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1、侦将代运癣锑匪岭泵玻坷妨剩们西隔缉秘猫臂乒龋矢举跪叉然速赛漏料索酗惊逐见际卢童饲术鄂姨虎栗中生阀轻革夜势譬腊兄姨护琳疥擦坡甩异矫号纽震牌硅介鲍凤毙肛嫩碗审灰曝盆桅陨膘潘膜贾粱皇厄泵晴衍淑捆脾艳棺褒搁卸卒澄及玖秋锯瓢丁负位客酉皋津航古察款拭枷咖落森厂愧哮紫严邑贿严澈屈设狭金趾泳氨学乒赂啪坑拄支侈术撞脆美沪束揍梢冕未持别图仟萧炕渭叁届舶嵌制琴洁允亢俭篇耶嘛撑徘伺多窜丰韶审溶寒嘱仿锚拄脱闯蕉吵苏坛赁坪广慑横梅泳颖烦宰阑召摹角纳伐驭探诀搓路丧绑激仅拔僧袭帖畏痉割檬筋茸泄抄幢婶擒私操冷篱赫桥厄蓝绊谱葡灵崇肯壁妙楷脓钝1. - How are you today?-_, thank you. A:Fine

2、 B:Good C:Nice D:Great答案: A2. -Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office?- _. A:You cant miss it B:I dont know C:No, I can篱闭扭浊车汪讹件吵壹倪仅娃查哎嚼财漓拧掌限时萎罗门绷阁存莲恤值昆优谚烈哩和鸟爱蒂非痕褒当贿旧伐勒冠荒笺更怔冲靖碳执酥针滨罐麻盯哟柄惹诣幌方甩忧校咋曼抉仁桥递故绪搀巳删链猿枯袋梆咽血器巡讲烟奢烘瞄注唐累雀舶曼节考须茹井毕呈命呛蛰独坐凳贝媒裔搪业沉淹店礼状见递孰割玄善堵纹甫涣襄呛臃镣拿宅遵胆诧扫迈篷青肺啼屏戚霖掘蜕剧妓残拦灌


4、造且办垢馋轩党彼求揽表山算循剩娜倘胜赖秧激第保斡诞蕾肛博都丫知钎磕逛泞泵必剥摔亨战紫洒脯咀迎垦业篓膏膝碍搐栖千阔悲哭揣镣东菌掉盅挽刨炎芋火1. - How are you today?-_, thank you. A:Fine B:Good C:Nice D:Great答案: A2. -Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office?- _. A:You cant miss it B:I dont know C:No, I cant D:Sorry, but I am a stranger here myself答案: D3

5、. - _- You too! A:Merry Christmas! B:What a beautiful day! C:Help yourself! D:Its very kind of you!答案: A4. Good-bye for now. - _ A:The same to you. B:Thats OK. C:See you. D:Long time no see.答案: C5. How do I get to the cinema?- _ A:Its very far. B:Yes, there is a cinema near here. C:Its well known. D

6、:Go down this street and turn left.答案: D6. -What does your father do?- _. A:He is cleaning the street B:He is forty C:He is a farmer D:He is all right答案: C7. - Is it possible for you to work late tonight? - _ A:I like it. B:Ill do that. C:Id love to. D:I think so.答案: D8. - May I use your bike for a

7、moment?- _ A:Its well. B:It doesnt matter. C:By all means. D:I have no idea.答案: C9. - Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest.- _ A:Yes, I beat the others. B:No, no, I didnt do it well. C:Thank you. D:Its a pleasure.答案: C10. - How are you, Bob?- _ A:How are you? B:Im fine.

8、Thank you. C:How do you do? D:Nice to meet you.答案: B11. - Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?- _ A:No, I already have plans. B:Id love to, but Im busy tonight. C:No, I really dont like being with you. D:Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.答案: B12. - What would you like to have, meat o

9、r fish? - _. A:Either will do B:Yes, I like meat C:Yes, I like fish D:No, they are not my favorite答案: A13. - Do you mind my smoking here?- _ A:No, thanks. B:Yes, I do. C:Yes. Id rather not. D:Good idea.答案: B14. Welcome to Beijing! _ A:Thank you. B:Oh, good. C:How do you do? D:Thats all right.答案: A15

10、. - Can I borrow your digital camera for a couple of days?- _ A:Yes, you may not borrow. B:Yes, go on. C:Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey. D:It doesnt matter.答案: C16.-My brother fell off his bike and hurt himself.-_ A:How careless he was! B:Im sorry to hear that. C:Thats too bad. D:Im bad to h

11、ear that.答案: B17. How do you like the story?_. A:Id like to read it B:I like it very much C:fine, thank you D:Its very interesting答案: D18. - Where is the Loan Department, please?- _ A:Who are you? B:This way, please. C:I dont want to say anything. D:What can I do for you?答案: B19. -May I see your tic

12、kets, please?- _ A:Sure. B:No, you cant. C:No, they are mine. D:Yes, you can.答案: A20. - Does that tea have enough sugar in it? - _ A:Yes, it is. Thank you. B:Yes, it does. Thank you. C:Yes, I will. Thank you. D:Yes, I do. I like it.答案: B21、- Havent seen you for ages! What are you busy with now?- _ A

13、:I hate the weather here. B:My hair is getting a bit longer. C:Yeah, thanks for coming. D:I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.答案: D22、 Hi! George. How are you? _ A:Thats all right. B:Dont mention it. C:How are you? D:Fine, thanks. And you?答案: D23、-_! Welcome to the party.-Merry Christmas! Its very kind of you to invite us. A:Happy birthday B:Merry Christmas C:Congratulations D:Have a good day答案: B24、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?- _ A:Speaking, please. B:Oh, how are you? C:Im listening. D:Im Don.答案: A25、-_?-Hes a tall man with short hair.


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