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1、知识点归纳 班级: 姓名:句子时态归纳一、一般现在时(句子中通常有always,usually,often,sometimes,never,every, on Mondays/)1、句型结构:主语+V.(s)如果主语是三单,谓语动词加s或者es.例如:Helen likes listening to music. My sister has a toy cat.如果主语不是三单,谓语动词用原形。例如:I like listening to music. I have a toy cat.2、动词+s/es形式(1)一般动词后加s 如 reads(2)以s、 x 、ch、 sh 结尾,加es 如

2、 watches(3)以辅音字母+o 结尾,一般加es 如 goes(4)辅音+y 结尾,变y为i ,再加es如worries.二、一般现在进行时 (句子中通常有now,listen, look, 具体时间等)1、句型结构:主语+ be +V.ing例如:I am singing in the classroom. Liu Tao is reading in the bedroom.2、动词ing形式(1)一般情况直接加ing, play playing(2)以不发音的“e”结尾,去“e”加ing,skate skating(3)双写词尾字母加ing,sitsitting, swimswimm

3、ing, runrunning, putputting, getgetting, beginbeginning,shopshopping, stopstopping三、一般过去时(句子中通常有just now,ago,yesterday,last, before等)1、句型结构:主语+ V.ed谓语动词加ed(不规则动词:go-went,come-came等)例如:I listened to music last night. Liu Tao went to the zoo yesterday.2、动词ed形式(1)一般情况直接+ede.g. play played(2)闭音节单词双写末尾单词

4、+ede.g. stop stopped, shop shopped(3)原形与过去式同型e.g. read-read,hit-hit, put-put,let-let,cut-cut,loselost(4)以辅音+y结尾去y变i+ede.g. copy-copied,cry-cried,study-studied,become-became(5)不规则动词的过去式is-wasam-wasare-weredo-didcan-couldbegin-beganbring-broughtbuy-boughtcatch-caughtteach-taughtchoose-chosecome-camege


6、end-spentstand-stoodsweep-sweptswim-swamtake-tookteach-taught四、一般将来时(句子中通常有tomorrow,next,soon,this afternoon,this evening)谓语动词结构是:be going to +do(表示计划、打算做) 或者will +do(表示即将发生)句型结构:主语+ be going to / will + V.原形例如: I am going to have an English lesson tomorrow. He will have an English lesson tomorrow.动

7、词使用1、用动词原形(1)情态动词:can,cant ,should,shouldnt,must,mustnt,could,couldnt,will,wont 后面用动词原形,(2)助动词do,dont, does,doesnt,did,didnt后面用动词原形。(3)let,help 后面用动词原形2、动词加inglike doing, love doing, go doing, finish doing, stop doingNo doing(禁止做某事e.g. No eating or drinking.)介词(be good at,about,for)后面动词加ing等3、加to加动词

8、原形want to do,would like to do,have to do(不得不做某事),be going to do ,how to do(怎么样做某事),its time to do(的时间到了), forget to do(忘记做), remember to do(记得做),try to do (试着做),use/reuse to do(用/再利用做),主格,宾格,形容词性物主代词主格宾格形物我(的)Imemy我们(的)weusour你(的)youyouyour你们(的)youyouyou他(的)hehimhis她(的)sheherher它(的)ititits他们(的)theyt

9、hemtheir动词和介词后用宾格:动词如:help( help me) / let (let us) / make (you) 介词如:for(me) / from(him) /to (you) 名词使用1、a lot of,lots of,some,a few,many,how many后面加可数名词复数,a lot of,lots of,some,a little,much,how much后面加不可数名词。2、可数名词与不可数名词的分类可数名词不可数名词sweet(s), cake(s), ice cream(s), egg(s), noodle(s), hamburger(s), s

10、andwich(es), hot dog(s), lollipop(s), sausage(s), steamed bun(s), vegetable(s), carrot(s), bean(s), tomato(es), potato(es), apple(s), pear(s), peach(es), mango(es), grape(s) water, milk, juice, coffee, cola, tea, soup, porridge, cereal, rice, bread, meat3、名词单复数(1)一般情况,+s(2)名词以s、x、sh、ch结尾,+es (3)名词以“

11、o”结尾,有生命的+es (如potato potatoes);无生命的+s(如photo photos)(4)名词以“y”结尾,元音(a,e,i,o,u)+y结尾直接+s;辅音+y结尾去y变i+es(5)名词以“f”/“fe”结尾,去f/fe变ve+s(6)特殊:manmen, toothteeth,footfeet,childchildren 形容词,副词1. 形容词用于修饰名词:He is a happy boy. 副词用于修饰动词:He always sing happily.2. 连系动词用形容词修饰:be动词(is, am, are), look, feel, keep, smel

12、l, taste, sound, get, become, make举例:look happy, feel good, keep healthy, smell nice, taste good, sound good, become sunny3. 形容词到副词的变化规律形容词副词形容词副词形容词副词一般情况直接+ly特殊变化辅音+y结尾, 去y变i +lybeautifulbeautifullygoodwellhappyhappilycarefulcarefully形容词、副词同形angryangrilyloudloudlyhighhigheasyeasilybadbadlyfastfast

13、busybusilyexcitedexcitedlyearlyearlyheavyheavilyquietquietlylatelatequickquicklyslowslowlysadsadly动词变职业名词1、动词+er/r结尾:play - player,teach - teacher, sing - singer, work - worker,clean - cleaner, drive - driver, write - writer, dance - dancer, paint - painter,love - lover, travel - traveller2、+orvisit

14、 - visitor3、 -ist结尾:piano - pianist,science - scientist, art - artist,牙医 dentist 4、- man结尾:post - postman, milk - milkman, space - spaceman, fire - fireman_5、男/女职业:police - policeman(男),police - policewoman(女)act - actor(男), act - actress(女)wait - waiter(男), wait - waitress(女)6、医生doctor,护士nurse,农民farmer,宇航员astronaut7、Ch


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