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1、八年级英语上册各单元知识点Unit11. Someone, something, somewhere/anyone, anything, anywhere/everyone,everything, everywhere/no one, nothing, nowhere,不定代词的用法总结:不定代词有特点,修饰词语放后边,用作主语谓单三例1:I want to do _ _ (something interesting/interesting something) 例2:Everyone _(is / are)here. 例3:Everything _ (tastes/taste)good.2.

2、 好久没见 Long time no see!3. 在度假 be on vacation 4. 上个月 last month5. 相当多 quite a few+可数名词复数6. 拍照 take photos7. 呆在家里 stay at home8. 大多数时间 most of the time9. 给某人买某物 buy sb. sth./ buy sth. for sb.(先说人直接连,先说物介词填) 例:I want to buy a book for my sister.=I want to buy my sister a book.10. 做某事很愉快have a good time

3、 doing sth.=have fun doing sth.=enjoy oneself doing sth.例: I have a good time playing basketball.=I have fun playing basketball.=I enjoy myself playing basketball.11. 听起来sound;尝起来taste;闻起来smell;看起来look;摸起来feel(都是系词)+形容词 例:That sounds good; It tastes wonderful; It smells terrible; she looks young; It

4、 feels cold.12. 你觉得.怎么样?What do you think of.?=How do you like .?13. 第一次做某事Its the first time to do sth. 例:Its my first time to eat durian. Although it smells terrible, it tastes really good.14. 你的假期怎么样?How was your vacation?15. 除了什么都没有(只有): nothing but+名词/动词原形例:he has nothing but books(他除了书什么都没有);Y

5、ou can do nothing but read in the library(你在图书馆里只能读书)16. 似乎:seem+形容词;seem to do; it seems that+句子She seems very happy. /She seems to be happy. /It seems that she is happy.她似乎很开心 17. 去度假 go on vacation;在度假 be on vacation18. 到达 arrive in/at=reach=get to19. 决定做某事 decide to do =make a decision to do ; 决

6、定不做某事:decide not to do sth.20. 尝试做某事try doing sth. 努力做某事 try to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事 try ones best to do sth.21. 想要做某事feel like doing sth.= would like to do sth. 另外:feel like 还可以表示“感觉像”后跟名词或句子。例:He feels like a bird=He feels like that he is a bird.22. 骑车去某地ride a bike to sp.=ride to sp.23. 一百年以前100 ye

7、ars ago 总结: 多少时间以前:时间段+ago24. 三年后:after 3 years=3 years later总结: 多少时间以后:after+时间段=时间段+later25. 想知道:wonder=want to know+宾语从句(用陈述句语序:情/系放到主语后,助动词去掉)例1:I wonder what he can do. 例2:I wonder who he is. 例3:I want to know what he likes eating.26. 在过去 in the past27. 在周围散步walk around 例:Uncle Tom likes walkin

8、g around his farm after dinner.28. 有影响;创造不同;起作用: make a difference 例:IvolunteerbecauseIwant tonot justseetheworld,butmakeadifferenceinit.29. 开始做某事start/begin +doing sth.= start/begin to do sth.30. 走进;走向 walk up to31. 下小雨It rains a little;下大雨It rains hard/heavily32. 等待某人wait for sb.;等待某人多长时间wait for

9、sb. for +时间段;等待做某事wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事 cant wait to do sth.33. 因为 because+句子;because of+单词/短语34. 在下面under(正下方);below(斜下方)35. 足够的enough:放在“名前形副后”,重点句型:形容词/副+enough to do 例1:I have enough money. 例2:He is old enough to go to school.基础训练P6第6小题36. 一碗 a bowl of 37. 忘记要去做某事forget to do sth.(没有做);忘记做过了某事

10、forget doing sth.(做过了)38. 停止做某事stop doing sth.(停下正在做的事);停下来去做某事 stop to do sth. (停下来原来做的事情,去做另外一件事)例1:Hearing the doorbells, she stopped washing the dishes. 听见门铃声,她停止洗碗了例2:Hearing the doorbells, she stopped to open the door. 听到门铃,她停下手中的活去开门39. 三者或以上中的另外一个:another用法1:another+名词单数;用法2:another+基数词+名词复数

11、=基数词+more+名词复数例1:This apple is bad, please give me another one.这个苹果坏了,请给我另外的一个。例2:To make apple soup, three apples are not enough, we need another two apples.为了制作苹果汤,三个苹果不够,我们需要另外两个苹果。40. 发现find out(经过思考查明事实);找到find(直接用眼睛发现)例1:He found his key under his desk.他在他的书桌下面找到了他的钥匙。例2:I will try to find out

12、 who broke the window.我会尽力查出谁打破了窗户。41. 吩咐某人做某事 tell sb. to do sth.42. 让某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.43. 使某人做某事 make sb. do sth.44. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. do sth.=help sb. with sth.45. 花费某人多少时间做某事It takes sb. +时间+to do sth.例:我每天花2个小时写作业It takes me two hours to do homework.46. 继续/持续做某事keep doing sth. ;保持什么状态 keep

13、+形容词47. 上下跳动jump up and down.48. 兴奋地 in excitement49. 去钓鱼go fishing; 去购物go shopping; 去划船 go boating;去游泳go swimming50. 记日记 keep a diray51. 对某人来说做某事是怎么样的:“It is形,动词用不定”it+is+形容词+for/of sb.+ to do sth.例:it is important for us to learn English and math.52. 动词变形容词规则:“人加ed,物ing” The book is interesting an

14、d the girl is interested in it. 基础训练P4第4小题;P12.第5小题53. 独自;自己 (by)oneself 例:He finished his homework by himself.54. 一点儿:a few+可数名词复数(表示肯定意思);a little +不可数名词(肯定意思);few+可数名词复数(表示否定意思); little +不可数名词(否定意思)例:基础训练P14第5题。55. 为工作: work for;作为而工作: work as 例:He works as a waiter before he became famous. 基础训练P

15、13第7题。They all work for the big company. 他们都为那家大公司工作。56. 如此以至于 so+形容/副词+that+句子例:He was so tired that he wanted to have a rest.57. 喜欢做某事 like to do sth.=like doing sth.=enjoy doing sth.58. 练习做某事practice doing sth.59. 完成做某事finish doing sth.60. 没有任何东西nothing=notanything例:She was so sad that she said nothing=She was so sad that she didnt say anything.她是如此伤心以至于她什么都没说。基础训练P10第3小题Unit21. 帮助做某事help with/do sth.帮助某人做某事help sb. (to)do/with sth.2. 做锻炼exercise=do exercise=do/play sports;名词exercise可以表示“练习题”(可数);“体操”(可数);“锻炼”(不可数)3.


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