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1、 BUILDING CAPACITY TO MONITOR WATER QUALITY: A FIRST STEP TO CLEANER WATER IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Jim Hight and Grant Ferrier Environmental Business International Joint Working Party on Trade and Environment OECD Trade and Environment Working Paper No. 2006-03 OECD Unclassified COM/ENV/TD(2006)15/F

2、INAL Organisation de Coopration et de Dveloppement Economiques Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 10-May-2006 _ English - Or. English ENVIRONMENT DIRECTORATE TRADE DIRECTORATE Joint Working Party on Trade and Environment BUILDING CAPACITY TO MONITOR WATER QUALITY: A FIRST STEP TO

3、 CLEANER WATER IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES OECD Trade and Environment Working Paper No. 2006-03 by Jim Hight and Grant Ferrier Environmental Business International JT03208626 Document complet disponible sur OLIS dans son format dorigine Complete document available on OLIS in its original format COM/ENV/

4、TD(2006)15/FINAL Unclassified English - Or. English 2 ABSTRACT One of the key challenges to ensuring adequate supplies of fresh water and sanitary wastewater systems is to build the capacity of various stakeholders to manage and deliver water and sanitation services. One element of such capacity bui

5、lding is technological and includes the wide deployment of water quality monitoring and analysis equipment. This report explores four cases, in China, India, Malaysia, and Chinese Taipei, where the water-quality monitoring and protection capacity has been improved through the use of imported water-q

6、uality monitoring equipment combined with indigenous implementation. Key words: water quality, environmental goods, developing countries, trade, China, India, Malaysia, Chinese Taipei ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was commissioned by the OECD Trade Directorate from Environmental Business Internatio

7、nal for the Joint Working Party on Trade and Environments work programme on environmental goods and services. In view of the interest of the topic for discussions in the WTOs Committee on Trade and Environment, the note has been issued in the OECD Trade and Environment Working Paper series in order

8、to make the information more widely available. It has been de-classified on the responsibility of the Secretary-General. The report is available on the OECD website in English and French at the following URL addresses: http:/www.oecd.org/trade and http:/www.oecd.org/environment. Copyright OECD, 2006

9、 Application for permission to reproduce or translate all or part of this material should be made to: OECD Publications, 2 rue Andr Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. COM/ENV/TD(2006)15/FINAL 3 BUILDING CAPACITY TO MONITOR WATER QUALITY: A FIRST STEP TO CLEANER WATER IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Despi

10、te some progress over the last 15 years, inadequate fresh water supplies and the lack of sanitary wastewater systems plague vast regions and populations of the planet. The grim statistics were highlighted most recently at the Fourth World Water Forum in Mexico City. Approximately 1.1 billion people

11、lack consistent access to clean drinking water, while 2.6 billion people suffer from inadequate sanitation. As a result, diarrhea diseases associated with tainted water and inadequate sanitation kill 1.8 million people annually, mostly children.1 In Asia alone, more than 650 million people did not h

12、ave access to safe drinking water in 2002, according to Asia Water Watch 2015, a report commissioned by the Asian Development Bank to measure progress toward the water quality components of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which aim to reduce by half the number of people lacking adequate wat

13、er and sanitation.2 As underscored in statements issued at the Fourth World Water Forum, building the capacity of communities, local, regional and national governments, NGOs and firms to manage and deliver water and sanitation services are key challenges in meeting the MDGs for water. “Capacity deve

14、lopment is a cornerstone for sustainable development, hence directly related to the real chances to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and reduce extreme poverty,” states the World Water Council in its report on the forum.3 While capacity building encompasses financial, educational and social

15、goals, there is also a technological element, in which water quality monitoring and analysis equipment must be deployed on an increasingly wide scale in developing countries where water supply and wastewater treatment is inadequate. FOUR CASE STUDIES Joint ventures and collaborations build capacity

16、to monitor and improve water quality This paper explores four case studies in which the water-quality monitoring and protection capacity in developing countries has been improved through the use of imported water-quality monitoring equipment combined with indigenous implementation. The cases studied include a mixture of freshwater supply and wastewater treatment programmes, including a joint



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