unit2 cloning using language 公开课

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1、Unit2 cloning,Using language,The return of Dinosaurs?,霸王龙 tyrannosaurus,剑龙 stegosaurs,雷龙 brontosaurus,翼龙pterodactyl,Look at the following pictures and think which film they are from.,1.The writer of the text _. A. is excited by the possibility of cloning fierce and extinct animals B. believes that e

2、xtinct animals can be brought back to life by cloning C. thinks it impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals like dinosaurs D. dreams of dinosaurs returning to the earth,Choose the best answer.,C,2. The film Jurassic Park is popular because _ . A. people are interested in the subject of clon

3、ing B. all the actors are dinosaurs C. it was directed by a scientist who clones dinosaurs D. it proves very interesting,A,3. The reasons why a group of cloned animals all die of the same illness do NOT include _. A. they have the same arrangement of genes B. there isnt enough diversity in the group

4、 for it to overcome illnesses C. the illness is a new one D. their arrangement of genes can not resist that new disease,C,4. We can infer from the text that _. A. scientists are experimenting to clone dinosaurs B. dinosaurs will never return to the earth C. cloned animals will only live in the zoo D

5、. the DNA of dinosaurs can only survive 10 000 years,B,Give some reasons why it is either impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals.,Reason 1: Reason 2: Reason 3:,You need perfect DNT. There is not enough diversity for cloned animals to overcome new diseases. It would be unfair to clone any

6、extinct animals if they would have to live in a zoo.,Diversity in a group of cloned animals,If there is a new illness, some of these animals may die, but others will survive and passed on the ability to resist that disease to their children.,They would all have the same arrangement of genes and so t

7、hey might all die of the same disease.,ordinary people,Reasons,diversity,suitable habitat,Conclusion,merely a dream,Careful Reading,Choose synonyms,1. It proves how the idea struck a mixture of fear and exitment into peoples hearts. A. Have on the brain B. Confused C. Droved people crazy D. Scared 2

8、. From time to time people suggest that extinct animals A.There was a time when B. Occasionally C. All the time D. Each time,A,B,3. People suggest that dinosaurs, can possibly be brought back to life. A. Kept up B. resist C. live on D. relived 4. The initial requirement is that you need perfect DNA.

9、 A. Most thankful B. most pressing C. most difficult D. most needed,D,D,5. All efforts of cloing an animal will be in vain if there is not enough diversity. A. Go to wast B. useless C. helpless D. meaningless 6. Others will pass on the ability to resist that disease. A. oppose B. slide C. hire D. in

10、dicate,B,A,7. The chance of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is merely a dream. A. only B. surely C. abruptly D. miserably,A,1. The popularity of the film Jurassic Park, in which a scientist clones several different kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves how the idea struck a mixture of fear and ex

11、citement into peoples heart. 电影侏罗纪公园的受欢迎证实了普通人对 这一话题是多么感兴趣, 在该电影中一位 科学家克隆了几种不同的绝种恐龙。 本句是一个复合句, in which引导非限制 性定语从句, 修饰“the film”; how引导宾语 从句, 作prove的宾语。,Language Points,Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes _ people were eaten by the tiger.

12、 (05, 广东) A. in which B. by which C. which D. that,解析: 答案A。题意为“很多看过这部电影的人, 当 回想到人被老虎吃掉的情景时, 就不敢去森林了”。 本题考查“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。“people were eaten by the tiger”是定语从句, 先行词the scenes 在定语从句中作地点状语, 表示“在这种场景中”, 所以选A。,popular adj. popularity n. strike v. 打; 撞击; 罢工 strike into ones heart 使刻骨铭心 He struck a knife

13、 into the traitors heart. 他将刀戳入卖国贼的心脏。 2. Do/make/carry out/perform an experiment on/in/with 做.实验, 对.做实验,3. from time to time 有时;偶尔;时常 4. bring back to life 使复生 区别: bring back to life 与come to life bring back to life 是从某个事情中, 给唤回 到现实生活中, 比如, 从睡梦中醒来, 有点 恍然大悟的意思, 或者是从生死关头逃离出来 幸好得以保命之类; 而come to life指出

14、生, 有生以来。,5. but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation. pass onto 传递; 留给 Would you pass it on to the next person? 把它传给下一个人好吗? 2) resist vt. 抵抗,反抗; 抗拒 The nation was unable to resist the invasion. 该国无力抵抗侵略。,6. Based on what we know now, you cannot cl

15、one animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years. 就我们现在所知, 你不可能克隆那些已经绝种了 一万年以上的动物。 Based on what we know now是过去分词短语 作状语, 其逻辑主语一般和句子的主语相一致。,_ by a greater demand for vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. (07, 浙江) A. Driven B. Being driven C. To drive D. Having driven,解析: 答案A。题意为“由于受到更大的蔬菜量 需求的推动, 农民修建了更多的温室”。根据by, 应用被动, 排除C和D。根据后边的完成时态, 驱动力已经有了, 不是正在推动, 故选A。,Fill in the blanks with the words given.,1. She was _ by her husbands death. 2. My uncle comes to have dinner with us _. 3. He has been working so hard at his lessons, so he _ pass the exam this time. 4. Fina


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