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1、江西省南昌市第二中学20182019学年度上学期第三次月考高二英语试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A TALENT ON PARADEIt is time for the Sm

2、ithdale Student Activity Clubs yearly talent show. In the past, the club has had performers sing, dance, and play the violin, guitar, or piano. This year the show will be called “Talent on Parade”, and we are looking for performers with great new ideas. In addition, we have planned two important cha

3、nges for this years show.Two Shows Instead Of OneFirst, “Talent on Parade” will be held on two nights. Performers in the Wednesday night show will include students in Grades K-5. Performers in the Friday night show will include students in Grades 6-12.Smithdale High School Hall Wednesday, May 11, 6:

4、30 P.M. Friday, May 13, 7:30 P.M.No Tryouts (预选)The second change is that this years performers will be chosen in a new way. No tryouts will be held. The first twenty acts to sign up for each show will be accepted. Others will be put on a waiting list in case someone has an act that is not allowed.

5、Youll be told by telephone or e-mail if your act is included.If you do not wish to perform but would enjoy helping backstage with lights or sound, print “stagehand” in large letters at the top of the permission slip (同意书).Rules For Acts1. Each student chosen to perform must turn in a permission slip

6、 signed by a parent or guardian(监护人).2. All performers must be at the school one hour before the show time.3. Performers must provide their own transportation to and from the school.4. Each act is limited to three minutes.5. No act may have more than five people in it.6. Performers must provide thei

7、r own music (tapes, CDs, or instruments) and costumes.7. Singers may sing with or without musical accompaniment, but they may not sing along with a recorded voice on a CD or tape.21. The twenty-first act to sign up will be allowed to be performed only if_.A. a performer is unable to attend B. a perf

8、ormance is shortenedC. the performance is original D. the performer is approved22. Each person performing in the talent show is required to turn in a_ .A. telephone number B. musical recordingC. costume drawing D. permission slip23. When should a second grader show up at school on the show night?A.

9、Before 6:30 P.M. B. Before 5:30 P.M. C. After 6:30 P.M. D. After 5:30 P.M.24. Where is this passage most likely to be found?A. In a city evening paper. B. On an entertainment website.C. On a school news board. D. On the wall of a music store. B A Spanish company Siesta&Go has opened the first public

10、 napping (小睡) space in Madrid. It promises people a quiet rest in the middle of the citys business center. Napping spaces are nothing new; places to rest are already set up in other big cities in the world. But the idea would appear to work well with the culture of Spain, where people traditionally

11、take an afternoon nap, called siesta. The Madrid nap space recently opened with 19 beds. People can use them by the minute or by the hour, and they can also choose either a private or shared room. An hour of napping inside a private room costs about $15. Siesta &Go provides all bedding, clean nights

12、hirts and other materials. Nippers can request to be woken up when their time is up. It also offers areas to work, with armchairs, newspapers and coffee for those not wishing to sleep. Philip &Go is one happy customer. Marco says he gets tired during the day because of hard work. He says a siesta is

13、 the perfect way to build up energy. “I come for about 30 minutes or something like that. That is usually enough for me to be full of energy.” While many Spanish people love their naps, others like Carlos Villarroja say they are just too busy to keep the tradition. “Its a Spanish tradition, but I th

14、ink its more of a legend (传说) than a tradition. Because of the lifestyle and the working hours, we have very little free time for a siesta at least during the week.” But many health experts believe there is evidence that taking a short nap can be very good for the body and mind. Scientific studies s

15、how that taking a siesta can also prevent illness and lower blood pressure.25. What is not allowed for customers to do?A. Sleep for free B. Choose a private roomC. Use it as an office D. Share a room with others26. What does Philip Marco think of the Madrid nap space?A. Costly. B. Helpful.C. Comfortable. D. Convenient27. Whats Carlos Villarrojas opinion on siestas?A. It is not necessary to take a nap. B. They can treat high blood pleasure.C. People have no time to take a nap. D. Its not true that Spanish people like naps.


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