与工程系 专 业: 工程管理 2015 年 3 月 18 日5外文资料翻译译文商品混凝土质量控制-商品混凝土质量控制吕克贝松商品混凝土从生产、施工、养护、硬化是一系列的过程,要获得优质的商品混凝土,必须在这个过程中贯彻全面的质量管理(P、D、C、A循环)。P(PLAN)计划即配置优质的商品混凝土的措施;D(DO)即按照计划进行实施;C(CHECK)即对生产的混凝土进行检查是否满足质量要求;A(ACTION)即对检查结论进行处理,并把经验总结用于实际生产中。甚至从原材料的优选、配合比设计、出厂质量控制、施工、养护硬化都应该贯彻全面的质量

2、管理质量管理是确保所有的项目活动设计的必要过程,计划和执行项目的有效和高效的目的和其性能的目的。1 商品混凝土的定义商品混凝土是指以集中搅拌、远距离运输的方式向建筑工地供应一定要求的混凝土。它包括混合物搅拌、运输、泵送和浇筑等工艺过程。严格地讲商品混凝土是指混凝土的工艺和产品,而不是混凝土的品种,它应包括大流动性混凝土、流态混凝土、泵送混凝土、高强混凝土、大体积混凝土、防渗抗裂混凝土或高性能混凝土等。因此,商品混凝土是现代混凝土与现代化施工工艺的结合,它的普及程度能代表一个国家或地区的混凝土施工水平和现代化程度。2 商品混凝土的特点商品混凝土的产生和出现是建筑材料,特别是混凝土发展史上的一次“


4、积,避免交通堵塞。避免“建好一幢楼,损坏一条路”的现状,使施工环境保持整洁,实现文明施工。3 质量控制工具有一对很好的工具,可以用来控制一个项目的质量,这些都是原因和效果图,因果图,又称为鱼骨图或石川图(命名为石川,日本的质量控制人员,谁开发的概念在20世纪60年代,被认为是质量管理的七个基本工具)为鱼骨图,因为他们的鱼一样的外观,它是一种分析工具提供的看着的影响及其产生的原因,有助于创造或影响一个系统的方法。石川图采用问题解决团队作为一种工具,组装所有输入(为他们解决这个问题的原因是什么)系统和图形,与输入通常来自一个头脑风暴会议。它使团队的重点为何出现问题,而不是对问题的历史或症状,或其他

5、主题,离开会议的意图。它也显示了一个实时的“快照”的团队的集体输入更新是。可能的原因是在连支不同的详细程度,与细节作为分支向外,即水平不断提高,外支是它是连接到内部分支的原因。因此,最外层的树枝通常表明问题的根源。 因果图4 商品混凝土质量控制措施混凝土的质量由原材料、生产设备、有关人员三个因素构成,也就是所谓的硬件和软件。对原材料严格把关、选择优质经济的原材料,通过先进的生产工艺进行生产,人员具有良好的素质,认真负责地贯彻相关标准,准确无误地完成各个工序,是获得优质的商品混凝土的保证。原材料包括水泥、粗细骨料、外加剂、掺和料、是优良混凝土的物质基础,然后按照合理的配合比,在生产过程中根据原材

6、料、天气情况、施工情况等进行配合比调整,对出厂的混凝土进行取样、检验、成型养护,并把检验结果反馈到生产控制中;对于出厂的混凝土进行跟踪控制,要求施工方及时地反馈混凝土质量情况,以便进行生产控制;同时要求施工方对浇注的混凝土进行合理的养护,以便获得优质的混凝土。外文原文Quality controlof commercial concrete -Quality controlof commercial concreteLuc BessonCommercial concretefrom production,construction, maintenance, hardening process

7、is a series, to obtain high-quality concrete, must implement a comprehensive quality management (P, D, C in the process, A cycle). P (plan) program that measures the quality of ready-mixed concrete configuration; D (DO) that is implemented according to plan; C (CHECK) that checks for the production

8、of concrete meets the quality requirements; A (ACTION) that the conclusions of the inspection processing and the lessons learned for the actual production. Even from the preferred raw materials, mix design, factory quality control, construction, maintenance sclerosis should implement a comprehensive

9、 quality management.1 Definition of Commercial concreteCommercial concrete is to point to by the concentrated stirring, long-distance transportation way to supply certain requirements of concrete construction site. It includes mixture mixing, transportation, pumping and pouring process. Strictly com

10、mercial concrete refers to the process and concrete products, rather than concrete variety, it should include a large liquidity concrete, flow concrete, pumping concrete, high strength concrete, mass concrete, anti-seepage anti-crack concrete and high performance concrete.Therefore, commercial concr

11、ete is a combination of modern concrete and modern construction technology, its popularity can represent a country or a region of concrete construction level and modernization degree.2 The characteristics of the commercial concreteThe generation of commercial concrete and building materials, in part

12、icular, a revolution in the history of the development of concrete, is a sign of concrete industry towards modernization and scientific. Compared with the traditional concrete, concrete products with unique advantages:(1) the production process strictly implement national and industry standards,raw

13、materials used are relatively stable,(2) can save quantity, enlarge the effective use of building space.(3) can greatly shorten the construction period, improve the construction speed. The use of commercial concrete construction unit, construction speed, reduce the turnover rental expenses such as e

14、quipment, pipe rack template; Owners can shorten the construction period, reduce the investment risk.(4) pumping construction, high-rise, distance can be within the scope of operation, improve efficiency, reduce labor intensity, the lower the quality of construction management fees, technical diffic

15、ulty and risk; And makes mass concrete implement continuous and seamless construction possible.(5) the protection and improvement of the environment. Use of commercial concrete can save land for construction, reduce the waste of resources.(6) to reduce construction site materials piled up in the area, to avoid traffic jams. Avoid built a building, the damage is a way of the status quo, keep the construction environment clean and tidy, civilized construction.3 Quality Control ToolsThere are a couple of good tools that can be used to control quality on a project, these are cause and effect diag



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