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1、用“写长法”突破制约外语能力发展的瓶颈,何谓“瓶颈”?,词汇:见的多,能记住的不多,会用的也不多 文章:读得懂,分析得清楚,写不清楚 口语:讲得明白,语言用得未必明白,对我国英语写作课程较普遍存在高投入、低产出的尴尬局面的反思,外语教学不能受不同类型统考的牵制 考试大纲不能扭曲教学大纲,听说读写教学不能各行其是 以听促读 以读促写 以写促说 写作教学不应环绕全国统考的要求转,而要重视自然写作能力培养这一重要环节。,我们在教学实践中摸索到,大学新生最会写的是长度不限,自由命题的范文参照式作文,因为写这种作文时,教师精选的由英美人士写的范文启示了他们的创作灵感,同时激发了他们母语写作中的构思技巧的

2、正迁移,他们平时积累的英语结构、词汇知识也可以在自己最熟悉,感受最深的话题里自由运用。,从语言学角度看,语言产出总是先有总体意向再转向篇与段、句与词的筹划的。写作训练要从总体意向的构思与展开入手,不限篇幅,放手尝试各种谋篇布局的技巧,经过一段时期写长作文的磨练,再转向训练写比较精彩的短作文。,以写促学的认知理据,交际=传递概念 概念既可以用语言表达,也可以用面部表情、声调、形体动作来传递,因此,口头交际是所有概念符号形式的综合运作,只有书面交际才是以语言符号为主的交际。 只有写作才能集中展现学习者的外语实力。 通过写作训练实现在概念层次上对第二语言的总体把握。,会写才会译,作业批改,鼓励为主

3、指出明显错误,对学生的要求,把新近学到的生动的表达法用蓝笔划上线,以引起老师的主意。 认真思考老师用红笔画出的语法错处,总结教训。 把自己最喜欢的作文改成精品。,评分,长度加简洁度40% + 内容20% +谋篇布局 20% + 语言质量20%= 总分 如:40+12+17+19=88,我们的口号:,The best way to success is to shine yourself 成功之道 展现才华,全程改革,以叙述文为突破口从作者中心到读者中心 继而转攻论述文从主题句到八级五段式的扩充应用 模仿 “时代周刊”的特写文体,针对现象,设计问题,展开调查,写成夹叙夹议的报告。,笔随心动 立论

4、谋篇,A 段 B 段,第一学期教学,第二学期教学,品味创作 走向报刊,C 段 D 段,我们的教材,英语写作通用教程 科学出版社,提供各种发表渠道,激励学生的精品意识,学生自办课程杂志,以写促学 Write to Learn,成立写作网站编辑部,大量优秀作文分课发表在网上 小笔吧里的内容将在网上无限扩张,全年级英语写作朗诵大赛,个人朗诵 集体朗诵 评奖 全程录像 用写作带动丰富多彩的学习活动,教学示例,从欣赏学生习作开始,My dream will come true Grade 04 Chen Ting (陈婷),It was already 10 oclock in the evening.

5、 My parents went to bed as usual. Sitting in front of the TV, I was waiting for the big football match to begin, nervously and excitedly. Frankly, the match itself was not so attractive to me. What I had been waiting to see was only one of those players Ricardo Kaka, nicknamed Richy, a 23-year-old B

6、razilian midfielder of one of the greatest football clubs in the world AC Milan. Richy is the superstar whom I am crazy about.,I talked to my best friend Margaret about Kakas marvelous performance at school next night. I told her how much I wanted to be his girlfriend. Im a girl who always has this

7、kind of dream. Finally, she stopped me and said, “Why dont you write a fairy tale about your dream? It sounds like fun and you can use his name and yours to name the prince and princess.” “What a wonderful idea!” I cheered. In this way I can create a fantastic world of my own. Since he both lives in

8、 and plays for Milan, I decided the title of my fairytale would be Prince Milano.,So I started writing my fairy tale at once. “Once upon a time, there was a kingdom far, far away” It began like this. Then I couldnt help thinking of the story all the time. I tried very hard to make the story romantic

9、 and interesting, which was very demanding. I had a hard time because the pressure of exams and assignments spared me little time and energy. But creating the fairy tale of my own was the sweetest and most unforgettable experience I had ever had. Three months later, I finished it finally.,My friends

10、, who appreciated the story very much became my first readers. I knew that I would never have finished Prince Milano without their continuous encouragement. They took my story home to read it. One day, my friend Cathy came and gave me a surprise. She said her mother, who was the editor of one of the

11、 most popular magazines among teenagers Sixteen, liked my story very much. She asked if I would like to publish my fairy tale. I was astonished by the news and couldnt believe my ears. She shouted, “You are going to be famous!”,A week later, Cathy told me excitedly that in many bookstores, Sixteen h

12、as been sold out rapidly. Hundreds of readers wrote to her mothers company to say how much they like Prince Milano. The magazine earned a fortune because of my masterpiece.,Fame brought me money as well as happiness. When I got my pay check, which was something I had almost forgotten, I was complete

13、ly stunned by the figure written on it. “God! My novel really brings me a fortune!” I cried in my heart. Then I handed the check to my mother. With eyes goggling, she didnt speak for a few minutes. But unexpectedly, she allowed me to do anything I wanted with this unexpected money, since it was earn

14、ed by me. “Really? You mean I can spend it as I like?” She grinned, “I know what you are going to do with it. And nobody can stop you.” I jumped to my feet and hugged her. “You are the greatest mother a girl can have!” She was right. Actually, I had made the decision the moment I saw that check, “Im

15、 going to Milan! Im going to see Richy and the Italian football matches! What a wonderful moment! My dream will come true!”,Strapped in my seat as the plane to Milan is taking off, I straighten up and look out of the plane window at the dark clouds hanging over the city, thinking what Ive got so far

16、. A few months ago, Richy and Milan seemed to be at the other side of the world and unreachable for me. But with my impulsive decision to write a fairy tale to entertain myself, Ive got the chance to go to Milan to visit my hero!,写出自信心,写出成就感,教学示例,立论谋篇,B段要领回顾,Rhetorical modes Narration Description Example Definition Classification Comparison/contrast Cause Effect Process,样 文,选自Hoffman, A.J. (1997). Writing Choices. Allyn and Bacon,Hook narration Thesis sentence compari


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