新外研版八年级下册Module9 Unit2 I believe that the world is what you think it is阅读课

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《新外研版八年级下册Module9 Unit2 I believe that the world is what you think it is阅读课》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新外研版八年级下册Module9 Unit2 I believe that the world is what you think it is阅读课(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1.不要告诉我她是谁. 2. 告诉我问题什么时候开始的。 3. 上学期我们分开,在不同的学校上学,但是我们一直保持联系。 4. 你能解释一下后来发生什么事了吗? 5.我可以问一下你是否向她提及此事吗?,Could you explain what happened then?,Dont tell me who she is.,Tell me when the problem started.,We got separated when we went to different schools last term, but we stayed in touch.,Could I ask if y

2、ouve mentioned this to her?,Key sentences in M9U1,6. 试图了解一下,看她是否会因为没有你而感到孤独。 7. 也许她在新学校里感觉非常不自信吧。 8.所以对她耐心点,和她解释一下,她也能和你其他的朋友交朋友的。 9. 我会鼓励她多参加活动的。,Maybe she doesnt feel very sure of herself in her new school.,So be patient with her and explain to her that she can make friends with your other friends

3、, too.,Ill encourage her to join in more .,Try to find out whether she feels lonely without you.,Module 9 Friendship,Unit2 I believe that the world is what you think it is.,Are you happy to have many friends?,Warming up,Are you afraid to make friends?,Do you often smile at others?,How do you feel wh

4、en you are with your friends?,词汇大赢家,salns ps braIt tre trst nklud skl stk glu: sdestn,n,寂静,无声,v. 经过;通过,n. 珍宝;珍贵之物,v./n. 信任;信赖,v. 包括,把。列为一部分,n. 圈子,v. 粘,粘贴,n. 提议;建议,silence,treasure,pass,trust,include,circle,stick,suggestion,in silence,安静地;沉默地,adj.欢快的;明亮的,bright,一天天地;渐渐地,day by day,n.胶水,glue,pass v. 经

5、过;通过,silence n. 寂静;无声,bright adj. 欢快的;明亮的,treasure n. 珍宝;珍贵之物,trust v./n. 信任;信赖,New words,circle n. (熟悉的、相关的人形成的)圈子,stick v. (stuck, stuck)粘;粘贴,glue n. 胶水,suggestion n. 提议;建议,include v. 包括;把列为一部分,1没有人认识我 2与任何人交朋友 3每次 4为我担心 5我默默地坐着 6没有说话 7感到一种欢快而友好的东西在触动我 8一份深藏的财富 9一天天地 10学着信任别人 11在他们的朋友圈里 12像胶水一样黏在一

6、起 13向世界微笑,1. No one knew me 2. make friends with anyone 3. every time 4. worry about me 5. sit in silence 6. without a word 7. feel the touch of something bright and friendly 8. a hidden treasure 9. day by day 10. learn to trust people 11. in their circle of friends 12. stick together like glue 13.

7、smile at the world,Phrases of M9U2,Zhang Bei,An important gift,Fast reading Task I Read quickly and match the paragraphs with their contents.,what happened one day. where she was and how she felt. how she felt suddenly. why she felt that way. what happened after this. what happened later. what she t

8、hinks now. what happened and when it happened,Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para5 Para6 Para7 Para8,(2)What changed her life? _,(1)How old was Zhang Bei when she went to a new school? _,Task II Read quickly and answer the questions.,She was thirteen years old.,A smile.,技巧点拨:对于文章大意的掌握,迅速浏览文章的首段和末端,以及各段落的首句

9、,并对文章进行预测。,(4)What advice does she give? _,(3)How does the writer feel now? _,She feels happy now.,Smile at the world and it will smile back.,Task I Read Paragraphs 13 , and finish the exercise.,At the age of thirteen, a girl gave me an important gift. (从课文中找出该句的同义句) _,Careful Reading,When I was thi

10、rteen years old, a girl gave me an important gift.,2.How did the writer feel in the past? _,She felt lonely.,Careful Reading,Task II Read Paragraphs 4-5 , and finish the exercise.,1. Who was the girl? I did not know the girl. (合并为一句) _,I did not know who she was.,2. It made me feel happy, lively and

11、 warm. 本句中it 指的是_,the smile,Careful Reading,Task III Read Paragraphs 6-8 , and finish the exercise. Then tell me if it is true or fause.,Zhang Bei felt the touch of something bright and friendly when her friend smiled to her. ( ) Zhang Beis friend remembered why she smiled to her ( ),T,F,Opinion: Sm

12、ile at the world and (8) _.,Task IV Complete the sentences.,Fact,Now The girl has become my (6) _. I believe that the world is (7)_ _ it is.,best friend,what you think,At first (1) _ knew me. I felt (2) _ _ and was afraid to (3) _ _ with anyone.,Then one day A girl looked at me and (4) _ _. I felt (

13、5)_, lively and warm.,No one,very lonely,make friends,(without a word) smiled,happy,it will smile back,Task V Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,My father made the _ that I should find a hobby. Even today, some people search for _ under the sea. You can _ them to look after the house.

14、,suggestion,treasure,trust,circle glue silence stick suggestion treasure trust,4 You must make the stamp wet before you _ it to the letter. 5 Have you got any _? I want to stick these pieces of paper together. Johns _ of friends includes some students from the UK. I like the _ in the countryside. The city is too noisy for me!,glue,circle,silence,circle glue silence stick suggestion treasure trust,stick,Language Points,1.I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone. 我很孤单,害怕同任何人交朋友。 be afraid to do sth.不敢干某事 拓展:be afraid of sth./doing sth. 害怕某事/做某事 eg: She is afraid of snakes. 她


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