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1、申请信 (Letter of Application) (1) 申请信写作方法 首段:a. 自我介绍b. 申请原因c. 说明写信目的 主体:a. 详述有关背景资料:资历、教育、工作经历、兴趣爱好;b. 询问有关学校、课程等具体内容。 尾段:a. 强调上诉材料重要性;b. 希望尽快得到满意答复;c. 要求手册及申请表;d. 表示感谢。(2) 写作流程图恳请招聘单位或所申请的学校考虑自己的申请,并表示谢意,期望回复说明申请职位或学位的原因介绍自我(包括:学历、工作简历、在学校或工作单位表现)说明写信的目的 第一部分:说明写信的目的套语:(1) 兹申请刊登在上的.工作。 I am writing t

2、o apply for the post of advertised in (2) 见上刊登的贵公司广告,我谨申请应聘贵公司的职务。 In reply to your advertisement in , I beg to apply for the post of in your company.(3) 看到贵公司在报上招聘的广告,我马上感到这正是我这段时间所要寻找的工作,并且我能胜任。 Immediately I saw your advertisement in the paper for I felt it was just the kind of post for which I h

3、ave the qualifications and for which I have been looking for some time.(4) 我想申请入贵校学习。 I would like to apply for admission to your college.(5) 我想在贵校系继续深造。 I would like to further my studies in department of your university.第二部分:介绍详情套语:(1) 我的专业爱好是,我了解贵校在上述领域有极好的计划。 My major interest is, and I understa

4、nd your university has a good program in those fields.(2) 年,我出生于.。 .年,我毕业于.大学.专业。毕业后一直在 .工作,因此积累了该领域丰富的知识和经验。 Born in in, I graduated fromUniversity majoring in I have been working in since my graduation, and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field.(3) 毕业后,我先担任, 随后担任,

5、现任职于.。Upon graduation, I first worked as The following job was and currently I am working for (4) 我现在就读于北京第二外国语学院,即将毕业于英语专业。I am now studying at Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute and will soon be graduated as an English major.(5) 其他I have a good knowledge / have a good command / get hang of

6、I have an outgoing / easygoing / optimistic personality.Im easy to get along with and willing to help others. I have worked on a I am used to working hard.Im sure I will be able to do it well if I get the job/positon.第三部分:说明申请职位或学位的原因套语:(1) 贵公司目前从事的这种工作特别使我感兴趣。 The kind of work in which your company

7、 is engaged particularly interests me.(2) 我认为我具备了报上刊登的贵公司一职所要求的必要条件和经验。 I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position of advertised in the newspaper.(3) 对我来讲,这些经验加上我的学历,使我具备了担任贵公司一职的条件。 It seems to me that this experience, together with my education, has given me

8、ideal preparation to assume the role of in a firm such as yours.(4) 受我所学课程的影响,我对饭店、酒店管理产生了浓厚的兴趣。 Under the influence of the courses I have taken, I have developed a special interest in Restaurant and Hotel Management.第四部分:恳请招聘单位或所申请的学校考虑自己的申请,并表示谢意,期望回复套语:(1) 如能尽快回复,将不胜感激。 Your prompt response will

9、be much appreciated.(2) 希望贵校能给我寄来空白申请表。 I hope you will kindly send me an application form.(3) 如能收到所需的申请表和有关入学的指南我将十分感激。 I would greatly appreciate receiving copies of the required application forms and any instructions you may be so kind as to give me regarding my possible admission.(4) 希望同意面试,届时我可

10、以更详细地说明我的条件。 I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualifications more fully.(5) 我将乐意在您方便时接受面试,届时我将进一步介绍自己。 I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience, when I could give you further details concerning myself.* 写入学申请信与工作申请信有相似之初,特别要注意两点:一是不要过分奉承对方,二是不要自吹自

11、擂。如不要所 I always studied well, and all my teachers loved me. 而应用自己学习成绩单、获奖情况、发表论文情况说明问题范文示例例1 A Letter of Application for a SchoolDear Sir,I should be very grateful if you would let me have information about admission to your university and details of any scholarships that may be offered to students

12、from other countries.I have finished my middle school studies here and hold a Middle School Graduation Certificate. Last year, I was elected to the schools honor society. And I had been an editor of the school yearbook.I would like to go to your university because it emphasizes learning. I also feel

13、 that it will provide me with greater opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities such dramatics and writing. I hope for a place for the next autumn.I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, 例2 A Letter of Application for a JobDearSir/Madam,Ilearnedfromthenewspapertha

14、tyourcompanyneedsanEnglishsecretary. I really show great interest in this position and I think I am suitable for it.Im Li Hua, a girl of 19 years old, presently studying in Xian Foreign Language School. I will graduate form this school in July. Among all the students in my class, I can rank the top five in my study. Whats more, I have a good knowledge of English, which makes it possible for me to communicate with foreigners. As an outgoing girl, I have a lot of hobbies, such as reading, singing, dancing, and so on. All of them are of great help for me to make friends.I would apprec


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