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1、小学EEC英语第1册复习要点类别四会单词三会单词名词name,Pangpang, Xiailan, Mike, Miss Wang, Ann, Tutu, Jack, Lisa,monkey(s),tiger, dog, panda, catgiraffe, elephants, insect,seal, lion, goat, hippo, ant, kangaroo,fox, zebra, rabbit, ox, whale, fishmorning, afternoon,nightcomputer,umbrella, yo-yo, nestball, cap, desk,monstere

2、ye, foot, hands, head, nose, ear, mouthcar, jet, violinroom , number,kids, sister, queenEnglishbookfriend, brother, mom, dad,动词like, thank,run, walk, jump, wave, comeam, is ,are,please sit, close, meet,do, have形容词okay, big, allsorry, right, cool, cute,lots of, a littlenice, smart ,good, okay代词I,you,

3、 she,what, who,my, your,it,this, thatme请注意: 复习内容要包含26个字母的相关内容。叹词hi副词yes, no, nottoo数词one, two, three, four,five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten介词todown冠词a, an小学EEC1重点句子类别能以正确的语音语调说出所学的单词及句子,能初步理解语音及词形之间的对应规律陈述This is my friend, Tutu.I am sorry. It is smart.This is my room (mom).I have three cats.I lik

4、e monkeys.That is all right.一般问句Is this your computer?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Is this your brother?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Is it cute (cool, big)?Are you okay?Yes, I am okay.Do you have a dog?Yes, I do.No,I dont.Do you like tigers?Yes, I do. Me too.特殊问句Whats your name?My name is Lisa. / I am Tutu.Whos

5、 she (this)?She (this) is my mom.Whats this (that)?It a ball.Whats your number?My numbers two. /I am number two.祈使句 感叹句Hi, Tutu.-Hi, Jack.Please sit down. Thanks.Good morning.(afternoon)Nice to meet you.Run, Walk, Jump.Come here.语法项目1.由be、have、do引导的简单的陈述句、一般问句 。 2.简单的名词复数。3.由what、who引导的特殊问句。4.生活中常见的

6、简单的感叹句祈使句话题与功能1.简单的介绍、问候、感谢、致歉。2.确认(询问、持有)的人(物、状态)及问答。3.喜欢与不喜欢。4、身体部位名称问答。5.数字、数及问答 小学EEC英语第2册复习要点类 别四会单词三会单词名词day, Sunday, time, todayWangwang,table,milk, sandwish,friendpineapple, watermelonbread, water, cake, hot dog,chocolatebanana, apple, orange, pear, goodbyecolor, bed, doordollar,thankbirthda

7、y,snow, snowman, starcoat, pants, socks, pantsshirt, skirt, hat, shoeshide-n-seekhome动词skate, can, draw, cometurn ,put,go, help, let, want, make,clean, stand , loveplay, look, do, clean, getsleep, counthappy, right, great,old, bigtall, small ,prettycold, hot blue, orange, whitered, green, yellow, bl

8、ackhungry, thirsty, fullmuch, sick,代词he, we, ithow much, how old, whatus,副词howup,连词and, of数词eleven, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, eleven-twenty, thirty-sixty介词at, in, behind, under ,up,offwhere,next to, out冠词the,小学EEC2英语重点句型类别能以正确的语音语调说出所学的单词及句子, 能初步理解语音及词形之间的对应规律陈述句I am hungry (thirsty, sick).We hav

9、e some milk.Todays my birthday.Here is a red mouth. This is for you.I want a green skirt.You look great.(That is great.)We skate on Sunday.Its cold. I like snow.一般问句Are you hungry (thirsty)?Yes, I am. No, I am not.Can I help you?Yes, please.Can you draw a tiger?Yes, I can.Can you do this?Yes, I can.

10、特殊问句How old are you?I am eleven.How many candles?Ten.How about this one?Wow, its nice.How many do you want?Ten watermelons, please.How much is it?One dollar.What color is it?Its red.What time is it?Its ten thirty. Its time to sleep.What time do you get up?I get up at ten thirty.Where is Wangwang?Hes

11、 under (behind) the table.What day is it today?Its Sunday(Wednesday,Saturday).祈使句感叹句Lets clean up.All right.Look at the cake!Color it yellow and black.Happy Birthday!No, thanks.Dont do that.Lets play Hide-n-Seek.(go out)Lets make a snowman.Show me that blue cap, please语法项目1.特殊的名词复数。2.人称代词he与be第三人称单数

12、使用;3.情态动词can引导的简单句。4.how old(much,many),what (day、time color)、where引导的特殊问句话题与功能1.如何表达感觉、意愿。 2.年龄、时间、日期、价格、颜色、方位、天气的英语表达。3。生日,喜欢的话题及拓展小学EEC英语第3册复习要点词 汇类 别四会单词三会单词名词Kate, Robot , Mrs. Smith,Jimmy, Steve, Jess, Lili ,bettyelephant, lionEveryday, tomorrowspoon, pan, bowlbaseball, bag ,bat,bookcircle, sq

13、uare, triangle, starhead, toes, arms, knees,shouldersLibrary, schoolstreetteacher, cook, studentsdoctortoast, egg, milk, jamsalt, flour, salad, sugar, buttermath, music, English,Pan, pancake,bike ,science,slide,Mr.(Mrs. )Newton,violin,breakfast, lunch, dinnerscore,gloves exercise, piano,动词ride, swim

14、, play, jump, walkbend,try, need, make, listen, eatwelcomedoes ,see ,read ,sing,touch ,fly, talk, lift形容careful,betterlong,gray, quiet,sure代词we, who, yoursher, his, mikes, mine, whose,副词why, againthenhere数词first, third介词down, intobeside,after小学EEC3重点句子类别能以正确的语音语调说出所学的单词及句子,能初步理解语音及词形之间的对应规律陈述句Toast, eggs, and orange.I (dont)


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